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136.3 hrs on record (81.5 hrs at review time)
Back to my original review - "Stuff explodes, you die, sometimes you live, and fun is had. Best played with friends. This game is not kind to those with a lack of self-preservation."

The war we shall not forget from May of 2024 (understand the Anti-virus and PSN concerns are now resolved) - "in the past week or so I watched a nerf get dropped that didn't really make all that much sense for PVE, bad ♥♥♥♥ got worse hilariously, and now the game won't launch thanks to the anti-cheat getting caught as malware (ESET AV - the only game that's ever happened to in my memory). While I know it's a false positive in this case, it's unsettling to see them using tools typically associated with bad actors. And now even if that gets fixed I can't play thanks to a PSN account. Cool."
Posted April 1. Last edited May 6.
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64.3 hrs on record (48.7 hrs at review time)
I haven't had great history with rouge light games (Enter the Gungeon, Noita) or other games I was initially reminded of like Don't Startve - but I have really enjoyed this. The village management aspect provides a nice balance to the combat, both of which are fun.

Saleos 2 is on some crack though and I wish they would do something about that.
Posted February 6.
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316.4 hrs on record (2.4 hrs at review time)
Got this as a gift.

I really didn't think I would understand what people meant about it feeling empty, but it really does. My first game consisted of me driving a tuktuk around trying to find a fight. Most people just sit on a point the whole game. The chaos of the trailers is fake, things are much too spread out.

The first thing I saw when the tutorial started was the inside of a troop transport and a dude standing there, both of them looked like Doom 2016 when it first loads and all the textures are in potato mode. Except, in Doom 2016 they then fully load in and look okay after a moment. Yeah, this didn't ever get better. Some environmental things (the map, digital screens on map, grass, etc) look pretty good. The people do not. Glitches such as characters not loading in on end screens and such. Just, as everyone else has said, this game is not polished at all.

General weapons play felt mushy. Everyone has already covered the overall lack of weapons. Vehicle weapons overheat very quickly and feel worse to control IMO. Turret rotation speed is locked, you move your mouse to a position and then wait. No more twitchy tanks like Bf4 or Bf1. I guess it's more realistic but I am not here for war thunder.

For those coming from BF4 or BF1 who love your vehicles... well. This is different. Apparently they have a hacking mechanic which just disables your vehicle, if you get hit by that your controls and weapons are down. Think about this... air vehicles who suddenly have no controls at all. Good luck.

And on the topic of air controls... I come from Bf4's flight squadron - I know how to fly. joystick support doesn't exist in this game and I have thus far been unable to get big pictures control mapping to work in BF4 from my joystick. Flying by Keyboard and mouse in Heli's proved possible but I could not do anything like the crack-copters I loved to do in Bf4. Although, the jet-heli on the US proved to be terrible at being a jet or a heli. Flying jets was damn near impossible with mouse as you have to maintain constant input in a direction to turn. So to pull back you push the mouse down, hit the bottom of your desk, move and replant. It's awful. And with keyboard it's too sensitive for proper aiming IMO. I shouldn't have to get used to new controls because a franchise stopped supporting a common control scheme after a decade and a half. And no, I could not get my playstation controller nor my steam controller to work with the game. It seems only Xbox works with it properly.

Now here is the fun part. I have no performance issues in game with my i7-5820K from 2014 and a 1070 FTW running the latest drivers on windows 10. However, I can only play this game for about an hour or two as I watch the RAM climb higher and higher and higher until eventually the game crashes. I have 16 GB of ram, the game eats about 10-12 before I then run out. The recommended ram is 16 GB and I closed and turned off literally everything I could. I am a desktop engineer by day, this ♥♥♥♥ is broken.

Friends and I ended up playing Bf4 for a few hours instead, and I much more enjoyed taking the transport helli and flying like a madman for a few hours, playing on the close quarters chaos of lockers, and all those good old times. This really doesn't feel like a battlefield game, and it certainly doesn't feel like a complete game.
Posted December 12, 2021. Last edited December 15, 2021.
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29.3 hrs on record (28.3 hrs at review time)
First of all, anyone who says the broken land of Chivalry has been fixed is lying. Drags and Excels are very much alive. This is tolerable, melee games are probably always going to have some level of issue with this, just don't listen to anyone who says its fixed. Had a friend bench on this being fixed as dragging was the reason he stopped playing Chivalry.


This game was fun as heck when it came out but it will die to it's community.

thrusting with rapiers, spears, and other long weapons is the abusable meta. The mechanics to get around this (chambering, fainting, morph attacks) dont work, because they can attack faster than other weapons. That means that they don't ever stop thrusting, ever, as they loose no stamina from a blocked hit. This allows them to stab you before a wind up is ever complete, and at a higher rate than you can block. Resulting in any regular, faint attack or morph resulting in a sword in your stomach as you wind the thing up. They don't care if you threaten to hit them. You are also SOL for blocking this as heavy weapons wont be able to block fast enough and you will either wind up in a team fight against 3 people doing this or get backed into a corner and stabbed in the leg.

Additionally spears (long pointy sticks) do equal damage when swung from the side (You get smacked with a wood pole) as when they stab you. There are other long wooden items in the game, just have them do a similar damage to that.

Unfortunately these short and long range thrusting weapons do not seem to have a disadvantage. Some of the smaller weapons take a marginally higher amount of stamina to block a two handed weapon, however it is rare to get enough hits in to cause them to drop it due to the previously mentioned speed differences.

To make it worse do one of the following.

