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3 people found this review helpful
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73.0 hrs on record (34.1 hrs at review time)
I love this game, I really do, but the launch has been an extremely buggy mess that has been so cantankerously bothersome for me. There were only two game-breaking bugs at launch that affected me that were later patched the following day for steam, but there remains many tiny bugs of inconvenience that just all add up. In the state that it's in, I really can't recommend it for its current price.

Were this issues not so pervasive, and God forbid you are playing on a different platform, I'd say this game is appropriately priced for the amount of content you get. I got to the end of it at around ~20 hours, and I'm currently on a quest to 100% the game, but right now it's quite literally not possible because of bugs.

This game has a lot of potential, especially if they decide to add more content in the future, especially if they fix/resolve minor mechanical discrepencies for overall quality of life. I do hope people have a better experience than I when the game is (hopefully) bug free. I'll be sure to give a revised review if/when things change.
Posted August 14, 2022.
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32.1 hrs on record (16.2 hrs at review time)
I don't normally write reviews, unless it's for games I absolutely adore, thus, Doom Eternal. This game does what sequals are suppossed to do, keep what works, and add new things to enhance what works, such as the enhanced mobility and larger sense of platforming in the midst of a combat area that's specifically built for it. Looking back at Doom 2016, I can't help but feel slower after playing the entirety of Doom Eternal. This is one of the few examples where you can implement some sort of enhanced mobility options and it not be forced, it just works.

Furthermore, the game is definitely a lot more challenging this go around, by making the more specialized demons a much bigger threat. In Doom 2016, they felt more like a pushover than anything, but now they are genuinely threatening and will easily maul you if you don't keep distance. I really enjoyed the addition of Slayer Gates, it incorporated a very pleasant mix of challenge and fun in an enduring conflict; however, the same cannot be said about the secret encounters. While most of them are neat, and require some quick thinking, there are just a few that feel genuinely unfair to complete in the allocated time given, the biggest one that comes to mind is the marauder fight in 30 seconds. I would honestly take more Slayer Gates than deal with that. Though personally, I'm not much of a fan of timed objectives to begin with.

Another thing to mention are the number of quality of life improvements. The overhauled map being the absolute biggest addition. It was a lot more helpful in trying to navigate the area in search for all of the collectibles, which might I add have some very clever hiding spots. Another thing I'd group up in this would be the praetor upgrades, they really shaped up to how you chose to play, and really incentivized some areas, such as grenades. Like seriously, I never really used grenades in Doom 2016, but in Doom Eternal, they're genuinely one of the most important tools at your disposal, along with the flamethrower.

On the note of improvements, there's no doubt that the game engine has improved, bolstering higher quality graphics and visual effects that really aid in characterizing the world. Bolstered with that is the improvements on the sound design for weapons, as they definitely sound a lot more "meaty" this go around. And of course, when it comes to sound, who can forget the soundtrack? Overall, it's really great, you can tell that it IS Doom. Hell, I'm listening to the title theme as I'm creating this review. The tracks really shine at the moments they're introduced, but my favorite part has to be the reintroduction of the BFG Division, easily the best Doom track ever. Though, I gotta say, the collectible music disks were a neat endever to add on to the track list and reference the games that would inevitably lead up to what we have today.

Speaking of collectibles, I really love how it's the demon's go around this time. I think they're really cute and would totally dump loads of money for real-life counterparts of those figurines. My favorites being the Cacodemon and Arachnatron. Along with those, the idea of in-game "cheat codes" from those floppy disks you pick up are just a really cool addition that both appeals to nostalgia and adds tons of replayability. The idea of all these collectibles really makes the Doom Fortress feel nice and homey.

Of course with all games, there's usually some negatives, luckily Doom Eternal has very minor negatives. The one thing I find more silly than negative is how the Slayer cannot kill even the lowest of demons by just punching without the blood punch ability. This felt like a weird regression, I suppose to incentivize blood punch more, but still. I've already covered my issues with the secret encounters above, so I'll just move onto a couple of enemy types. There are merely two that I find to be kind of unfun, both sharing similar characteristics. The Buff Totem and that one summoner demon I forget the name of are definitely the least fun to encounter. It mostly comes down to me B-lining to wherever the hell their location is and killing them, I suppose with the buff totem itself is a lot easier since that can be one shot, but the demon that gives the buff totem effect is just stupidly tanky. You really can't ignore either because they'll kill you quicker than you can imagine and they'll just continuously spawn. Outside of this though, I can't really think of much else wrong with the game.

