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Recent reviews by [GFL] The Unkindled One

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12.2 hrs on record (12.0 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
Battlegrounds is an amazing game. A large map, large number of players, and a variety of weapons, there is so much that can happen. What makes it so great is the tension. That feeling you are being watched at all times, knowing a scope is zeroed on your head. Then, you hear the shot, but the bullet is not for you. Relief washes over you, but it is only temporary, as the sniper has now noticed you. You pray to God you can evade him, but alas, his aim is true, and you are cut down.

As you expire, those words appear, seemingly taunting you. "Better luck next time"

10/10 would get sniped again
Posted May 2, 2017.
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4.8 hrs on record
As I absentmindedly played this game, I continued to follow orders as I was supposed to. I did everything I was told, and tried to survive as best I could. I started to gather my take on the story as it developed.

I was wrong in everyway. If you enjoy being emotionally invested into the main character, you'll love this game.

10/10 for a spectacular last 30 minutes
Posted April 27, 2017. Last edited April 29, 2017.
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1.1 hrs on record
Early Access Review
There is something oddly satisfying about watching 20 peasants Zurg rush a single goblin, obliterating it in a second.

Posted March 31, 2017.
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19.1 hrs on record (12.6 hrs at review time)
I mean, I like it, but I'm also very conflicted how to reveiw this. For one, as the other reviews probably say, the game is indeed broken. But not unplayable broken. You can make progress in the game, you just need patience however. At least the Devs listen to the community and are working on a (hopefully better sequel), and are willing to compromise on several issues. Unfortunately, I can not reccomend it at the moment, but I look forward to the potential of the sequel.
Posted March 27, 2017.
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40.6 hrs on record (29.6 hrs at review time)
Spend 30 minutes designing your rocket

Take 5 minutes to fly the thing into the ground

Spend another 10 minutes fitting parts that would prevent the previously mentioned crash

Realize that the craft is too heavy for the launch pad

Grumble as you take the thing apart in another 15 minutes, figuring out what you don't need

Sit in silence as you send the rocket into the sky, and smile at the euphoria of your craft making it into space

Then you accidentally hit the spacebar, activating the next stage of your rocket


Parachutes don't work at 200,000 meters above the Earth(or Kerbin)

Watch in abject horror as your pilot comes crashing to Earth(or Kerbin)

Said pilot is smiling, obviously unaware of the death about to confront him

Hit the Escape key

Exit to menu

Start a new career

Lather, Rinse, Repeat

Posted March 2, 2017.
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2.3 hrs on record
Early Access Review
Now, I've only been playing this for a short time, but I feel I had best review it while my criticism is still fresh.

First things first, the game works.

That being said, there are some issues constantly present.

Number 1 being the lack of click acknowledgement at times, meaning that the mouse no longer can click anything, mostly happens in the fighter's "Game Plan" page.

The back button takes you to the main menu screen, even when you are in a page where it shouldn't take you back.

It works so far, and being early access, hopefully it will grow into a better game.
Posted February 21, 2017.
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2.9 hrs on record (2.7 hrs at review time)
Never before has a game been so sarcastic and smart-assed to me while I rebel againsst the intended objective.

10/10 would piss off the narrator again.
Posted February 14, 2017.
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3.1 hrs on record (1.6 hrs at review time)
Despite a total lack of visuals, Mecha Ace has successfully brought me to an emotional connection unlike any other game has before. I cried, and I'm not afraid to admit it.
Posted January 31, 2017.
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34.8 hrs on record (25.7 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
(The following is based on a true story. Events in this review are exaggerated for the sake of a dramatic narrative. Some locations are changed because the reviewer has probably forgotten some of the names.)

Alright Ladies and Gentlemen sit down because I'm about to tell you the story of Brian, The Skywhale.

Russia is a inhospitable land. It is filled with death, destruction, undead hordes, and LMOEs(Last Man on Earth type people). All this was before the zombie apocalypse. Not much has changed.

I somehow came to this land, no clothes or tools to assist my living. I came upon an abandoned campsite, the undead gathering at what I assume was their last spot alive. A few stragglers noticed me, but i easily beat them into submission. I found a shotgun and a bow, a nice bounty. Before I was able to make any further improvements to my living space, I was mercilessly beaten by a man in a mask.

