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Recent reviews by Lucis Atsuki

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51.4 hrs on record (45.1 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
Talk about a fantastic foundation for an amazing game to grow from. I loved the time I've sunk into it, and for now I've finished my challenges and am waiting for more content to come! Great game for friends or solo play, and the builds you can pull are fantastic!
Posted April 13, 2023.
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1.2 hrs on record
I'll be honest, this was a quick tap out for me. I had pre-ordered it through steam (refund pending) and After 69 minutes, I had to quit trying. The dialogue in this game is so grating that I muted it in hopes of maybe getting by with just subtitles, but dang do they make that so hard with the constant cutscenes and constant interruptions where you stand in place and have Cuff talk to you. It'd be one thing if it was just banter in the background as I play, but to lock me into a place and force me to interact with a story through dialogue that feels pretty bad to listen to and I just could do it. Maybe on a sale down the line, but for now, this'll be a hard pass for me.
Posted January 24, 2023.
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162.8 hrs on record (136.2 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
I'll be honest, I'm mostly here because of the quest. That being said, this game is great fun if you want a simple concept with some fantastic weapons. Highly recommend to pick up with friends.
Posted June 30, 2019.
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33.0 hrs on record (6.6 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
*Review Pending, doing this for a badge*
Posted November 23, 2017.
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10.3 hrs on record
Welcome to Road Rampage, a game about tracking down the assassin of the Iron Sights Cartel and bringing him to justice.

And by justice, I mean collecting the $15,000,000 bounty that is on his head.

You play as selectable characters that are unlocked by completeing certain milestones, such as beating the campaign or getting to a certain part of the campaign. These characters each have their own weapons that they carry, and also have certain stat bonuses (and hinderances) that are applied for the campaign. Each character is therefore unique, especially the guy with one arm. He's pretty cool.

You also get to select a bike on each run, and these all have their own custom handling stats and acceleration, etc., etc. You unlock them like you do the characters, and so you can get a really nice assortment of mixing and matching that you don't really expect to get in a game like this. That being said, that's where the line of customization gets drawn in the sand.

After each level, of which there are many different types of objectives, you get to spend money (earned via murder and completion of objectives) on upgrades. Most of these upgrades are going to be for boosting your health or money gain from killing people, and so it really helps give a little randomness to each run. However, it isn't really as random as I, personally would prefer. I would love it if instead of upgrading my sword, I could replace it with a sickle or some other weapon, allowing for different attack ranges and some more freedom with gameplay. There also need to be some more upgrades, like one that increases your kicking strength so you can clear more people out of the way.

The campaign of this game revolves around the concept of going through gang territory and fighting over the bounty, leaving a very long trail of corpses behind as you try, and inevitably succeed, in catching up with the assassin. Each gang territory is about 6 levels, ending with you killing the gang leader and continuing along the road on your hunt for glory and money. Each level will either be a race, a survival, a time trial, or a extermination style mission. Races are like any other race in a video game, except for the fact that you can kill your opponents and ensure victory. Survivals are missions that task you with making it to the end of the level without losing all your health, usually having to deal with cops that drive both motorcycles and squad cars. Time Trials are like survival but with a timer, and Exterminations are like races but without positions.

Look, it's not the most original when it comes to objectives, but the levels can get pretty hairy. You will sometimes encounter hallucinogenic areas that will leave you dodgin falling cars as you try to complete your objective. The main goal of this game is a rampage, as stated in the name, so you should expect it pushing you towards killing as many people as you can as you rip your way through each gang territory.

All in all, the game is super entertaining. It's pretty well optimized, so much so that I really don't experience much of a slow down during the most chaotic of times, and the gameplay is entertaining. I personally would recommend this game, and say thatbuying it at full price is a reasonable expense. Buying it during a sale would be an absolute steal!

