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94.3 hrs on record (20.9 hrs at review time)
If I can put 20 hours in a game within a week of buying it, it's hella good. This is one of them.
Posted September 19, 2020.
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82.0 hrs on record (29.3 hrs at review time)
Honestly, this game deserves all the praise it gets and more.

I've had it for a while now, and although my (currently) 29 hours on the game may seem low, this game is tons of fun and I can't get enough of it. The main reason why I don't play it more is due to my hands which end up hurting after a while.

Now, it's actually surprising how much I like this game considering I'm absolute booty in rhythm games. It really makes this game much harder to play for people like me, especially when trying to complete all the characters (most specifically Aria). Now for those who may believe this game won't offer much because it's a small indie game, think again. Obviously it may not offer as much variety as, let's say The Binding of Isaac. However it still has many challenges to complete, quite a bunch of characters offering different playstyles, a two-player mode. etc.

If you love one or more of the things I'm listing out, you WILL love this game:
-Rhythm games
-Dungeon Crawlers
-Challenging games
-Rock/Metal music genres and subgenres
-Fantasy settings

Also, when you're done with this game, I highly recommend Cadence of Hyrule if you own a Nintendo Switch. It's basically this game merged with the setting of The Legend of Zelda.

Hurts my hands 9/10
Posted September 5, 2020.
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59.6 hrs on record (17.0 hrs at review time)
The only reason I recommend this game is the Zombies. If you're not interested by that, do NOT buy this game.

It is very poorly optimised (mind you I can run Borderlands 3 on way higher settings without a single performance hit where as this gets performance hits across all configurations), the multiplayer as always is just a big d*ck contest, the campaign doesn't make an ounce of sense and just oozes of that Michael Bay feel while making you eyes and ears bleed and graphically (on the highest settings) it's about the same level as Black Ops 2 was 3 years prior. However, seeing as it was coded inside a baboon's a*s, well you probably shouldn't attempt to run it at anything higher than medium, which will make it look like Black Ops 1 on the Wii. It's also running on the god-awful Advanced Warfare engine, which makes everything worse.

-PRO- (yes this is singular)
The zombies experience, especially when you have the DLC for the game, is absolutely unmatched. Not only do you get 4 brand new maps, you also get a remaster of one of the classics (Der Riese), all of the other WaW maps, most of the BO1 maps (all but Five and Call of the Dead, which are remastered in BO4) and arguably the best BO2 map (Origins). It does cost a fair bit to have it all however, so I highly suggest waiting for sales or getting a key somewhere else at a discounted price.
Posted June 12, 2020.
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1,167.3 hrs on record (21.4 hrs at review time)
At first I was actually afraid of buying this game because I thought the wonky physics wouldn't be to my liking. I ended up not minding them too much as they're pretty few and far between compared to what I could see from all the videos I saw online.

Forget anything I freaking said earlier. This game is not only one of the worst examples of AAA handling but it's slowly been killing itself while doing its make-up to appear like it's doing just fine.

The physics sure got better between launch and when I got it. But they also sure as hell got worse between then and now. The operators are also going for this "relatable but not really" approach where the devs ALWAYS miss the mark with their design. The cheater problem is getting worse by the second and the only thing they've publicly done so far is implementing a half fix: the replay system. All it really does is allow you to go back and watch it and (I think) it allows you to report them through that too. Mind you CSGO has had a system for YEARS that is miles ahead of this where confirmed legitimate players get to review suspected cheaters. All the replay does is confirm your doubts.

Apart from that, too many operators are WAY too central to any team comp, so in reality this game could get rid of all but 12 operators on each side and players would be none the wiser. Keep in mind that there are 30 attackers and 29 defenders as of writing this new review, and they want to reach 50 for each side eventually (as if this game is lasting 10 more years).

