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15.4 hrs on record
I had this game in my library for awhile and it took me some time to even consider playing it. I thought this game was just going to be a mediocre platforming game with nothing special, despite the reviews given for it. However, I was rather surprised that the game had more than what I expected. There were some flaws to the game, but I was still impressed with the game overall and I wanted to share my thoughts.

- Impressive Graphics
Like I said before, I wasn't expecting much when I downloaded the game and I had that mindset when I started the game. This quickly changed when I noticed how stunning the environment was. From the first level, I was shocked to see how detailed the floating rocks were and how the environment in the background felt natural. It got even better when I progressed through the game, when the levels became bigger and the environment shifted from dark, eerie cave to traveling through the sky. It was breathtaking overall and it felt like I was the one actually flinging myself through the air and doing these amazing and dangerous parkour moves.

- Supportive Soundtrack
Another thing I noticed right away was the soundtrack for the game. It felt like the soundtrack fitted each level perfectly and it made the overall experience better. I even took my time when I progressed through each level to just listen to the soundtrack and marvel the environment around me. The point where I thought the soundtrack and visuals blew me away was when I entered the level called "Sky Haven". It was beyond my expectation and I was taken aback on how beautifully designed the level was. The track that was playing in this level gave me a sense of wonder, curiosity, and a feeling that I was a tiny speck in an expansive universe. This soundtrack was spectacular and it gave the overall environment of the game a huge boost.

- Demanding Level
As I was playing through the game, I really enjoyed how the levels felt and were built. They progressively got much harder throughout the game, but the pacing of the difficulty felt just right. Which is great for new players because they don't quit right away. Each level was challenging, but not too difficult for someone to complete. Not only that, I loved the way the levels were designed and how they worked. Each level requires different techniques to complete it and it gave each level a unique image, or made them feel unique. It does require quick and precise movements to latch onto obstacles and some planning when you are progressing through the level. To me, it felt just right with the amount of difficulty presented in each level.

- Smooth and Simple Gameplay
It wasn't too hard to learn all the mechanics of the game, which is a relief when playing platforming games. Most of the mechanics in the game requires you to jump, leap, and latch onto obstacles, most of the time. There are just a few unique mechanics you encounter or get in the game that changes the gameplay a bit, but it not too much. It should also be noted that the controls are relatively smooth and quick to react, which is essential in games like these.

- Mediocre Story (Possible Spoilers)
Now, the only reason why I put the story in the con section is that there is obviously no middle ground to put this in and I wasn't exactly blown away with it. The story can be subjective to others, but here is what I thought. The main premise of the story is - SPOILER ALERT - to find the uncle. Well, it may not be that big of a spoiler, but that's pretty much the entire story in my opinion. Sure, there were some twists in the story where in may enhance the story a bit, but I still found the story to be rather dull. If there was something I had to complain about, - SPOILER ALERT - it would be the time when MC find his uncle. I felt like this encounter with the uncle was a bit too quick or rushed. Other than that, it was just a decent story.

- Decent Animation
The animation of most of the characters and npcs in the game felt like they were more like toys than actual living beings. Sometimes when the npcs are turning their heads or moving their arms, it looks so stiff and robotic that is makes me believed that the creators didn't put much effort in the animation. However, there were some part of the story where the animation was more than decent. The supporting character had better animation in a couple of cutscenes and there was a unique obstacle in the third level that had a surprising amount of animation to it. Maybe the developers didn't have enough budget or something, but in the end I thought the animation was lacking a bit.

My Verdict: 8/10

There were a couple of things wrong with the game and a few decent problems that I noticed, but I was still impressed with the game overall. Coming in with the mindset I had before, there were a lot of good qualities this game presented to me that made me change my mind. It was a short and pleasant platforming game that I will remember down the road. Maybe not for the story as much, but for the atmosphere it had. The level design, the graphics and the soundtrack was the most memorable part of the game for me, especially the "Sky Haven" level or whatever it was called. That level was gorgeous and I enjoyed every second of that level. Overall, this was a well-done game created by Gone North Games and I would like to see another game similar to this in the future.
Posted July 12, 2019.
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117.2 hrs on record (83.7 hrs at review time)
Its been awhile since I wrote my last review, but after completing this game, I felt like I had to write one to describe how amazing and beautiful this game is. Unknown Worlds Entertainment has created one of the best underwater survival game there is this year, and I am confident to say the best survival game if 2018!