So, hop on your cycles and get ready to raise some hell!
Posted October 7, 2017.
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22.1 hrs on record (8.2 hrs at review time)
Alright, so you found this game on Steam. You wonder whether or not you should buy it, seeing as it is a soccer game... but also a car game? Yep, you read that right. It is a High Octane soccer/football (depending on nationality) game that has 5 minute long matches, that can have goals that take 4 minutes to score, or even 2 seconds. The reason behind this is that the timer doesn't start until you touch the ball, so if you and your friends want to mess around first before getting to the game, you can rightfully do so. Another way this game shines is with it's AI. The AI really does quite well for training you and making you feel like you have put a lot of effort into the plays you pull and the shots you take, bringing out an all-and-all awesome experience. Keep in mind that there are three (technically four) forms of the AI, ranging from Rookie, Pro, and Allstars. I have played a large amount of Rookie games, getting a general feel for handling and how to score effective goals, then I moved onto Pro difficulty, and found the challenge to meet my skills and force me to change a lot of my tactics from before. The final difficulty comes in the name of Allstars, where they are out for blood and completely destroy you (quite literally in some cases) and cause a massive amount of frustration if you can't quite meet the match of their tactics and pathfinding.

So, now you have come to the end of the basic form of the game, and you are looking for something more... something different. That is where the Seasons come in, allowing you to play a lengthy or short amount of matches to get to a championship that will decide your fate in the end of the season. This is also playing along side the settings of 1v1, 2v2, 3v3, or even 4v4, allowing several different run throughs with the AI either destroying you, or being gentle playthings, or something in between. This is also going with the item system that allows you to gain drops after each match, leading to cool new tires, awesome flags, amazing rocket trails (a selection of which look like a specific Light cycle drove by), and some nice new patterns and paints for the 9 models of vehicles that you can drive. The only issue here is that there are only 9 models, no more, no less, and that is a bit of an annoying thing, for quite enjoy that style of unlocking things over and over for different cars, for the patterns don't transfer in between each vehicle, and that is perfectly fine. I just wish they would add more models to make sure that there is more variety, and even if that doesn't come for a long time, that would be fine.

Alright, so you have read all of the good things I have to say about this game, and now for the bad. The only downside to this game that I see is the Map selection being limited to 4 maps or so with their stormy and night varients. If there were more intricate maps with different styles or designs, I would find it nice and refreshing to bring in different maps for even more strategies. Now, this lack of variety also comes with the Colorization of vehicles. The game can support different colors for the pirmary body, but you can only select a small amount for playing matches, and the only time this is shown off is during the season modes that allow you to have mixtures of red/yellow and such for color combonation. If we were given more freedom on the color selection for the primary body, it would lead to a nicer sense of color customization, and give users more freedom to design their cars. Now, the final thing I have to say is that the AI could use some tweaking to stop them from piling up or scoring on their teams goal if they could just boost around and stop the ball. I have seen this in all levels of the AI, and think that they could just be tweaked a bit to stop making that mistake, and also stop stealing the ball away from a perfect setup, and leading it to a game of chase people down just to hit the ball back away from the wall.