Oh and we haven't talked about the bugs either... And I'm not talking minor ones where some textures aren't doing the right thing and things like that. That'd be nice and cool. This is Ubisoft. It's absolutely game-breaking. Sure there's nothing like AC Unity (yet), but game-breaking glitches become more common, faster than ever. You used an breaching round on that wall? Well your game says no but the enemy can go right through after shooting you in the head from the now gaping hole on their end. Oh you thought that hatch was broken? Nope and now you just fell in a Lesion mine and the entire enemy team beams you in an instant. Oh you killed that bandit before he could press his cellphone? Well his C4 blows up anyway. Oh you thought that hatch was open? Nope and now you're stuck in place "falling" forever until someone who sees the actual hatch breaks it because you can't affect it anymore. Oh you thought that barricade was broken? Nope and now you'll never be able to go through. Oh you thought you heard something to your right? Nope that was your dad getting shot in the 7-11 50 miles away to your left (sorry man). Oh you thought you had headphones? Nah you ain't got sound now.

The fact is I could go on for HOURS just listing the many game-breaking bugs there are with this game, which is supposed to be a competitive E-Sports title. If anything, Terraria PvP is a more serious competitive E-Sports than this. Don't buy this game, not even on sale. Still doing a Pros and Cons with visible modifications in the spirit of the first review I made.
(added, removed)

-Highly tactical gameplay
-The noob class isn't actually that bad
-Operators are fun and balanced in general

-Jackal, Kali, Ace, Blackbeard, Ying, Dokkaebi, Lion, Aruni, Clash, Vigil, Mira, Echo and Valkyrie exist
Posted December 30, 2019. Last edited April 22, 2021.
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149.0 hrs on record (145.1 hrs at review time)
is good
Posted November 6, 2019.
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340.0 hrs on record (206.9 hrs at review time)
Currently the best game starring John Wick, let's see what the John Wick game is gonna have in store. I doubt it'll beat this though.
Posted June 30, 2019.
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4.9 hrs on record (3.9 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
DISCLAIMER: As the game is in early access and seems to be a game made to last for a long time, points made in this review are subject to change in the future.

First view:
It's relatively well balanced between ARs and snipers (haven't seen any shotguns used yet) as well as pistols, everything feels great, it's easy to run as it doesn't require any high-end equipment (I get 180 frames on my GTX 1060 laptop), doesn't have ping issues (unless you're far from every server possible), has quite a lot of people playing even early in the morning, doesn't seem to have any big hacker problem (unlike CS:GO and post-year COD games) and gives the same feeling of joy I had playing Combat Arms for the first time in 2008.

The game gives you plenty of in-game currency to buy at least one weapon of choice right off the bat and doesn't seem to have any weapon that would cost hundreds of hours to acquire. It also doesn't have anything P2W related, as the only microtransactions available are for skins (at least as far as I can see).

If you want a F2P FPS, this is the one. As a fan of FPS games, I am very satisfied with the current game, especially considering it's made by a relatively new studio as their first game ever (they started the company in late 2011, so 6 and a half years ago). I cannot wait to see what they add in the future, and I will gladly keep an eye out for any new releases they might have for us in the future.
Posted March 13, 2018.
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2 people found this review helpful
4.3 hrs on record
As soon as I've seen this game shown in Montreal at the start of the year, I was hooked. The wonderful artistic choices made for this game easily get any player hooked before they even start to play, while the story and gameplay assure player retention. For anyone that has played any Zelda game before and has liked it, this is an amazing game for you. I've only been able to play 4 hours so far because of school, but I can't wait to get back in it and continue acquiring more modifiers for my spells. The only complaint I have about this game would be some of the animations that look a little off, but it is very minor and doesn't ruin the immersion at all.

I give this game my Love rating of 9.5/10
Posted July 4, 2017.
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831.9 hrs on record (763.9 hrs at review time)
CS:GO Review
It's good I guess.
Posted March 31, 2017.
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3 people found this review helpful
13.1 hrs on record
Fun game but not enough people play it. 8-bit hordes may resolve that problem.
Posted August 12, 2016.
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