- Gorgeous Graphics
I don't know how Unknown Worlds Entertainment did it, but they had made the ocean in the game come to life. I never felt so happy just to look at the world around me and admire its beauty. From the glowy and majestic Kelp Forests, to the dark and creepy Blood Kelp Zone, it felt like I was actually there. I had played many survival games before this one and one thing that somewhat annoyed me was resource collecting, it was a chore to do. But in Subnautica, I actually enjoyed it because it gave me the chance to explore more of the ocean I'm in and be amazed at its stunning environment. Not only that, all the fishes and plants were extremely unique in their own way and stood out. Just make sure you have a good graphics card to experience the magnificent world of Subnautica!

- Respectable Story
As in most survival games, your main goal or "story" is to just survive in the environment you're in, simple as that. In Subnautica, the story is a bit more than that and it offers some secrets that are waiting to be discovered by the player. To me, the story in the game was just right. It wasn't too lenghty and it wasn't too short, it felt just right and felt natural for a survival game. It also offer a system in which you can scan items and get a record or data from it, which is interesting and you can learn more about the environment around you. In the end, you'll enjoy the story as much as you will enjoy the gameplay aspect of it.

- Unique Gameplay
The main idea of the game is like most survival games, find and collect materials that you can craft with to create better items that can help you survive. However, the game takes place on an alien planet which is completely surmerged in water, so this means that we will be crafting different types of unique items to sustain ourselves underwater. We can create all sorts of stuff, like a underwater rifle that can temporary distort the area you shot at, a underwater glider that can help you travel faster, or a fabrication tool that allows you to build bases, its amazing. You can also create vehicles that will definitely help you progress through the game and be a part of your life there. Now, the most fun aspect of the gameplay, in my opinion, is base building. You can create a base anywhere in the game, whether its up high in the sky like a skyscraper, or deep underwater where sunlight is nonexistent. Not only that, you can customize it to be more welcoming and makeit feel like a proper home. Just be sure to build it in a safe place, or else you might have to face some big, I mean very big fishes when you leave your base.

- Graceful and Terrifying Soundtrack
The developers had created a soundtrack that perfectly fits in with the environment that you so happen to be in. In the game, you will be introduced to different biomes of the ocean and each biome has its own soundtrack, how cool is that! So, when you enter a deep cave that takes you to a rather suspicious scary place, then you will have music that will amplify the terror that you might be feeling in that moment. I loved this soundtrack because not only it was delightful to hear, but it was a very broad soundtrack that it had very different music genres in it. Overall, it really helped the game to pop out and be alive.

Moving on from all the pros it has, it does have a few cons which I had noticed during my playhrough.

In the game, you will probably be introduced to some scary-looking fishes called Leviathians, and you should avoid at all cost. However, you might have to explore some areas with them present. In my case, I had a little problem with them spawning in at the wrong time and a problem with them kind of popping up from the ground or wall. One time I was mining some materials and I heard a rather terrifying roar, so I look around and found nothing in my general area. I continued mining and a couple second later, I lifted off the ground by a giant a*& beast that just popped up from the ground, which shouldn't happen, and I almost had a heart attack. I notice this problem to happen mostly with the Leviathians, in which they somehow no-clip through the environment and kind of roam around outside of the map. Just be wary of this, but this shouldn't affect your gameplay to much.

- Minor Glitches
These aren't too noteworthy to mention, but they mainly deal with the player sometimes getting stuck in the ground or wall, which I have encounter. These aren't too bad though because you can get out of them most of the time, but sometimes I had to load my last checkpoint to escape. Just be sure to save often, just in case something happens.

My Verdict: 9/10

This game stood out to me as the most remembered survival game I have ever played, it was just so unique and interesting. It followed the survival game mechanics and did amazing at that, but it also had some distinctive mechanic that can only be found in this game. The story was great and I loved how they slowly introduce the story to you, they give you enough info for you to be familiar with in the beginning and then they gradually guide you through it. The graphics and soundtrack are going to be memorable for you, and this is what I'm going to remember when I look back at this game. All I have to say is great job Unknown Worlds Entertainment for creating a masterpiece of a game and I await for the uncoming DLC's that are soon to follow!
Posted August 16, 2018.
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4.9 hrs on record
Space, a portal gun, a rapid fire machine gun and tons of rooms to traverse through will create this very excitig adventure. MiniBoss has created a short, pixalated adventure/platformer game where you control Yuri, a well-known space police offcier that has to escape the planet he's on in order to save humanity.

