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59.5 hrs on record (7.4 hrs at review time)
It's a crime that so many people negatively reviewed this. The presentation blows me away, specifically the art and animation. There are plenty of mechanics and unlocks that have me discovering new ways to play the game each run. The main complaints I'm seeing are about difficulty, which I agree, this game can be brutal, and some battles can feel stacked against you, but the game does show you enough information to prepare for many rounds ahead of time, and whenever I fail I never feel like it wasn't due to my own impatience. If you're a fan of deckbuilders, this may be one of the most engaging and fun games of that genre I've found.
Posted April 17, 2023.
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425.3 hrs on record (311.3 hrs at review time)
I am in an abusive relationship with this game.
Posted February 15, 2023.
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565.8 hrs on record (524.1 hrs at review time)
I can't believe I never wrote a review for this! It's the perfect bullet-hell roguelike. An insane amount of replay value and unlocks. It's charm and gameplay won me over so hard I had to 100% the achievements, and I don't consider myself a completionist. At the current price value, it is well worth it. On sale, it's a steal.
Posted September 18, 2022.
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10 people found this review helpful
7.9 hrs on record
It had potential. Then the dev put anti-trans and anti-mask political beliefs in his patch notes. When the dev faced the repercussions of being a jerk (not saying his views immediately make him a jerk, but his responses to others were overly aggressive), he decided he would not update this game any more. As the game stands, I wouldn't recommend it for the current price tag, considering it teases future DLCs that will never come.
Posted August 28, 2022.
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3 people found this review helpful
110.0 hrs on record (100.2 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
This is a very good game. Everyone is review-bombing it because there is no autosave, but they're completely missing the point. The save system is balanced so that you are forced to act carefully, and not abuse the system just because you get in over your head. While the game does have balancing issues, the devs are always working on balancing and updating the game. This is a hard game, and to new players it may seem too RNG based, but with the right amount of preparation and cautiousness. the game does a good job setting the stage of a brutal world that not just anyone can survive in.
Posted August 26, 2022.
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29.4 hrs on record (4.4 hrs at review time)
Reminds me of an old flash game called Runestone Arena that I used to love. This game is like that, on crack. Everything is better, and it is very worth the price charged.
Posted February 12, 2021.
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49.0 hrs on record (40.9 hrs at review time)
You are doing yourself a disservice not playing this game. Probably the best-written game I've ever played. Hilarious dialogue and emotional haunting moments.11/10
Posted September 15, 2020. Last edited October 10, 2020.
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37.4 hrs on record (35.0 hrs at review time)
It's great.
The only downside is I felt it was a little short, but it does have a lot of replay ability through dialogue options and ways to complete the level, some paths that can even lead to a secret boss. There's also different weapons to choose from if you can find the keys to them.
Easier with a mouse and keyboard (imo) and is very smooth.
I can't wait for the next part, and for the story to be developed further.
Posted November 29, 2019.
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2 people found this review helpful
22.3 hrs on record (7.5 hrs at review time)
Lifeless, unbalanced, and disappointing.
I hate to say bad things about this game, since I've been waiting for Sonny 3 for years. The original two were my favorite flash games of all time. I was guaranteed going to buy this no matter what the reviews said. I wish I didn't, honestly. I also wish that the developers of Sonny (2017) stuck to it's original style. When I say style, I mean EVERYTHING. They changed almost EVERYTHING in this game. There are no animations, making the static sprites slide around with no polish. The items you equip on your character don't show up at all, which wouldn't be a big deal, if Sonny and Sonny 2 worked in that feature, which blew me away as a kid. Speaking of the inventory, they reduced the equipment options from 7-8 slots to 4. So it made it feel like every other iOS RPG on the market. They removed the voice acting, which was sometimes cheesy in the originals, but I really think it brought charm and character to the games. They completely took away the class selection (although they did implement a strain system, which is sort of like classes, I guess.) and made each stage have a smaller selection of enemies. The enemies can range from weak basic ones that go down in a few hits to big hulking monsters that will kill you and your friends in one hit. I never had to keep respecing my abilities that many times in the original ones. I wanted to beat the game before I wrote this review, but honestly I got stuck in diffferent areas multiple times, even the TRAINING areas (you know, the ones you go to so you can level up and face an easier challenge?), they all seemed to be just as hard as the story battles. This game is worse than the original two. And it hurts me to say it, as the developers (especially Krin) have been nothing but excited and positive about this game. It HURTS to write a negative review for something I've been looking forward to since the mysterious ending (which I guess will never be expanded upon?) to Sonny 2. I would pay more than eight dollars for the first games on Steam than this disappointing sequel.
Go play Sonny and Sonny 2 instead.
Posted April 19, 2017. Last edited June 2, 2017.
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1 person found this review helpful
200.2 hrs on record (110.1 hrs at review time)
What can I even say? This is one of my favorite games on Steam. There is endless replayability, which is rare for most games. The unique characters and unique deaths you can suffer are always good for a laugh. Unless it's a dog (I'm sorry Fido. I shouldn't have let you run into the mansion alone with that sledgehammer). If you know how to manage your supplies, then you're good. Just kidding, the game can get pretty rough, even if you know what to do. I can't express my positivity for this game ENOUGH! The developers are still adding more and more content so even players with over 100 hours in this game (ahem) find new things about the game every run. Buy it. Unless you don't like zombies. Or Rogue-Like games. Or Canada. Especially if you don't like Canada.
Posted January 19, 2017.
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