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21.6 hrs on record (7.5 hrs at review time)
Game definitely needs an optimization pass, but it's not unplayable by any means.
I'm playing on a desktop I built 5+ years ago and upgraded over time.
My specs:
Windows 10 (decluttered)
i7-6700k@4ghz (no overclock)
1660-ti super 4gb vram
32gb DDR4ram
Primary and secondary display are 60hz 1080p monitors.

With this setup I get a slideshow in the main city and a specific area full of tall grass (only briefly) but for the most part I hit 40-45fps in the wilderness and other areas like caves and small towns. I turned shadows down to medium, contact shadows on, subsurface scattering on, interlaced display mode, textures med(? cant recall but it wasn't max), and all the lame postprocessing effects off.

As for the gameplay. It's Dragon's Dogma 2. The sequel to the first game. If you liked DDDA you will like DD2.
Notable differences are the player movement being a lot more fluid, as well as mantling ledges and sliding down hills being added. Character customization is infinitely improved. I'm not finding nearly as much equipment as I was expecting and it seems like most of the enemies feel a bit beefier, but my perspective is probably tainted from playing NG+ LVL100+ for so long on the first game.
The microtransactions are negligible and the preorder items are so useless I wonder why they are even in the game, such as the "makeshift gaol key" which is a one time use item. Meanwhile, the main quest gives you a "Gaol Key" which has infinite uses and appears to do the same job, according to the item description. The weapons included in the DX version are just the basic weapons you start with +a gaudy gold paint job and a slightly better stats. All in all, you are missing not a single damn thing if you skip the deluxe version and ignore the mtx store. The rest of the items in the mtx store can be earned in game very easily to the point it's laughable that they even considered monetizing them.
No way to manage saves or make a new save, so just family share to your secondary steam account until Capcom adds it in.

All in all it's exactly what I wanted, which is more Dragon's Dogma. I could do without he modern graphics bloat, considering this game looks no better (and worse in some cases) on the lowered settings I have to play it at, but the max settings gameplay I've seen doesn't really look that much better either imo.

To cap this off, skibbidy gyatt arizzen, shoot me.
Posted March 23.
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0.2 hrs on record
This game sucks just as bad as it always has.
Suck it down.
Posted October 5, 2023.
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1.2 hrs on record
An unbearably linear FPS with a "wild west" paint job.

You have no freedom to explore the levels.
There are a few secrets, usually hidden behind some junk, or around a side path.
The shooting would be fun, were it not for the game's incessant story interruptions. For example, you shoot a handful of enemies, walk about ten paces forward, then the game takes control of your character to move you into a wide open spot between 3 or 4 enemies so you can kill them in a quick time event. Afterwards it spawns 10 or so enemies on the rooftops and behind cover, all the while, the narrator just blabs on and on.
The levels are laughably short. 10 minutes per level in story mode, without all the needless cutscenes you're left with 5 minutes of actual gameplay per level.
Duels are just bad in this game. You hold a slippery mouse cursor (with smoothing, dampening, and low sensitivity) over the enemy, and wait for them to reach for their gun, left click, line a second mouse cursor up and left click again. Why are these in the game? They are not fun. They are not cool. They are not challenging. You just point and shoot a single enemy with ridiculous restraints put on your aim.
I gave up by the third level when I had to stand still and shoot 20 stationary enemies on top of a canyon as they filed in one at a time while the narrator rambled about absolutely ♥♥♥♥-all for the tenth time in a row.
I'm not expecting Red Dead, I'm just expecting a worthwhile FPS.
Posted September 5, 2023. Last edited September 5, 2023.
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27.2 hrs on record (25.4 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
Posted February 18, 2023.
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0.6 hrs on record
When they dumped me off the boat, the game dropped 500k silver, a retarded pear outfit and a million chests full of random ♥♥♥♥ on me.
The character design and art direction are to be expected of an MMO with retarded mile high shoulder pads and watermelon sized tits everywhere. The story I picked up from the few seconds of cut scene I watched while trying to find the skip button was essentially "le heckin evil bad guy is evil and you are good". There you go, I just saved you 150 hours of digging through lore and youtube video essays.

