Platon   Greece
Conquering the unconquered sacred grounds
I will say it at the beginning. It's good! Seriously if you had the original you can get this for 20€ so get it. But I will be more analitical as to why I like this version. Maybe not more the the original but still it is a very good remake.

First of all when it comes to sounds, music etc. it's the same so I won't bother with that. Dark Souls soundtracks were always top notch for me and succeed to deliver this feeling of epicness with boss fights and deliver this eerinness with the ultra silence for the rest of it.

Gameplay is pretty much the same and as far as I can tell they changed literally nothing from the original which is good as well as bad. By changing nothing, yes, you keep the things that were good to begin with, but at the same time you also keep the things that weren't good at all. Especially the problem with hackers and deleted save files that so many people on the PC version had problems with. Also the multiplayer has been improved with the addition of passwords like in DS3 which was helpful since I play the game also a lot with friends.

Now the graphics are somehow better and worse from the original. I dunno how to explain this... Better and high-res textures with better effects and lighning but with a few out of place textures or seriously low res textures here and there and with also out of place roughness on specific meshes and textures, like in some plated armors that really caught my eye. But other than that they are in overall good. I usually don't even pay close attention to the details.

Performance issues have been fixed. My experience so far has been great. DSFix was good but not good enough in my opinion. I still had massive FPS spikes and I couldn't really enjoy the game with some out of synch animations and the combat felt... off with DSFix. Plus it caused my game to frequently crash to the point where I couldn't even launch DS anymore. But NO MORE! With the Remastered version I run the game better than ever and with few to none FPS drops on a gaming laptop that's almost 3 years old. Now that's a game that performs good in my opinion. Also Blight Town wasn't as bad as it used to be though it's still annoying... (♥♥♥♥ toxic)

So to conclude:
+stays true to the original in every way
+better performance
+better multiplayer options

-issues with hackers and deleted save files

Graphics in my opinion are neutral

The cons never occured to me and I always keep a backup folder just in case. It's a good experience and lets me get through the game one more time (or multiple ;) ) with better performance and 60 FPS. I also got to finally get through it with my friends which I never managed to do before, sharing all the action and emotions with them.

For me this game might not be a "must buy" for everyone but for true fans, I tell you that you will enjoy it.
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