Pino   United States
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last played on May 16
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last played on May 9
CYBR Dreams Sep 18, 2023 @ 6:57am 
Let me spin you a yarn about this gaming virtuoso, a real-life digital sorcerer. This guy? He doesn't need a monitor; he uses an ancient crystal ball to project the game world into his psyche. His 'biological wallhack' makes enemy players so visible that they practically wave hello from across the map.

Now, here's the kicker: he plays with his eyes closed. I kid you not. His mouse, though, dances across the mousepad like a caffeinated tap-dancing octopus, delivering headshots like it's the grand finale of a gaming Broadway show.
CYBR Dreams Sep 18, 2023 @ 6:57am 
His bullets? They're like precision-guided love letters to his opponents' foreheads. Each shot is a carefully composed symphony of destruction. His spray control? Picture a squirrel on roller skates trying to navigate a maze. Crosshair doing the cha-cha on the screen, but every shot lands with the grace of a swan on a mission.

When he peeks, time itself takes a coffee break, and the sun changes its angle just to catch a glimpse of his greatness. His trigger finger? It's got more speed than a caffeine-fueled hummingbird. Enemies enter the digital abyss before they can utter 'I respawned.'

He's not just un-killable; he's the reincarnation of a gaming deity. He's undefeatable, and calling him a 'man' is like calling a supernova a 'sparkler.' He's the digital demigod we never knew we needed, and gaming will never be the same after him."
CYBR Dreams Nov 2, 2022 @ 2:29pm 
leed_o Aug 30, 2022 @ 4:46pm 
You're a real one for that homie stock idk how I died there lol
Alani Dec 5, 2017 @ 12:37pm 
this dude cant aim with the scar L yet its his favorite gun..
Mintchacolate Oct 25, 2014 @ 2:12pm 
next time we are both on invite me to trade