If none of that sways you from installing this piece of ♥♥♥♥, just lay your eyes on this.
Posted February 16, 2023. Last edited February 16, 2023.
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1.4 hrs on record
Early Access Review
Looks like ass.
Runs like ass.
Plays like ass.
I only played this ♥♥♥♥ because a friend gifted it to me and forced me to play it with him.
Posted January 11, 2023.
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1.9 hrs on record
Gee, they really don't like black people in this game.
Posted January 7, 2023.
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A developer has responded on Jan 8, 2023 @ 4:32pm (view response)
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21.8 hrs on record (16.7 hrs at review time)
Don't let anyone fool you, this is a purely PVP game. Even if you try to avoid other players you'll just get chased to the ends of the Earth because you're the only thing to shoot at besides generic skeleton ships.
If you however decide to engage in PVP, expect an endless back and forth until you either run out of canon balls, planks, or patience.
Unless of course you're wasting your time with the in game missions/treasure hunts, then a player will drive by your ass and flounder your ship before you can even get aboard.
On top of that, the only thing you're working towards are cosmetic items. There is nothing to unlock in the game except for new clothing/ship parts that only change appearance.
Posted December 27, 2022. Last edited January 1, 2023.
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140.1 hrs on record (119.2 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
I ated jelly beans till I got a stummy ache and then I ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ DIED.
Posted November 23, 2022. Last edited July 21, 2023.
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25.6 hrs on record (16.2 hrs at review time)
Destroy All Humans! 2: Re-castrated

Bugs, balancing, and ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥. A certain "problematic" mission was cut as well as certain brain-scans.
The ending was apparently altered but it's probably so they have an opening for a third game to be made.
I don't generally mention the good things in my reviews, as I find the negatives to be more relevant to me and other people who might be interested in buying a game.
That being said, I don't want it to sound like I absolutely hate the game, or that the game is even bad.
So on that note, I'll start with the good.

- The art style is a very nice change and remains consistent with the first remake's art style.
- The level layout and design, while massively different from the original Destroy All Humans 2, is very good and looks much better than the original in my opinion.
- Collectibles such as records, posters, and artwork are a welcome addition to the levels.
- New optional objectives on each story mission and side mission which reward you with extra furotech cells.
- If you have the skin pack from the first remake, you can use the skins in this one.
- There are skins to unlock in-game through side objectives (and they don't all look lame like the first one).
- The audio, particularly the dialogue, sounds a lot cleaner than the first remake's.
- The movement, shooting, weapons for the most part are all massively improved over the original.
- You can refund your furotech cells and upgrade cores with brain-stems, though the game fails to mention it has an exponentially increasing cost for each refund.
- You start right out the gate with infinite S.K.A.T.E. and a maxed out jet pack.
- Massive improvements in the b00ba department.
- Most of the dialogue made it in, even the racier bits were left unaltered with few exceptions.
- I really like this game. ♥♥♥♥ you, at least my opinion counts to my dog.