- Clever Level Design
A good chunk of these levels can be solved in a multitude of ways. These ways will make you think outside of the box because if you don't, there is a good chance you might be stuck for a while. You can find ways to get through the levels quicker than before or find other ways to avoid doing the levels. You just have to find the secrets and tricks of each room, and like I said, they are very clever.

- Challenging Levels
Alongside clever level design, there are some that require a bit of patience and brainstorming before completing. The game has some rather difficult levels that stops you from speedrunning it through. Of course, if you beat it already it would be easier to do a second run, but the game offers both side of the spectrum in each of its levels, easy and hard.

- Retro Soundtrack
The music actually goes well with the game. It has a pixelated feeling to it and it changes to match each level setting. Reminds me when I use to play the original Mario Bros, it bring great memories to me.

- Smooth Controls
To me, I thought the controls were smooth and reactive, which save me a couple times during the game. It may take awhile to get use to, but you'll get use to it and continue forward. Your main concern will be getting used to the portal mechanics because there are some levels that you have to use the portal gun and it reacts differently to different objects in the game. In the end, the controls are crisp and quick.

Other than those, this game does have its fair share of cons, but most of them can relate to each other.

- Repetitive Gameplay
The first time through is fun, but going back and doing a second run may cause some problems. There is no extras things when beating the game, it takes you back through everything again with no change. It makes sense if your trying to get all the secrets hidden in each levels, but then after a while it becomes a chore going through each level again and again.

- Short Game
The game can be completed in under an hour or even in twenty minutes (these are achievements by the way). It sucks that if your really good at platforming game, you can rush probably through this game and be done with it. Really, its a very short game, even when finding all of its secrets.

- Minimal Content
There isn't to much to offer in the game, all you get is a few item that will help you get through the game and that' it. The game has some unique gamelevel mechanics, but other than that, there isn't much that will be remembered after you finished the game.

- Other Minor Problems
There are some achievements that require you to go out of your way and spend quite a bit of time to complete them. I had to use a couple of walkthroughs to help me get them, which took me a while.

My Verdict Of The Game

It may had been an Indie game, but there could have been more work put into it. However, it has unique elements to make stand out and be memorable to some people. The story was quite straigthforward, which I liked, but the gameplay was also quite straightforward as well. This made it nothing to special except for its portal mechanics, which I thought was pretty clever and it gave me a challenge to overcome. Other than the gameplay, the game wasn't anything too special, but it was solid and quite fun to play. To me, the soundtrack stands out the most to me since it fits the billet perfectly. It need a bit more work, but overall a memeorable game to me and to the people who supported this.
Posted September 4, 2017. Last edited September 4, 2017.
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2.1 hrs on record (1.7 hrs at review time)
Like a diamond in the rough, this masterpiece of a game has so much potential to become something greater, which I really hope it for to take and grasp that. Dominique Grieshofer has created a perfect, short and relaxing parkour/platformer game that brings you both fun and peace to your mind, along with many more positive features.

- Remarkable Graphics
From the sea to the sky, Refunct has some astonishing design and graphics. The shadowing and water reflection are very well done, along with the stunning background that you play in. The lighting is great and the fact that it coordinates with the sun's movement, it leads to something even more amazing. Refunct has a night/day cycle, which lets you experience the beauty of the game during the light of day and the darkness of the night. The colors are very bright and lively, making sure that it helps make you feel relaxed and at home, truly remarkable.

- Melodious/Peaceful Soundtrack
The music in this game is exactly what it says, relaxing and emotional. It brings peace and calmness over you while you play the game to its fullest. With music like this, there is really no reason to be angry or rage during the game, since you will be enveloped by the tranquility of the music. The soundtrack is truly marvelous and the fact that the music also cycles with the day/night cycle shows that much effort has been put in the soundtrack.

- Simple, Charming Plot
The gameplay is like any other game platformer, but it comes with a twist. You parkour to restore the world around you and return it to its former glory. It gives the player a bit of purpose on why he/she should continue to restore the world around them. Even though it doesn't give you any idea of a plot or idea, this was my assumption, since you have to press buttons that would continue to bring the broken world up from the depths of the sea. It makes sense, since each time you step on a new block or piece of land, you restore it with its color and give it the gift of life. I kind of lean towards plots like this, that are straight-forward and easy to understand.

