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Évaluations récentes de Davidov

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2 personnes ont trouvé cette évaluation utile
3.9 h en tout (3.5 heure(s) lors de l'évaluation)
good game, lacks horses though.
Évaluation publiée le 3 mars.
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0.6 h en tout (0.6 heure(s) lors de l'évaluation)
The animations simply say it all. Pizza Tower has more effort and soul poured into it than anything I've seen in the last five years from the triple-A scene. The art style is fun and good to look at, the soundtrack is funky and great, and most importantly - the controls are super, super tight. Memes aside, this is an excellent score attack platformer. I never played the Wario games, but this definitely makes me want to try them out\

Also dev dislikes troons
Évaluation publiée le 17 mai 2023.
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0.8 h en tout
goblins are real
Évaluation publiée le 1 avril 2023.
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7.5 h en tout (6.0 heure(s) lors de l'évaluation)
It's a pleasure to be able to play newer CoD's on Steam again, and I was really excited to try this one out, mostly looking forward to the campaign. I have played nothing but the Campaign, so the review will be dedicated to that alone, for now.

As much praise as it gets, I haven't seen nearly as much criticism for the bad parts. There aren't many of those and the campaign is still a quality experience with stunning visuals, satisfying gameplay and shooting. All the good stuff you would expect from a classic Call of Duty.

But with that aside, let's talk ♥♥♥♥. With classic CoD comes not only the good parts, but bad too. Before mentioning anything at all, I have to advise the guy responsible for programming the AI to seek a different field of employment because MY GOD the AI is so much more A than I. At multiple moments I was simply astonished at just how dumb the AI is, for a game released in 2019 with a billion dollar budget, I would expect smarter NPC behaviour than what I've seen in a game in the same franchise from 10 years ago. The bots, both ally and enemy, will constantly run into your line of fire, miss point blank shots, say "I'm covering you" and then proceed to not cover you etc. There is so much more in detail to be said about the sheer r*tardation of the bots, but it's better you see for yourself. If you are expecting intelligent enemy AI that try to outsmart you or allies that will cover and shoot enemies going out of their position for whatever reason, too bad. The enemies will simply walk into the literal laser beam you are shooting next to where they're hiding and your allies will do absolutely nothing but annoy you. For a game that went for a more realistic take (compared to other CoDs), it is a shame that I was taken out of immersion hundreds of times because of these NPCs.

Because the AI is so braindead, playing on higher difficulties is as much of a nightmare as it was in WaW. Enemies are not smarter suddenly and don't gain any advantage. It's just the player who can now be oneshot by pretty much anything, and when enemies are able to basically aimbot you around corners when they shouldn't know you're there, most of the time you end up dying for not your own fault - but the game pretty much deciding yeah, it's time to die now. Nadespam is still there as well so I would pretty much avoid higher difficulties as all it does is hinder the experience.

Story is pretty terrible. My main issue being the villain - Barkov, someone who you pretty much have 0 reason to hate. The game is trying really hard to portray him as this evil Rusky that you should really hate because he tortures people and hangs people! But as a player you literally cannot care when the conflict is affecting another character you don't care about and are forced to try to care about! Game, if you want me to care about a character I already don't give two craps about and absolutely despise, DO NOT MAKE ME PLAY AS HER. You get to play as her TWICE, one of which is literally POV: you are an arabic baby capable of sneaking up on a russian tank of a man and somehow kill him. Those two are by far the worst missions in the game.

Call of Duty has some of the greatest villains in gaming history, but we ended up with this absolute nobody whose evil acts include war crimes. Oh no! I hate him so much now! The ending is so satisfying now that I get to play as the (StrongIndependentWoman) and get to kill the evil russian man! What a joke.

Rest of the storyline is pretty average CoD stuff. Price, Kyle and Alex are all great characters with great acting and they did a good job in the dialogues between them.

For now, that's all I have to say. I'll get into spec ops and try the multiplayer to update the review. I will still recommend the game as it's better than 95% of the triple A scene and was still an enjoyable experience overall.
Évaluation publiée le 13 mars 2023. Dernière modification le 13 mars 2023.
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19.2 h en tout (17.8 heure(s) lors de l'évaluation)
The God of War reboot is a fantastic game on it's own. It is carefully crafted with tight controls, impressive visuals and the quality you should expect from a triple-A title.