- Cut content. Yes, in spite of the trigger warning and all the bluster, they cut a mission and some dialogue.
- Bugs, and lots of em.
- The virgin dislocator isn't even primordial slag compared to the chad DISCLOCATOR.
Look how they massacred my boy. It just sort of bounces things off the ground to middling effect. Gone is the ridiculous sound of whizzing objects, cars, and people flying around at mach 12. Now you have to charge a shot for over 5 seconds just to bounce a car around on the ground for 2 seconds. The thing just sucks and nobody was actually asking for it to be neutered like this. I know I've dedicated an entire paragraph to the dislocator but come on. It also looks like they got the colors for the zap-o-matic and the dislocator switched around. The zap-o-matic's energy is purple and the dislocator's is blue.
- The graphics settings are all tied together in the options menu. So you can't change anisotropic filtering, you can only change the "visual effect" setting from "low" to "ultra".
- The game's color looks washed out and overly bloomed in certain weathers.
- The physics are very unreliable and tend to just freeze objects midair sometimes, or shoot a vehicle half-way into the ground.
- Free love was changed to a weapon, which is actually rather nice, but there is no reason to use it at low alert levels due to the shortness of the dance. It takes a considerable amount of time to get it into effect at higher alert levels which kind of ruins it's utility as a panic button. You also can't call an all clear during free love, probably due to a bug.
- PK Follow is practically useless. Armed humans no longer act as a bodygaurd (which might be a bug) and npc's tend to just run into traffic or get stuck on the open air when under the influence of Follow. Every enemy will just target your follower as soon as you make one, so it's useless for missions too.
- PK Mindflash messes with clean body-snatches and calling all clear. If you mindflash and then try to snatch while everyone is down, your new body will have aggro on it until you get out of it, even if you break line of sight or get an all clear.
- Transmogrification takes too long and returns too little.
- A lot of the weapons are useless against vehicles compared to just using an un-upgraded pk throw. You can one shot tanks most of the time with just humans, but it takes a fully upgraded Ion charge to destroy one.
- The proximity detector really sucks at finding furotech cells. Seriously, over half of them didn't ping on the damn thing while I was standing directly on them.
- Furotech cells in the world are tucked away in annoying spots that are covered up. I'm probably going to end up having to use a guide to find the last one in Bay City and I'm not even going to bother trying without a guide in Albion. Seriously, in the original game, you could see the damn things from across the map, now I can barely see them when they're 10ft away, because there's usually something obscuring it.

- I hate the saucer.
- The saucer sucks.
- Fix the damn saucer.
I'm not exaggerating when I say that just about every aspect of the saucer is out of balance.
- The Death Ray sucks.
It takes a continuous 5 second blast from a fully upgraded Death Ray to destroy just about any building. A simple matchstick watch tower? 5 seconds. A fish stand? 5 seconds. A small house? 5 seconds. A brick lighthouse? 5 seconds. You get the point.
- The Sonic Boom sucks.
It takes 10 to 12 sonic blasts (fully upgraded) to destroy anything. That's even with the "added" damage from enemy projectiles being sucked into your blasts. Keep in mind, you can only hold 30 shots max.
- The Quantum Deconstructor sucks.
The Quantum Deconstructor has a smaller blast radius than the sonic boom. It gets like 5% charge per pickup and you need 100% to fire it. It's max capacity is only 2 shots.
- Saucer transmogrification sucks double.
It takes just as long as it does on foot and you get even less ammo from it. Half of the time you end up extracting brains (because you can do that in the saucer for some ungodly reason). Over half of my time in the saucer would be spent mashing E just to get ammo if it weren't for my next point.
- Saucer PK Slam mogs every single other saucer weapon.
It one shots almost every building, it instantly destroys any vehicle, and it costs 0 ammo to use. It's the quickest way to destroy the entire map, which is a shame because it was actually fun to tear up the map in the original game using all of the weapons at your disposal.
The saucer pretty much boils down to PK SLAM, PK SLAM, PK SLAM, PK SLAM.
Unless you try to use any of your weapons, in which case the saucer boils down to: TRANSMOG, TRANSMOG, TRANSMOG, destroy 2 buildings, TRANSMOG, TRANSMOG TRANSMOG. God help you if you actually try to use the Death Ray, it takes an absolute age to destroy just a few buildings.

As I said. The game isn't bad. It's just buggy and unbalanced. I don't think it's worth boycotting over THQ Nordic censoring a few lines and one mission, but it would be nice if they grew some balls, instead of kowtowing to people who aren't even going to play their games.
Posted August 31, 2022. Last edited November 25, 2022.
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