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10 people found this review helpful
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0.0 hrs on record
This DLC essentially says that Bethesda is heading towards a "quantity over quality" mindset in their future games. I'd argue that it's worth the $5 asking price, but the content is nowhere near the quality I've come to expect from Bethesda.

  • You can launch NPCs out of cannons
  • Semi-free bullets, as if ammo was ever an issue after the first hour or so
  • You can launch NPCs out of cannons

  • No storyline. With Fallout 4's main quests being so dismal, I'd've liked to see more story-based DLC
  • Doesn't help with the weird settlement building system
  • Sometimes the NPCs won't stay in the cannons
  • No real reason to ever use the manufacturing parts (just sell the raw materials and buy the ammo/guns/other resources you need)
Posted September 7, 2016.
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0.0 hrs on record
In a nutshell, all this does is let you build a settlement inside a vault. Not quite worth $5, and definately not up to Bethesda standards.
Posted September 7, 2016.
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0.0 hrs on record
Seriously, do yourself a favor and just get Far Harbor and (maybe) Nuka World - it'll save you $5, some hard drive space, and give you even fewer reasons to return to your settlements. This is NOT worth $50.

  • You don't have to manually add Far Harbor and Nuka World to your cart
  • If you like building settlements, you get those expansions basically for free with this

  • Costs $5 more than Far Harbor + Nuka World, and all you get is a bunch of workshop stuff
  • Essentially just a collection of paid mods - Far Harbor and bits of Nuka World are about the only Bethesda-quality things included here

Seriously, just don't buy this. It's not worth it. If the price was $30, maybe it'd be worth it, but probably not.
Posted September 7, 2016. Last edited September 7, 2016.
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5 people found this review helpful
10.8 hrs on record (10.7 hrs at review time)
Back before the 6-month server outage, I'd readily reccomend this game. It was pretty cheap, servers were inhabited, and the game was generally fun. Now, however, I'm really sad to say that this game has been let go. Not by the devs, but by the community.

-Fun gameplay
-Nice graphics

-Hardly any servers. Seriously, there's only 3, only one of which has the Titan mode maps (the main gamemode) enabled.
-Hardly any players. The servers are often filled with bots.
-Bad autobalance coding. Placing 1 player with 5 bots vs 3 players with 2 bots is not balanced.

There aren't that many good points to make about the game anymore. Sure, it's fun and all, but only if you can find the time of day when people are online. Meaning that, basically all day, you're just playing with and against AI that has a 50/50 chance to pathfind into a wall. If the community ever bounces back from this, I'd love to change my review to a positive one. But I can't do that right now. If you've got the time and $10 USD to spare, go ahead and try if you'd like. However, you're likely to get more entertainment value by shredding the currency than by playing this game in the current state it's in.
Posted July 6, 2016.
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2 people found this review helpful
24.7 hrs on record (2.7 hrs at review time)
Wow, where to begin with this game.
Lets start off with the "non-required" required server connection. Allow me to elaborate - you can still play the game when you're offline, you just can't choose ANYTHING. Can't change weapons, can't change starting location, etc. without an internet connection.
Then there's the issue of how terribly unoptimized this game is. EVGA GTX 970 here OC'ed to 1500 MHz can only manage a stable 30 fps in the first real level at medium settings. What do the devs expect people to run this game on, 4-way SLI GTX 980s?
Then there's the entire "episodic" format they're running with. Generally, games like this give you a bit more to play with at a time. With HITMAN, you get two training missions and one real mission. Just ONE. I understand they're going to release more over time, but really? For $60 I expect at least 3 or 4 missions at launch, maybe 2 if the other two issues weren't here and the levels were nice.

tl;dr: always online, no frames, one level. Wait for these problems to get patched before buying this game.
Posted March 12, 2016.
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2 people found this review helpful
6.2 hrs on record
Early Access Review
More of my money wasted.

To the few people who left non-sarcastic positive reviews: You do realize that this game hasn't been updated in years, right? 22cans has basically taken our money and said, "Oh, you actually wanted a game?"
Posted February 10, 2016.
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9.6 hrs on record (3.8 hrs at review time)
The Good:
  • Nice dialogue. The voice actors are very competent, which would've been obvious even if I didn't already know of them.
  • Intriguing storyline. The story takes off very abruptly, and ends on quite the twist.
  • Complete lack of bugs (that I encountered). The only thing that could be considered a bug was completely on me - I somehow managed to force myself onto a rock and got stuck for three minutes.
  • Addictive gameplay. I played this game through in one session, start to finish. It has the feel of a good book; you just can't put it down.

The Bad:
  • Extremely deep story. The game feels like it has to be played in one go, or elements of the story won't make sense. The story is very, very deep. I also found that some things that seem relevant to the story aren't remotely related to, well, anything, and it feels like they leave some loose ends.
  • Walking simulator. I lost count of how many times the game made me trek to some far-off area of the map only to turn me around and have me walk back home. The times that the game warps you back are few and far between.
  • Short. This game took me only 3 hours to complete. I wasn't expecting an AAA-length game, but for $18, I do expect to have at least a couple of days of playtime.

Honestly, I liked the game. However, the desciption is misleading: it is not an open-world game by today's standards. Yes, the world is open for you to explore. However, there isn't a good reason to do so. No dialogue, no side quests, not even an acknowledgement that you aren't doing what you're supposed to. It feels like the Stanley Parable without the narrator nagging you about not following his instructions and only one ending.

Overall, I give this game a 6.8/10. It's premise was good, the execution could be better. Graphics are excellent, and the world itself is great. The story and the dialogue were good, but the story could use a bit more development. The game skips quite a few days in between plot events, and not much other than the main story actually happens during the game that the player gets to see. It feels wrong to reccommend this game, but it also feels wrong not to, simply because I, personally, enjoyed it.
Posted February 9, 2016.
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16.2 hrs on record (8.5 hrs at review time)
All around, pretty good game. Took me all of 8 hours to beat, difficulty wasn't too bad on normal until near the end. In my opinion, it could use a few more of the memory remixing sequences, rather than the seemingly random fights against a large robot. Some elements (such as the large robots) could use a bit more explaining, such as why Nilin's father estranged himself from her by locking himself inside a giant cube. Small details like that. The options screen could use a bit of refining, like having graphics presets and putting the AA, VSync, Supersampling, and Shadow Quality inside an Advanced section. All in all, a pretty satisfying game, just missing a bit of replayability.
Posted May 23, 2015.
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26.4 hrs on record (2.7 hrs at review time)
The only reason I can see not to own this game is if you are a pacifist. It's free, teaches you how to disassemble guns completely (from my experience the sequence is very accurate), and it's free. Did I mention it's free?
Posted April 3, 2015.
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4 people found this review helpful
0.2 hrs on record
I thought that maybe this would be a game to spend time playing while other things download. The problem is, it's way to repetitive. I got bored about halfway through the tutorial, but I pressed on, because I thought it might get better from there. It did not. The interface is rather sloppily put together, with the numbers on the abilities not actually working, and just having an overall feel of being designed solely for mobile and then simply released as a PC game. Even the sale price I bought it at is too much to be asked for. In my opinion, the developers should either have spent a lot more time on the PC interface, or just stuck to mobile-exclusive.
Posted April 3, 2015.
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