Unfortunately, even though I would rate this game at a solid 8 or a 9/10, it is important to note that GoW 2018 is lacking in the core part of it's main appeal - Gameplay. The combat is a significant downgrade compared to the originals. It feels as though the combat was dumbed down as a replacement to introduce accessible and at often times point & click actions.

I understand and respect the reasoning behind making games more accessible, but you should never sacrifice the core gameplay for that reason. The combat is just not nearly as intricate and fun as it was, many features (jumping, air combat, magic etc) have simply been removed. There are no points for killing an enemy in efficient, diverse ways, which leads to mindless mashing of buttons and sometimes runic attacks. Bosses and enemies are lacking in variety and the difficulty is laughable.

So much more has straight-up been downgraded, it really is upsetting. Because these stunning visuals and triple-A quality could have been paired great with the core gameplay of the original God of War games.

Enough good has been said about the game, as evident in the overwhelmingly positive reviews and as I said, I still would recommend GoW 2018, but fans of the classic GoW beware - The game might as well be called something else, as it has very little to do with the franchise in its core aspects.
Évaluation publiée le 22 février 2023.
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1.1 h en tout
Dread X: The Hunt is a weird combination of 7 short "games", most of them being silly one-trick ponies with nothing but temporary shock value. The "horror" aspects simply don't hit hard whatsoever due to the janky feel and because of just how short it is. There is no buildup to anything, and you're not gonna feel any emotion when a poorly made Unity model #459 ghost comes out of the wall to give you a good scare!

The only game that feels somewhat memorable from the 7 is Rose of Meat, and that's just because of how ridiculous the art style is.

Oh, and there's a trans flag on the mailbox in Uktena 64 for some reason? Was that support to add to the downright autism I experienced in that game? Couldn't even laugh.

Overall, it's pretty underwhelming, but for the price, I guess it's okay? If you're looking for a shooter with a horror setting, just play DUSK, it's from the same developer and goes way harder than any of these asset flips.

To all the wonderful individuals donating steam points to put a jester award on the review, the comments are on, guys. If you have something to say, go ahead and voice it!
Évaluation publiée le 27 janvier 2023. Dernière modification le 6 février 2023.
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12.5 h en tout
Amazing game, the campaign is truly mesmerizing can't say anything about the multiplayer due to the lack of me actually playing multiplayer. But the campaign is one of a kind truly.
Évaluation publiée le 24 décembre 2022.
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5.3 h en tout
Lots of reviews are saying this is as close to Half-Life 3 as it can get. I'll do you one better. This IS Half-Life 2.5

Not only is it the same enjoyable formula of Half-Life 2, but it expands on the lore and covers a different story, the bigger picture, pretty much.

The quality of everything, be it story, gameplay or even the voice acting is top notch. If you didn't tell me this was a fan-made mod, I wouldn't have thought twice that Entropy : Zero 2 is a title straight from the offices of Valve. It is a shame that it's free, as I would gladly have supported the devs with the price I'd pay for a triple A game.

This somehow went under my radar and I regret not playing it earlier. To whoever is, for whatever reason, considering not experiencing this - What the hell are you thinking? Play through it, now.
Évaluation publiée le 20 décembre 2022.
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3.7 h en tout (0.7 heure(s) lors de l'évaluation)
This has got to be the most criminally underrated and unheard of game ever. I found Cobalt back in 2012 when I was browsing the OG Mojang website as the Minecraft addict I was, downloaded the free demo and fell in love immediately. I was probably one of the first people to buy the game on 360 when it finally came out after Microsoft's acquisition of Mojang. So many great memories of endless couch co-op fun!

Shame that there are no players to play with online, because the only game that comes even close to Cobalt in terms of same-screen multiplayer deathmatch combat is Duck Game, and that's saying a lot.

If you have a controller and a few friends you wanna have some intense fun with, pick this up immediately. And I pray that one day, Cobalt will be released on Switch.
Évaluation publiée le 11 décembre 2022. Dernière modification le 11 décembre 2022.
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4.8 h en tout (1.3 heure(s) lors de l'évaluation)
Bought it for the item, stayed for the satisfying bullet-hell fun. Legitimately more entertaining than Rust 99% of the time
Évaluation publiée le 25 novembre 2022.
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