Now I can go on and on about this game even more with the subjects such as the gunplay, which is really good, and all the cool glory kills, but I think I've gotten it mostly down.

TL:DR; Doom Eternal is basically perfect and you should definitely get it.
Posted March 23, 2020.
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123.1 hrs on record (5.5 hrs at review time)
It's Halo. For me, it's not too hard to really explain. Most people have played it on the original systems, and the content holds up. As for the PC compatibility? Absolutely stellar. Sure there are a couple of minor issues they are adamant about fixing, but it's nothing that could ruin your experience. Buy the game, make some friends, and have fun in multiplayer, or do some L.A.S.O. challenges with a group, it's truly fun.
Posted December 3, 2019.
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14 people found this review helpful
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129.1 hrs on record (38.9 hrs at review time)
After playing this game at incredible frequency since I got it, I feel as if I'm ready to review it.

If you're a big fan of dinosaurs, love the franchise, or are really into tycoon-like games such as this, I strongly recommend you get the game if you have disposable income. However, if you're not so much any of these, I recommend try getting the game when it's on sale.

I'll be honest, it's just a bit short on content if you're trying to five-star every island and complete every possible mission from the three factions and complete the data archives. I assume it's like this because it was more of a tie-in game with the movie since they launched relatively close to each other. From my experience, I found there are a few annoying quirks with the game that just heavily bother me. The first is how picky and weird the building tools are, I heard they were slightly improved since launched, but it still feels like it needs a bit more work, especially if you're trying to be uber effecient. The second is how the faction system makes very little sense. Like, I really enjoy the idea, but why would the other factions get upset when you're doing something that either benefits their morals of their division, or just over something petty like digging up certain-sized fossil. I feel that had great potential, but has just become more of an annoyance the more I played, especially when it came to sabataging. The third issue I have is the dino-sizing inaccuracies and slight model issues. I believe some of the models need to be scaled up to be bigger than the rex, as they are in actuality, rather than the rex just making everything else tiny. While it's nitpicking, I'm slightly annoyed with the inaccuracy of the Carnotaurus's arms, as they weren't much arms to begin with, but they just look like a down-scaled version of your typical theropod. One final thing to note is that the game really doesn't explain to you some of the more finer and important details that are crucial to end game, such as the ability to adjust the items and prices of various shops you create.

For those who thought tl;dr, here's the gist:
If you're a major fan of dinosaurs, the franchise, or games like this, by all means purchase it. If you're not, wait for it to go on sale. Hopefully this review has helped you make your decision on whether to get this game or not.
Posted July 6, 2018.
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15.8 hrs on record (13.7 hrs at review time)
I personally give this game a 10/10, I totally understand why it is.

How I found the game:
I saw things about it all over tumblr, it seemed to be everywhere and I honestly hated seeing it, despite not knowing anything about the game. It wasn't until December 24th that I was forced to play it. I gave it a try, and I take back EVERYTHING bad I have said about the game. I have never felt any happier than when I aquired the best ending to this game.

Why you should play this game:
This game has an amazing feeling to it, with the old bit style look. This game is also strongly affected by what choices you make, thus leading to multiple endings for you to discover. This game is also perfect for those who love lore, due to the several different endings, it will make you wonder which is the true ending. Another reason would be the insane amount of funny jokes, easter eggs, and 4th wall breaking! That alone is a main attraction for some.

This game is well worth the money for its content. Just about anyone can have fun with this, and the best part about this game, it has blossomed a beautiful fandom and community that I am glad to be a part of. Good luck on your adventure, and remember, stay determined!
Posted January 11, 2016.
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3 people found this review helpful
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4,171.3 hrs on record (921.6 hrs at review time)
Would reccomend. 10/10 conga, hat, trading, fortress simulater 2015.
Posted April 14, 2015.
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