- Pure Gameplay
The gameplay is relatively forward like any other platformer game. You can walljump off of tall blocks, you can slide through pipes and low places, you can take lifts to higher places, or jump higher and farther from springs. Seems simple, but the real purpose of the gameplay is to not make you feel angry, frustrated or any other related emotions. The game was built to make you feel relaxed while you play the game, so the gameplay was designed to not overwhelm you with overly complictated actions. Despite that, the game is obviously not hard to play, meaning that many people with different platforming experience could play. However, the game is also not too easy to beat, due to the achievements and overall design, which gives it a bit more flavor and memorable to those who play a lot of platformer games.

Now to the cons; but I have to point out first that these are all in my opinion, meaning that some might not agree with me, but I'm sure that these opinions are ones that most would agree on.

- Short Game
I know that the developer intended for this game to be short, but I enjoyed it so much that I want it to expand more. I really dont care on how it could be extended, maybe adding more parts to the one level, or maybe making an entire new level. With its already incredible graphic and soundtrack, its just so sad that you can finish this game so quick and not see the fullness of the game.

- MOAR Content
Now this was something I needed to point out, like I said in the beginning, 'A diamond in the rough'. What it means is when something (or someone) has hidden exceptional characteristics and/or future potential, but currently lacks the final touches that would make them (or it) truly stand out from the crowd. This game is exactly that to me because the developer could add so much more to this game to make it even greater. Now, I'm not saying that it doesn't stand out (Just look at all the positive reviews), but I kind of want more content within the game. Maybe the developer could add some sort of teleporting system, or maybe a bridge mechanic ( These are ideas I'm just throwing from the top of my head). To people who have already played, you might get where I'm coming from, but to the new player or those who are interested in this game. Just play it first and enjoy what its was made for, then you'll get what Im trying to say. Other than that, the game itself is already a masterpiece.

My Verdict of The Game

With so much outstanding qualities, this game is very fun and realxing to play, which lives up to what the game claims to be. A beautiful game to a lot of people, Dominique Grieshofer has really done a spectacular job with this game. To make it even more praiseworty, the developer has been revamping the game with updates to make the game more memorable, meaning that the developer really cares about this game and wants to do more. The price to me seem to be a little to high, but I'm mixed because it does have the graphics and soundtrack to back it up. Overall for being a three dollar game, this has to be the best developed game in that price catagory. To Dominique Grieshofer, this was a very wonderful game and I hope you continue to make even more games.
Posted July 31, 2017.
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21.4 hrs on record (18.7 hrs at review time)
Another very well made game created by Supergiant Games, Transistor is the second in series of games they made and it totally lives up to the expectations of all. I personally enjoyed their first game, Bastion, but this one took me beyond my expectations and I found myself loving this game more.

- Spectacular Graphics
The company totally went all out on their graphic department because this game is so gorgeous to look at and play through. Unlike Bastion with it water-colored details, this game has a more Cyberpunk feeling to it, still retaining it original water concept, but has a mix of bright and out-going colors, to more subtle and depressing colors, which goes very well with the story. Different scenes throughout the story shows you how magnificent the art is and you have all the time in the world to take it in. All I can say is that the graphics are very unique and are unforgettable.

- Fascinating Story
Right from the beginning, your thrown into the game with no knowledge of anything and its your job to figure out the story. It makes you feel like its your duty to piece this story together and figure out what the heck is going on. The game did a great job of luring people to press forward into the story and be enveloped with its lore it has to offer. The game has a unique way of revealing the story by allowing you to using different actions to reveal more of the story, but that's is entirely up to you to discover it. The story is filled with sorrow, tragedy, trust, and mystery, which Red, the main chracter, has to dive into it and sort it all out before its too late.