Upon awaking, I discovered i had been taken to a new location(minus my shotgun and bow), not too far from the point of my abuse. Beside me was a radio, with a note that read "Speak into this when you awake. Be careful, it is an open channel and anyone can hear us!"

With that in mind, I spoke into the radio lamenting my situation. I recieved several voices to silence me, but one came through. It was a sympathetic voice. Brian was his name, an Irish Priest in his former life. He asked how far I was from Vitruk Mountain. Not knowing how far at all, i commented I was near a farm next to a river. We agreed to meet halfway, at Vorkuta Station. Vladimir Farm is where the journey took me.

I arrive, naked and cold. I investigate the farm house. Another bow! But there was someone else. Someone likewise naked. We exchanged words of neutrality, ones we both understood. I offered my bow, and he took it, even though I had no arrows to give.

A quick glance outside revealed another man. He was clothed, but also dispatching a zombie. I immediately surrendered, as did my new acqaintence. It seems this new man showed pity, as he laid down an extra firearm, a hunting rifle, for me. Grateful, I began my trek to meet Brian.

I arrive at Vorkuta station relatively unharmed. Vorkuta, it seems, has a nasty reputation of being overrun. I notice a flare roughly 1000 feet ahead of me. It was Brian! I quickly dispatched the undead before me and we met on a ridge. I was given ammo, food, water, and medical supplies. Grateful, I swore to make it up to him someday. We exchanged salutes, as Brian left to reunite with his mates, and I ventured to Moscow.

It would seem fate has a sense of humor, as I arrived in Moscow under the cover of night, a time of which I am most apprehensive. Crawling and sneaking quietly, I make my way into a fire station. No more than 10 seconds after my entry, I hear footsteps. It must be another LMOE! Readying my rifle, i wait until i see the figure, firing upon sight.

It was one of Brian's mates....The bullet grazed him but it also attracted a number of undead. Retreating from the station, I fired as I fled, hoping to kill the undead before they kill me. I suddenly heard Brian calling my name. He already forgave me, and they were tending to his friend's wound. I apologized profusely. We separated once more.

Daylight comes again, and I am reentering Moscow. Guilty, hungry, thirsty, and hurting, I searched for food, desparate beyond belief. About 2 hours pass, and I am now hurt more than ever. I crawl out of Moscow, nearly starved and dehydrated, I make a last ditch effort for Brian once more.

He answers, surprised at my predicament. At my explanation of "Moscow happened.", he responds with a fatherly understanding. We arrange a final meetup just north of Moscow's outer limit. I can barely keep myself upright when he arrives. I am given more food, water, and medical supply. Just as I received my bandages, gunshots pierced the air, its origin unknown.

Brian and I drop to the group, his weapon unholstered. He looks to me and shouts "Run, lad, run!". Tears well in my eyes for I fear for the fate of my guardian angel. I turn and book it as fast as I can to a large boulder, big enough to shield me as I tend my wounds. As soon as I secure the bandage, I arm myself with my rifle, and call to Brian in my radio.

No reply.

Deparate, I nearly shout, tears beginning to stream down my face.

Moments later, I'm greeted with the familiar voice of Brian. He made it clear from the sniper and is returning to his group. I nearly wooped with joy but halted, as it could given my position to the sniper. We exchange farewells, myself adding my desire to owe him a favor.

This man is a savior. And every server would be very lucky to have one like him.

Tl;dr : In a game slowly becoming more and more like DayZ, I found someone who remembers that we should group up and help each other in times of disaster, filling each other with the strongest of feelings anyone can have: Hope.
Posted January 7, 2017.
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89.5 hrs on record (26.0 hrs at review time)
Oh sure! Donald Trump can make America Great again, but if Theodore Roosevelt does it( ME), then it's warmongering. Nevermind the fact that the very ones calling me warmonger had previously taken over 3 city-states (which I had taken 2 from), and now two of the three accusers are now embroiled in a war.

Who's the warmonger now Catherine De Medici?
Posted October 24, 2016.
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