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106.2 hrs on record (104.2 hrs at review time)
"Forgive me Dr Maruki... a reality where Mr Ushimaru doesn’t throw chalk at me is one I cannot accept."

source: a Youtube comment I found + ur mom.
Posted January 18.
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31.8 hrs on record
Up until this point I never skipped a cutscene in this franchise but yakuza5's story is so unbelievably stupid not even its ridiculousness can save it this time.
The amount of dumb twists when it comes to the franchise in general would make even m. night shamalon blush and 5 takes the cake.
The combat is the best its ever been in my opinion, too bad you are forced to re grind from the start 4 times in a row with different characters like in yakuza4 padding an already tedious game.
The series is also known for its large selection of side content in the form of minigames.
I have personally never been a fan of those and would generally avoid them after trying them out once since their polish usually pales even in comparison to phone games.
Tho I cant blame the devs since even polishing 1 mechanic takes a considerable amounts of effort.
My gripe with this installment is that on top of the many side games it has like its predecessors it also shoves unavoidable ones down your throat with each character having a specific gimmick minigame you have to slog trough to progress.
Posted July 12, 2023.
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17.6 hrs on record
The worst part of 0 to me was having the story split between 2 characters, now double the characters and make the plot even more convoluted for the 4th installment of the series.
Combat wise this game is better than 3 which is better then kiwami1 and 0 (in that specific department at least imo) but it does not save the eye rolling frustration of having to grind from the beginning 4 times with 4 completely different fighting styles.
By the time I was done with 1 character I completely forgot what the plot for the previous one was, not that it would have made sense even if I did.
Posted July 12, 2023.
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17.8 hrs on record
Honestly, aside of the outdated graphics, animations and interface this game is pretty ok, god knows its leagues above kiwami1 at least when it comes to the fighting mechanics.
Posted July 12, 2023.
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46.9 hrs on record
For all who start this series from this game expecting the story and or game play to get better in the next installments I am gonna unfortunately gonna have to inform you that it is mostly down hill from 0.
Not that the combat or story is anything to write home about in this installment either but it does have a charm to it at least.
Posted July 12, 2023.
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222.9 hrs on record (1.0 hrs at review time)
>Starts Game
>Sees a fat wyverian riding a chubby baby tadpole tetsucabra
>10/10 best game in the series
Posted March 13, 2023.
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33.8 hrs on record (17.7 hrs at review time)
If I knew the game was going to be this bad, I would have skipped it after 0 and just watched the cutscenes on youtube.

If you don't know what yakuza is, its essentially an arcadelike beat-em up , but in Kiwanis case, there is barely a beat in this beat-em up; if anything, its a bob and weave-em-up since, for all the available combos the game provides, none of them are applicable in any of the actual fights since enemies (mostly bosses) will ignore combos and knick your ass to the ground. So unless you are satisfied wombocomboing the millionth petty thug that chases after you for no apparent reason, you are better off getting used to waiting for the bosses to finish their unbreakable 3-minute combo before you can get that quick jab in, hereby depleting 0.01% of their regenerating quadruple health bar.
Don't get me wrong; the game is not hard or unbeatable, just not fun.
Posted January 11, 2023.
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107.7 hrs on record (69.1 hrs at review time)
A better fallout tho.
Wish my choices mattered tho.
There is nothing more frustrating than being given options only to then find out it was fluff to make you think the game gave a ♥♥♥♥ about what you want the character you customized to be like.
Posted December 5, 2022.
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17.8 hrs on record
Can I play bloodborne?
mom: no, we have bloodborne at home.
bloodborne at home.....

The combat is atrocious and inconsistent, you fight the same five guys the entire game and then you fight them again as bosses.

The game lacks basic quality of life features, navigating your map, items quests ecc. is a nightmare.

The concept of keeping people healthy as a doctor and investigating their little secrets on the side in turn expanding the world and lore is an interesting concept that is very much left underdeveloped.

Underdevelopment is the underlying issue with this game, even the story seems to go into overdrive half way trough, rushing to the end and leaving a lot of things vague and up to interpretation which is generally a lazy cop out when it comes to mystery stories.
Tho in this case I feel like whoever wrote this was either rushed or changed their mind 3 times on what the story should be about before the game came out.

If you like vampires and industrial settings I would say get it on sale, the game still manages to be pretty immersive all things considered and the voice acting and characters are decent.
Posted November 10, 2022.
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246.9 hrs on record (73.6 hrs at review time)
This review is for those who don't know what monster hunter is and have never played it before:

In this game you play as a super powered mute who is apparently afflicted by both hyperekplexia and ataxia making them extremely clumsy, unbalanced and highly sensitive to noises,flashes and tremors.
unfortunately for you (and them) they are forced to fight beasts of titanic proportions who generally love to scream and shake the ground a lot forcing you to watch helplessly as the game takes control away from you all the while your brain diseased mess of a character gets massacred in a corner.

I personally did not have issues with this, because I played monster hunter games before and am accustomed to the anti skill grind fest that is this franchise.

what I'm trying to say is that the game has at least 5 ways of punishing you for something that is not your fault and has only 1 fun redeeming aspect to it, an aspect that it tries with everything in its power to ruin for you as hard as it possibly can, aka the monster fights.

gitgud doesn't work, getting so good at the game you avoid the aforementioned unfair aspects of it doesn't help.
like I said, this game is anti skill, at one point you will have to grind and veterans will justify the grind by saying things like "monster hunter was always about grinding".

1.nobody likes grinding
2.the game never ever advertised itself as a grind fest in any instalation.

Which is where I come in, this game is a ♥♥♥♥♥♥ grind fest that takes control away from you and undermines any skill you developed by just upping the monsters health to an unreasonable amount.

if you can get past that and are able to blackmail a friend to play with you like yours truly you will maybe, just maybe, have fun.

probably not tho.
Posted July 21, 2022.
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