- Personalized Gameplay
One of the main reasons why I fell in love with this game was the fact that you have the ability to customized your gameplay in many different ways, which is similar to their first game, Bastion. Red has different abilities that are unlocked by progressing through the story or by leveling up that can be used in your gameplay. Each function can be used in different ways to enhance your gameplay, they can be used as one of your action keys (which you only have 4 active one), they can be used as a upgrade to make your other action keys more powerful, or they can be used as a passive ability, which can enhance your characters potential in battle and out. With a variaty of ablilites to choose from, you will have varies combinations of ablities to experiment with and this is one of the ways you can discover more of the story. The game encourages you to try different combinations of ablilites to find out more of the backstory of the game. Not only that, but if the game kind of gets too easy for you, there are functions called Limiters that will make your game hell, quite literally. You unlock them while leveling up throughout the game and if you activate them, you will get more EXP in every battle. But this is like a doubled-edged blade because it will enhance your enemies in different ways. For example, some limiters might give the enemies more health or give them stronger attacks, thats up to you if you want to risk it all. The enemy also level up throughout the game, giving them more ablilites to one-up you in battle and make each battle more difficult. There are also bonus missions or levels you can discover throughout the game, which if you do complete them, you will be awarded with more EXP and unlockables. The options that the game gives to you is immersive and this truly make Transistor a game you will never forget.

- Beautiful Soundtrack
The other main reason why I fell in love with this game was their incrediable soundtrack, it was just wondrous. The music somehow flows perfectly throughout the game in and out of battles, making them more intense and emotional. The music changes as the story shifts from different tones, making it acceptable in every situation. If their is an intense battle coming up, it builds on it and goes with the flow, if there is scenes where you see the destruction of what you loved, the music builds on it with soft and emotional tunes. Supergiant Games did an outstanding job with their soundtrack and I believe they should be praised by it.

With so many good pros about this game, surely there shouldn't be any cons. Sadly, it does have some cons, but barely any and most of them people can relate too while they played this game.

- Brief Game
I was saddened by the fact that with so much it offered, I ended up finishing the game rather too quickly than I expected. You can probably finish the game is less than a day, maybe even half a day, if you have the right builds and strategies. I was really drawn in by the story and wished their could have been more of it, but that never happened and I was quite bummed about it.

- Miscellaneous and Small Problems
Hopefully, I wasn't the only one who kind of noticed it, but sometimes when I was in battle, the enemies would sometime go behind a building or go out of my sight and I wasn't able to see them properly or fight them properly. It might not seem too bad, but it did hinder my progress a little bit, espceially when I played the New Game+ with the enemies at their maximum potential. Other than that though, there wasn't anything too major to point out or actually confirm.

My Verdict of the Game

Much of the game mistakes (which there were very few mistakes) were practically overwhelmed by the amount of masterpieces that were made in this game. The soundtrack was spot on, the graphics were jaw-dropping and astonishing, the story was creative and alluring, but most of all, the gameplay mechanics were open and free, giving you the power to customize them and change how you want to play the game. It totally worth your money buying this game and you won't feel any regret at all. Overall, another masterpiece created by Supergiant Games, and I can't wait for their new game, Pyre, to come out. They created two masterpieces as it is, and I have a good feeling their next game will be their third.
Posted July 14, 2017. Last edited July 14, 2017.
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29.0 hrs on record (28.8 hrs at review time)
This game lives up to its representation, its amazing! The gameplay was solid, since you can change your weapons, improve your attributes, upgrade your weapons and much, much more! My favorite thing about this game was its soundtrack, which did a fantastic job on building up to the fighting areas. The narration was surprinsing interesting, its different from how other games do it, which earns another thumbs up from me. The plot took awhile for me to get, but the game entices and drags you further in, which it did to me. Once you get started, you will waste hours into this game trying to find every little thing and unlock everything! Its worth it too if you are an achievement hunter! 10/10!
Posted June 9, 2017.
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22.0 hrs on record (199.7 hrs at review time)
Alright, just letting you know if you like games to make you rage, this one is pretty good. It simple, but so genius at the same time. I loved how smooth the game play was and all the extra stuff you can do. Custimize your block, your other forms and so much more. I especially loved their soundtrack, 10/10, and the game goes with the flow too! This game also lets you build your own course and publish it to the public, which is fantastic. For a great price of $4.00, its a bargain for the amount of in game stuff you find! Like I said, its a fun and rage game, so be prepared!
Posted June 8, 2017.
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13.7 hrs on record (7.6 hrs at review time)
Six Sides of the World is an exciting puzzle game that might draw you in with its story. The music fit perfectly with each level and theme of the game and its quite challenging, if you up for it. There are new mechanics and obstacles awaiting for you as you continue further through the game. As you go through the game, you will discover more of the story of the ultimate space journey that you must go on. The graphics are stunning and the background of each level are gorgeous. The game might be kind of expensive, but I believe I got my money's worth with this awesome game!
Posted August 12, 2016.
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