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Análises recentes de I'm tired

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2 pessoas acharam esta análise útil
9.4 hrs em registo
Leaving a short overview.

For one, considering you're a space marine, you aren't able to withstand many attacks. You die way too easily. Even with the shield upgrade you get later on.

The game gets repetitive too. Only toward the end do they try to change things up, and that gets annoying in its own way, with a certain enemy who can singe you in probably 10 seconds.

The environments are amazing, though closed off, and empty in areas you can explore. The story and characters are nothing to write home about, and got/were pretty dumb. Captain titus is just very bland and is just a generic "good guy", which doesn't really work in (what i'm constantly told, but don't see in most GW 40k media) a dark fantasy universe.

The major highlight of the game was the sound design. The chunky sounding guns and fight sfx raised my testosterone while playing by a few NG. The gunplay was fun at times too.

Those few positives don't outweigh the negatives for me, and now that the price has been increased to SIXTY DOLLARS, I cannot give this a recommendation.
Publicado a 21 de abril. Última alteração: 21 de abril.
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9 pessoas acharam esta análise útil
18.5 hrs em registo
Warning: Do not buy this version, it has been broken for years, and seems it will remain. I'm giving it a negative solely for that reason, like many others. Seek any other way to play it (specifically one where rockstar and T2 don't get money, because they truly do not deserve it in their current state)

As a game, I enjoyed it quite a bit through the stealth scenes. However, I want to give a warning to those who may go into this thinking it's a majority stealth game: It is not. For the middle to the end, it becomes a bit of an awkward stealth shooter. There are a few missions were stealth isn't a viable option (very few to no shadows), and the missions are simply run and gun. I really would've appreciated if stealth could've been done in tandem with those levels, by way of level modification via light source removal.

Some levels and sequences even go as far as feeling like they were rushed, with how little versatility there is in the situation's approach-ability (Standout examples being: the mall, 2nd part of the train station, after pigsy). To say the least, the game will randomly lose creativity in its level design, which is unfortunate.

Another issue (however lesser) would be the melee combat. It's better there than not, but it's very weak (even with weapons) and not at all viable. Understandable, for how rockstar seems to want you to feel, but isn't good in practice.

Other minor uncategorized issues, were view distance on NPCs and environmental "cloaking". NPCs have a really crazy view distance, and I wish it had been lessened, and maybe different on certain ones. I would also constantly think haze would count as cloak, but it doesn't weirdly. Same for areas that're dark; some areas and environments are a little deceiving.

Regardless of my gameplay issues, Manhunt is still a very fun and thematically unique game. For the few things it lacks in its middle to tail-end gameplay, it masters in the violence, story, and characters. As sad as it is to think about, chances are we will never get a product like this, where it also takes itself seriously, again. The only things that come close to this thematically, are kane and lynch 2 or some of the swat games (ready or not sorta), and barely. Its themes do a lot of the leg work, but in combination with the gameplay, make this worth while in my book.
Publicado a 20 de abril.
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0.3 hrs em registo
Cool conceptually with quality animation, but it is barely a game. I know how point and click games are, but this felt very bare bones and made it very obvious I was in a straight line, as if I was just watching a movie.

My other issue is that the narrative is a little too abstract. I get my time in this was 15 minutes, but to compare with a similar game The Neverhood, that allows you to find some explanation about the world you're in really quickly. It's still a surreal and weird world, but gives you some background to keep you interested. Now, it doesn't need to be at the level The Neverhood took it, but some small explanation would have been preferable.

I ended up refunding it for these reasons. Though, despite that, I would like to see other projects come from these guys. I just hope they decide on one thing or the other; A movie or a game.
Publicado a 11 de abril.
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4 pessoas acharam esta análise útil
12.9 hrs em registo (2.5 horas no momento da análise)
This is pretty disappointing.

For one, why is everyone so ugly? For male and fema- uh I mean masculine human and feminine human, the faces provided are so dysgenic and disgusting. This is an escapist fantasy game. It's more than half of the faces, for men and women. Why the hell would they think we want to look like sam bankman-fried or someone with puffy eyes and lionitis? It's simply unnecessary, and makes customization take way longer. You also can't fix nose rotation or individual eye level, so if the base face has a broken ass nose or uneven eyes, you have to deal with it. (oddly enough a lot of the really ugly face bases are symmetrical, while the decent looking ones have a broken nose, higher left or right eye, or some other asymmetry.)

Now for the bodies themselves, the men have pretty full customization options, while women seem to get the short end of the stick. Seriously, the pelvis is unmodifiable, and the waist slider is a joke; they're forever skinnyfat. There's no good muscle definition skin for women either (almost same for men too), which is a little surprising. However, the ass is truly terrible. It looks as if it's constantly squished or flexed, no matter how big you make it. It always looks like a cellulite ridden 50 year old ass. Very disgusting!

