SteX Kraken
⚡ M.K ⚡   Sweden
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It's the factory-turbocharged and cast-iron-block 2JZ-GTE that really make the MKIV Supra what it is. Aside from its strength, the 320hp straight-six layout means less vibration and a smoother-running powerplant. Here, 700 hp without opening up the bottom end is possible, and if you've got the money—say 30 grand or so—the recipe for just about the most straightforward 1,000 hp is yours for the taking. To be sure, there is quite possibly no less expensive way to belt out that kind of million-dollar hypercar power.

The Over-Engineered 2J
As far as supercars go, it's easy to mistake those of the '90s as conservative, especially those hailing from Japan. They're not, necessarily, though. Yeah, Toyota's Supra lays down a mere 320 hp, but it's no accident that it's 500 hp-ready with very little effort. Beginning in '89, Japanese automakers avoided expensive horsepower wars by capping production-car output in their homeland to 276 hp. We're talking about the country's Gentleman's Agreement, where settled-upon but often-not-followed terms meant engines like Toyota's 2JZ-GTE left the production line with a whole lot more potential than the company's Paseos did. The agreement made a lot of sense for a country that didn't provide a whole lot of means to legally eclipse the 62-mph mark, but has since proven unrealistic for American car buyers who expect their station wagons to move faster than a mid-'90s supercar. All this means to you is that turning 500 hp out of a 2JZ-GTE or an RB26DETT with a few bolt-ons any bozo could handle is easier than you ever would've thought.
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k3NN0 Sep 13, 2019 @ 1:10pm 
Added because jz :D
lennart torstensson Jan 1, 2018 @ 4:54pm 
Sori e meant +rep :)
lennart torstensson Jan 1, 2018 @ 4:53pm 
lennart torstensson Jan 1, 2018 @ 4:43am 
Gooder boy
lennart torstensson Dec 30, 2017 @ 5:13am 
My ♥♥♥♥♥ brudda
GingerMoose Aug 9, 2017 @ 9:56am 
+rep ...