Yellow Summer
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Snow Nov 23, 2022 @ 2:05am 
I met this user once before when I was playing MM and he sounded upset, so I encouraged him and in response he added me as a friend. Over time the invitations to private lobbies grew until eventually I was also bombarded with voice chat requests from him. One day I answered it and I was met with a sob and a cry. In-between breaths he opened up to me about his personal problems, apparently being bullied every day at school and tormented by his older sisters at home. Taken back, I exchanged some words of comfort to him. But then it changed once again. He said he was unsure about his sexuality, telling me of how sometimes he was aroused by the bullies at school when they touched him. Please go easy on this fragile soul. He deserves kindness.
Peterhere Jun 16, 2021 @ 10:09am 
I met this user once before when I was playing MM and he sounded upset, so I encouraged him and in response he added me as a friend. Over time the invitations to private lobbies grew until eventually I was also bombarded with voice chat requests from him. One day I answered it and I was met with a sob and a cry. In-between breaths he opened up to me about his personal problems, apparently being bullied every day at school and tormented by his older sisters at home. Taken back, I exchanged some words of comfort to him. But then it changed once again. He said he was unsure about his sexuality, telling me of how sometimes he was aroused by the bullies at school when they touched him. Please go easy on this fragile soul. He deserves kindness.
RobehYu Mar 23, 2020 @ 6:30am 
I met this user once before when I was playing MM and he sounded upset, so I encouraged him and in response he added me as a friend. Over time the invitations to private lobbies grew until eventually I was also bombarded with voice chat requests from him. One day I answered it and I was met with a sob and a cry. In-between breaths he opened up to me about his personal problems, apparently being bullied every day at school and tormented by his older sisters at home. Taken back, I exchanged some words of comfort to him. But then it changed once again. He said he was unsure about his sexuality, telling me of how sometimes he was aroused by the bullies at school when they touched him. Please go easy on this fragile soul. He deserves kindness.
✯ Mauve May 18, 2019 @ 3:03am 
I met this user once before when I was playing MM and he sounded upset, so I encouraged him and in response he added me as a friend. Over time the invitations to private lobbies grew until eventually I was also bombarded with voice chat requests from him. One day I answered it and I was met with a sob and a cry. In-between breaths he opened up to me about his personal problems, apparently being bullied every day at school and tormented by his older sisters at home. Taken back, I exchanged some words of comfort to him. But then it changed once again. He said he was unsure about his sexuality, telling me of how sometimes he was aroused by the bullies at school when they touched him. Please go easy on this fragile soul. He deserves kindness.