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14.6 hrs on record
Max Hass!
Posted January 9, 2021.
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7.6 hrs on record (1.5 hrs at review time)
"Hey Valve, can I copy your homework? Sure, just change it a little bit so people won't notice". If you like Portal alike puzzles and it's on sale, sure, go ahead and buy it, but for something heavily inspired on Portal it seems to be lacking something I can't quite pinpoint, maybe the humor of GlaDOS, I'm not sure.
Posted June 29, 2019.
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72.2 hrs on record (43.8 hrs at review time)
Não gosto das corridas de batmobile dos desafios do Riddle, tem momentos que parece mais o Batman Need for Speed. Mas no geral tem uma boa história e gráficos fenomenais, é como se estivéssemos mesmo em Gotham City
Posted November 23, 2017.
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20.5 hrs on record
Tive alguns crashes, todos durante batalhas com splicers enquanto as Little Sisters recolhiam ADAM, mas nada que arruine completamente a experiência do jogo até porque faço saves frequentes. Podia estar mais optimizado? Podia, mas para um jogo gratuito para quem já tinha a trilogia Bioshock acho que não se pode pedir mais. Como diria Andrew Ryan, não há almoços grátis. A quem nunca jogou Bioshock recomendo que comecem pelo original, provavelmente terá menos problemas de crashes.
Posted April 25, 2017.
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0.1 hrs on record
I got this game in a Humble Bundle deal. It seemed to be a fun game if you like the genre. Unfortunately, I can't confirm that because everything moves in slow motion and therefore it's unplayable. During first launch I got an error about a missing file "OpenAl32" that for some reason didn't got installed as it should. So I had to install it manually. Lots of other people seem to get the same problem, but thats not the worst of this game. The biggest problem is that the game doesn't have any settings to reduce graphics quality for more modest or old PCs. The only settings available are for resolution, and reducing it didn't help at all. The creator seems to think that this game should only be played in "HD graphics running at 60 frames-per-second". But I think that the minimum requirements for a cartoonish game like this one are simply ridiculous...
Posted September 6, 2015.
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14.2 hrs on record (14.0 hrs at review time)
The good: The story, graphics and music (if you are into this kind of game, of course)
The bad: Keyboard controls cannot be customized (at least I don't see how) and aren't really very intuitive if you are used to play with one hand on the keyboard and the other on the mouse. This game is probably best played with a gamepad.
Posted August 3, 2015. Last edited August 3, 2015.
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22 people found this review helpful
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6.1 hrs on record (3.4 hrs at review time)
I wanted to give a positive review but unfortunately I can't. I've been trying to play Half-Life 2 but this game causes a severe kind of motion sickness and from searching the web it looks like I'm not alone. And I'm not even prone to get motion sickness, I've only experienced this in Portal 1 and now Half-Life 2. Portal 1 gave me a mild headache, but nothing that prevented me from playing (and Portal 2 didn't make me sick at all). Half-Life 2 it's much worse than that, just 10 minutes of gaming makes me really indisposed, it's unbearable! And it takes a lot of time to fully recover. I tried changing vertical sync and FOV settings like some people recommended but the problem remains. Be aware of this problem if you want to buy and play the game.
Posted June 17, 2015.
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71.1 hrs on record (37.1 hrs at review time)
Don't be fooled by the simplistic graphics, if you value your time DO NOT BUY THIS GAME! This thing is more addictive than cocaine, you won't be able to stop until you finish the campaign. I played the first Creeper World a couple of years ago and soon as I saw this on Steam I knew I had to buy it.
Posted December 6, 2014.
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79.5 hrs on record (47.5 hrs at review time)
Um jogo fantástico com uma história capaz de prender do princípio ao fim. Um dos melhores que já joguei. Estava com medo de adquirir este jogo devido às várias queixas de bugs na versão Director's Cut mas não encontrei qualquer problema. Só é pena esta versão do jogo não incluir a banda sonora que também é brilhante.
Posted October 3, 2014. Last edited October 3, 2014.
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9.4 hrs on record
Um jogo que alia o conceito de plataforma, combate e resolução de puzzles com uma boa história a acompanhar. Muito bom.
Posted August 6, 2014.
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