The base height increase has also been mentioned by many (thankfully), but its mass acknowledgement doesn't make its exclusion less annoying. Most people playing the original game used it for the gameplay effects, or wanted to make dumb goofy characters, but I guess capcom are the ones who had to make it weird. Seriously, absolutely nobody was critical of it. Guess they don't want to miss out on that 0.001% of future normie customers.

The hair choices are just boring. Nowhere near the variety DD1 had. I specifically miss the david statue and greek statue type curly haircuts.

For the voices, I also wish it had more detailed customization. I don't know what else to really say for it though. It's fine for the most part.

To put it simply, I wish capcom wasn't cutting content (not new, I guess), and going in the mainstream-appeasement direction. Hopefully the gameplay is good.
Publicado a 15 de março. Última alteração: 15 de março.
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14.5 hrs em registo
I know you can no longer buy this, but this game is just ok.

I can't speak on the remake, so maybe it improves things, but this version is really only good during the human combat sequences (which is about half or a little less of the game). The human AI is fun to play against in most instances, as they play pretty realistically and act randomly as if they have a strategy of flushing you out by flanking, rushing, grenading, ect. When I say "most instances" though, there is only one really bad sequence, where you must have a moving shootout in a trolly.

The monster combat is probably my least favorite part, as they are bullet sponges, jumpy, and die in positions where you can't tell they've died. I've wasted ammo a good few times on corpses, thinking they were still alive, due to the way the corpse stood. The devs also think throwing a thousand enemies at you is a good idea, and more fun. The variety is lacking too. You'll have big run jump monster, big run jump monster that screams, gorilla run monster you can't kill, flying monster you can't kill, small run jump monster, and exploding balls of ♥♥♥♥ that regenerate every 5 seconds and zoom at you and explode in 2 seconds. All around, bad.

Bullet spread is also quite annoying. There were tons of times where I knew I've aimed at an enemy in the same areas as prior ones, but my bullets decided otherwise, and hit different parts of their body. Call that more immersive, but to me it's more annoying.

Story is fine, but a little slow and boring at times. I dislike how how some cool concepts or ideas are introduced but never used enough or shown again. Frankly, like the world and atmosphere more. The Half life 2 influences are very apparent, though, as it makes you play cutscenes.

As said, there were things I liked, but I'm going to have to say no on recommending it. They aren't enough good qualities. I think I would only do so if the person can't get enough of post apocalypse games, and neeeded another bump.
Publicado a 3 de fevereiro.
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3 pessoas acharam esta análise útil
1.4 hrs em registo
these girls better be glad i'm not the naked mole-rat
Publicado a 19 de janeiro.
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1.8 hrs em registo (0.8 horas no momento da análise)
release peggle 2 on steam. NOW!
Publicado a 4 de janeiro.
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1 pessoa achou esta análise engraçada
35.7 hrs em registo (5.4 horas no momento da análise)
Cool and immersive space garbage man sim. dont know why theres robots and mutants trying to kill me though.
Publicado a 4 de janeiro.
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1.2 hrs em registo
Larry is a cool dude
Publicado a 26 de dezembro de 2023.
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19.0 hrs em registo (18.7 horas no momento da análise)
Ready or Not returns to the, seemingly, dead genre of commander/team based shooters, and does the concept well. The only issues I have had, have been with the command system, squad members, and grading system.

You could chalk this up to an issue with my own play-style, but I noticed the command system will switch randomly when looking in specific areas. It also requires you to be annoyingly close to areas you want your men to stack.

Speaking of your men, I found certain animations to be really slow, like when your squad member opens a door and throws a flash. He always ends up being shot in the face, despite that being the stealthier option. You're almost always better off selecting the "kick" or "shotgun" the door and clear options. Squad grenade throw distance can also be improved, as I notice they usually throw very weak, and at awkward angles. On a minor note, i've also sometimes noticed red or blue run to random locations, after direct commands.

The grading system is fine for the most part, but everybody shot and incapacitated seems to register as "death" on the score. A little bit of randomness wouldn't hurt.

Regardless of my few complaints, this game gets a recommend solely on how polished and replay-able the game is, and how it doesn't compromise in what it tries to present. Developers and publishers don't have balls anymore (in lots of ways), and don't attempt to make anything considered "unsafe" because they're projected by non-gamers as "unprofitable". Glad VOID went self published with this, and I look forward to the future with this product.
Publicado a 18 de dezembro de 2023. Última alteração: 18 de dezembro de 2023.
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