So, all in all this game is awesome, but it could use with a little more content for variety, but it is worth the money, and if it ever goes on sale, pick this game up.
Posted July 27, 2015.
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12.4 hrs on record (9.6 hrs at review time)
I know that the time counter of this says 10.2 hours as of writting this review, but I have played countless more hours. I first played this game back before it was on steam, and played it several times through without ever getting bored of it. When I got my new computer after a hard drive crash, I lost the login information for the e-mail that had been used for the purchase, so I contacted their support and that support redirected me to the distributer and helped make it relatively painless to get my steam key and game back. I am happy to say that if I could buy any other game besides this one, I wouldn't take that chance, for this game gave me several hours of entertainment, and then mods were added that made the game even more of a challenge and newer experience. I can't wait to see what else Greenheart makes in the future, and I suggest that whoever reads this review follows them in their strides to come.
Posted January 1, 2015.
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1.1 hrs on record
~~~~~~~Edit: This game is also a mobile port, so none of the menus and even the whole game lacks that PC game feel. Might as well play Godus. Also, the only limit is your imagination? How about how deep your wallet is.

Let me give you a break down. This game looks innocent enough, nice voxel style that everyone is familiar with by now, and the game seems so innocent with it's tutorial setup. That is all a mask that the game pulls off almost as soon as you step into the real game. You start out as a white blob that you have named what ever you want. In my case, I named myself Pigeon Lord to follow my trend of fowl named stuff. I claimed a nice section of the Winter Wasteland biome, but then I found that my realm was not all snowy and beautifully glazed with ice. I found that my land had been struck with a massive case of Global Warming and all the nice winter decor was gone and replaced with a regular forest. I could get around this, if I hadn't decided to look at the upper corner with the little shop section. This game is laced with micro-transactions that seem to make EA look like it is a newcomer to the whole free-to-play section of gaming. The biggest bundle is $20 and gives you 50,000 of the in-game currency. This may seem like a lot at first, considering that mining random blocks has a chance of giving you only 1 Cubit (In-game currency name). The game actually sells some items like the House Pack, which contains some tems for 100 Cubits, but then you get the Almighty Cube Pack which gives you 1x Almighty Cube, and it does NOTHING! The Almighy Cube has no use except to show that you either grinded away until your fingers broke off and then used your nose to play the game, or that you decided to throw more money at Cosmic Cow, and the fact that the pack costs 25,000 Cubits is what makes gamers hate free to plays! This game also has a stunning lack to move the camera downwards from it's skewed angle, making it impossible to make any form of dungeon if you wanted to make a nice Castle RP Realm. The world only likes to look from an angle that makes it even impossible to decide where you want to make a basement for a nice building if you wanted to, for it lacks any sense of the word elevation. If you wanted to make a basement anyways, you would either have to make the walls out of clear glass to be able to see inside, and even then you have to cut out two walls to make sure you can actually make sure your character isn't running straight into a wall all the time. Then we get on the idea of how you would even have enough room for some of the amazing things they show in their screenshots above. The realms that you get are a decent size to build a small amount of stuff, and then end up ripping your heart out when you go to make a nice Bungelow, for the realms only go about 4-5 blocks deep, but if you buy the more expensive, larger ones you might have more space for building underground, or just have to buy enough blocks to build the whole world up and then put in your basement. This game isn't currently worth anyones time, and if you want to try it, then download the 31 mb and wait for the game to find a server, for that is another bug that exists. The game will freak out and not let you even play it's tutorial if it can't find you a server, and it usually take a good 10-15 minutes for the game to realize that you are actually able to connet to one of their servers. Until they fix the pacing of the game and how often the currency drops and if the worlds and camera learn the word elevation, this game isn't even worth the .9 hours I put into it.
Posted August 13, 2014. Last edited August 13, 2014.
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2 people found this review helpful
5.9 hrs on record (5.9 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
Do I recommend this game... well, that depends on who is going to play it. If you are a gamer that hates doing something over or keeps doing the sae thing over and ends up getting frustrated, then you shouldn't play this game. This game is really hard to start with unless you look up some tricks of the trade before hand, and even then it is pretty tricky. I have played a decent amount of time and have started to get settled, and realized that I had to keep consulting the user made guides for how to craft everything, for the game has a subtle lack for covering everything if you don't play the tutorial. All in all, this game is still in need of a lot of things, but it is thoroughly enjoyable to play.
Posted August 7, 2014.
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3 people found this review helpful
2.8 hrs on record (2.2 hrs at review time)
This game is amazing! I picked it up during the weekly humble bundle that is going on right now, and it is wonderful. I don't recommend this game for those that have ragile keyboards, but if you want to take the risk of destroying your keyboard and throw it out the window, then go right ahead. You can also use your gamepads (controllers) to replace that, but you might break a button.
Posted July 19, 2014.
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