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51.9 ч. всего (40.9 ч. в момент написания)
I have no idea what I'm doing but I'm in love. First time I've been excited to play a game since 2017.
Опубликовано 23 мая 2020 г..
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77.6 ч. всего (40.9 ч. в момент написания)
Don't play if you love the Borderlands lore. This game does nothing but butcher the story completely.

Everything else is great tho, just unfortunate that I spent 30$ on gun play and nothing else.
Опубликовано 25 марта 2020 г..
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1,480.6 ч. всего (1,069.6 ч. в момент написания)
- outrageous cylinder hitboxes
- snipers in cylinder hitbox games shouldn't exist
- extremely toxic community / no punishments for any reportable behaviours
- furry bait
- terrible matchmaking
- how the ♥♥♥♥ does comp work why is the game letting me queue with grandmasters
- bugs
Опубликовано 28 июня 2019 г.. Отредактировано 16 ноября 2020 г..
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4,097.6 ч. всего (4,047.2 ч. в момент написания)
Somewhere under all the layers of disappointment and hatred I have for this game, I still love it. I started playing since 2013 and it became my addiction. I literally spent hours playing this game every single day until maybe around 2017-ish. Since the content drought began, I found no interest in the game anymore. That's a topic plenty of people have gone over.

Back in 2013-2016 I'd try to get all my friends to play it, but currently? Absolutely not. This is the first game I've ever grown to hate because of its community and the lack of action from the developers. Every single game there's someone screaming or typing racial, homophobic, or transphobic slurs. It's not ONLY intolerance like this that's allowed, have you even seen the state MVM is in lately? The fact that Tacobot.tf existed and wasn't addressed earlier besides being banned on a few trading website is insane. Calling people apes, kicking people that are new and not performing up to their standards is the most idiotic thing I've ever seen in a video game. That's enough to push veterans away as well as new players and it needs to be fixed or at least addressed.

Speaking of bots, they are getting so tiring and irritating to run into. I can't recommend anyone to play this game. You have an 80% chance of running into a cheater every time you launch and join a server that isn't a community server. Bonus if they're in groups. And of course, they spam racial slurs and the moment you try to vote kick them they leave and avoid the ban. Valve has made no move to stop this and I don't understand why. Honestly if I took a shot every time I ran into a cheater I'd be in the hospital by now. Cheaters can repeatedly join servers and spam the chat and nothing will happen. Thy won't get a ban, nothing. They'll just keep coming back and terrorizing servers.

I've been in the competitive scene for awhile and I thought it was bad until I reached plat. I fell into it and ignored how toxic of a person I became until I finally left the scene after being stretched thin. I did a lot of self reflecting and I know that behaviour was completely unacceptable. During that time, I've seen almost everything. Blatant pedophilia, white supremacy, grooming, homophobia, transphobia and sexual harassment which I've been on the receiving end of. The fact that pro players are favoured over others is insane as well. Nursey's ban was not issued immediately, when we ALL know that if ANYONE ELSE without that position in invite would have been banned instantly. This toxicity should not be allowed in competitive, OR the game itself.

A lot of people glaze over this community because it's not huge in e-sports, and it'll NEVER be successful and it won't become mainstream if people continue acting like this with no punishment. People completely ignore that "pro" players harass transgender people, people of colour, and women. I'm not even gonna bring up the bomb threat that casual players sent to Valve. These people go completely scot-free and it baffles me how there is no punishment for things like this. None. Nobody talks about these things because you are silenced and expected to just "be tolerant" or "it's just a joke." Some players were punished, but only because it got enough attention. You can even look at the TF2 subreddit and you'll see people completely denying the fact that toxicity in this game exists.

This review is not JUST about the competitive community, but for the game as a whole. Before people say it's "not ALL of TF2" that's like that, I'm just sharing my personal experiences and others that have been in my position before. Do not dismiss other peoples experiences. There are problems that need to be addressed.

- Cheaters in 80% of your games if not more
- Racism, homophobia, sexism, transphobia
- MvM community needs help
- Valve doesn't care about the game anymore
Опубликовано 3 ноября 2013 г.. Отредактировано 14 мая 2020 г..
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