A Cat
Jordan Cartier   Cocos (Keeling) Islands
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834 Hours played
I've played video games since I was 5. I look back on all the games I have played, I think my time was used well and not wasted. With Lost Ark, I cannot find that same feeling of not having wasted my time. The portion of the game that is fun is fantastic if you find a good group, but from my 819 hours, I would say, at best, 200 of those are time spent where I can fondly look back on. A more realistic number would be near 100.

Finding a good guild was something I had instantly, as a friend of mine already had a guild. This guild was pretty good and had and still has a good chunk of players dedicated to playing, on the guild ranking, we were top 5 of our server(I'm not sure if that is important, really). this allowed me to not have issues finding groups or carries for later game content. Argos, Valtan, Vykas, Clown. The people in the guild were also supportive and fun while being reasonable too. I feel like this is important to mention because even with a supportive group around me the games gate-keeping issues along with others still would arise.

The times I would use the party finder for legion raids or Argos went poorly almost 100% of the time unless it was my strongest alt which 5 months ago was pretty good. Some would say well my other alts had to have been a poor build or poor ilvl or I forgot to equip my title. ALL of my alts upon reaching 1370 would get 4x3 with 6x6 stone, legendary accessories. Upon reaching 1415, these alts would then get relic stone with 4x3 or 4x3+1x1 or 1x2. They all had minimum level 5 gems with all important skills having level 7 gem. So if you are reading this going was not properly built, for the time being around 4-5 months ago I think I was.

That was just me building my ethos so my reasoning could appear stronger. The gate-keeping as mentioned in a lot of other reviews is bad and from the sounds of it has gotten worse. Worse from how poor it was was pretty bad. Even trying to set aside the negative pheon issue, the random Vac-bans. You spend so much time working on characters doing dungeons just to lose all the progress in means of RNG by honing. The RNG began to weigh more on me, as each time honing felt horrible, felt like clocking into work hoping to get a pay raise and then somehow losing money with each click.

Gearing characters used to be fun because it was not insane to get to the level but with accessories when I left the game being over 200k per it got ridiculous. Paying over 1 million gold to gear each character just to get denied into groups because ilvl is not high enough because all your money went to accessories is Ludicrous. At my peak during the summer, when I was not doing anything major as I was on break for the year, I clocked around an 4-5 hours a day on the game. With a minimum being 3. Even when playing for everyday 4 hours there were many who were leaving me in the dust with progression. What seemed to be magical was more likely them using their credit card.

To begin a talk about the Bots, RMT, gambling, and poor management of the game which forced you to spend money(Negative pheons) would take more words I feel like typing.

TL:DR - The game has fun combat and fancy graphics. That is all the positives. The negatives include gambling time away, toxic player base, gate-keeping, poor management from developers, huge pressure to pay to win, and the combat is most fun when you pay to win (Big numbers bbrrrrr). I might have forgotten some other ones.
Vote for me! 2020!
Thank you for being part of a campaign which is not only going to win the Democratic nomination, which is not only going to defeat Donald Trump, the most dangerous president in modern American history, but with your help is going to transform this country and, finally, create an economy and government which works for all Americans, and not just the one percent. Today, I want to welcome you to a campaign which says, loudly and clearly, that the underlying principles of our government will not be greed, hatred and lies. It will not be racism, sexism, xenophobia, homophobia and religious bigotry. That is going to end. The principles of our government will be based on justice: economic justice, social justice, racial justice and environmental justice. Today, I want to welcome you to a campaign which tells the powerful special interests who control so much of our economic and political life that we will no longer tolerate the greed of corporate America and the billionaire class – greed which has resulted in this country having more income and wealth inequality than any other major country on earth.

No. We will no longer stand idly by and allow 3 people in this country to own more wealth than the bottom half of America while, at the same time, over 20 percent of our children live in poverty, veterans sleep out on the streets and seniors cannot afford their prescription drugs. We will no longer accept 46 percent of all new income going to the top 1 percent, while millions of Americans are forced to work 2 or 3 jobs just to survive and over half of our people live paycheck to paycheck, frightened to death about what happens to them financially if their car breaks down or their child becomes sick. Today, we fight for a political revolution.

We say to the private health insurance companies, whether you like it or not, the United States will join every other major country on earth and guarantee healthcare to all people as a right. All Americans are entitled to go to the doctor when they’re sick and not go bankrupt after staying in the hospital.

Yes. We will pass a Medicare for all single-payer program.

Today, we say to the pharmaceutical industry, that you will no longer charge the American people the highest prices in the world for prescription drugs, the result being that one out of five Americans cannot afford the prescriptions their doctors prescribe. The outrageous greed of the pharmaceutical industry is going to end. We are going to lower prescription drug prices in this country.
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Team Fortress 2
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Tall Jun 10 @ 4:58am 
Your next challenge: Accepting my invite.
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флоМастер Apr 13 @ 10:26am 
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silent aim'd lmao! Oct 3, 2018 @ 10:13am 
Trap be quick
silent aim'd lmao! Oct 3, 2018 @ 10:12am 
Calls you gay and sucks your ♥♥♥♥