1. Drop all the armor and grab a light light weapon. You will move so fast you can physically dodge most attacks, with no loss of stamina. Especially if the other person has a shorter range item.

2. Grab a shield. Constant protection when not swinging. Guess what long hooked item is meant to defeat it.

I really want this to be fun again like it was when it came out.

There needs to be some sort of cool down on thrusting or a nerf to the speed. Whether its a certain amount over a certain time period, or a slow down in the rate or something IDK but I am not picking up a rapier or a poolaxe just. Honestly just make the heavy weapons yeet the rapier out of peoples hands, its a pound and a half sword vs a whole sledge hammer made of solid steel.
Posted June 7, 2019.
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52.9 hrs on record (29.3 hrs at review time)
**************************SPOILER WARNING**************************

Everyone else is focusing on UI and cutscene graphics issues. While I agree these are frustrating I am going to point out the things that actually kill the gameplay. Just adding flavor to the review section.
Feel free to ask questions and I will try to respond.


Not anywhere near as fun as previous titles as far as the core gameplay mechanics and progression system. It is still a fun sandbox to mess around in and you can make your own fun. I did enjoy it but after about 26 hours in game I have beaten everything and discovered that there is NO reset button. You cannot make enemies take over regions or anything like you could in JC3 in order to do it again. And honestly the mesisons for bases are such crap why would you.

If you do get the game DO NOT take over every region. You will have nothing to do if you do. I would wait for this game to be HEAVILY on sale.

Also if you were used to the bavrium wingsuit make sure to get an edition with the mechanised wing suit or you will feel like you lost a limb.

**************************Story line and progression mechanics**************************

Consider this note a last note I wanted to add but I will put at the top because it is that important.

This game DOES NOT have a reset mechanic. Once you take over everything and beat the missios there is nothing to do. There is no sandbox mode similar to what JC3 had that allowed you to restore a base or region into enemy control. Once all the regions are yours theres just nothing. As such I HIGHLY recommend that you do NOT take over all regions. There are quite a few that are not nessesary to take over in order to push the storyline. This will let you continue having fun fighting. I tested this by 100% the regions and story line and side story lines. No sandbox mode. I am just f'ed as far as anything to do. And they changed how the save works and I could not find it in program files, app data, or docs in order to back it up like I do to my JC3.

Note: I know the story line is not the key point of JC game, however this is so pathetically crap that it is hard to ignore.

It was a great idea, with terrible execution mostly surrounded by boring missions and grately reduced by frequent poor quality cutscenes that do most of the leg work.

Most of the main story line to take down the 3 main regions is good however the core of the story is crap and so are most of the actual missions you do to advance the game.

The main villian and the leader of the black hand only show up IN CUTSCENES at the START and END of the game. They are not seen or heard from at any other time EVER. (there is one very brief cutscene showing a old recording of him after completing the jungle area) They NEVER show up as actual characters, I don't think they even have programmed entities or skins. On top of that killing the main villian is completly cutscene. You have no control over the scene of his death. I know in JC3 you shot di ravello down and then there was a cutscene of him dying etc. In JC4 this is all striaght up cutscene. No boss fight or anything of that nature. There are no tapes or anything of that nature like JC3 in order to setup the plot. There are no midgame cutscenes of the villian or anything, no repurcusions for taking bases. Not even an angry cutscene of him yelling when you take down a huge base. NOTHING. He shows up so little I can't remember his name. The leader of the black hand just kinda disapeers at the end even though she was so showcased in the trailers. I genuinely have no clue where she went, just that she helped us out at the end and has not said jack since. There is also a clear cliffhanger at the end were Rico wants to take down the agency to setup the next game. Hopefully they improve.

That being said back to the progression thing. Each region is now very small, and has one or two outpost and a main base. I really do think this map is smaller than JC3. Picture only the main island of JC3. Progression works like this. Blow things up and earn squads via the chaos bar. Honestly this thing is an unessary bar in the upper right hand corner, not like jc2 at all. Once you have enough squads, do the mission for the main base and then take the area. Things is you always have an abundance of squads so there is NO incentive to blow things up as it does not help in any way. On top of that the mission to take over the military base, factory or power plant is always the same. Are you ready because this is evey mission setup for every region I kid you not.

A) escort missions (Escort the trainee's, escort the hacker through the base, etc)
B) Blow up these 5 generators to shut down the cannons
C) Flip these fuses to shut down the canons
D) protect the beacon for the remote hack
E) stand next to this terminal while an onslought attacks you, if you leave the terminal progress is lost.

This gives no incentive to kill or blow things up, just get to the next breaker and flip it or defend the terminal in the corner of a massive base. No reason at all to explore it or shoot anything that can't shoot you. The little bases around the region are meaningless. You can blow it up for more squads, it will respawn with enimies. You take the whole region at once when you do the main base. Can we just blow ♥♥♥♥ up again?

There are 3 side storylines and they remind me all of Far Cry 3.

Your in a jungle, theres a young guy who you inspire to start a army for revolution, a film director who needs you to do stunts for them (actually pretty fun) and an archaeologist who needs you to find and open anctient temples.
These are used to progress the unlocks for the different graple mods. The revolution ones are ALL escort missions for two rookies to blow up stuff. The temples are mostly easy to find and complete. The Film director true missions are actually really fun but the little chalanges are ass. Espically the wingsuit corses which went from long and difficult but fun to ALWAYS, fly through these 3 hoops in less than X time and are pathetically easy and boring, espcially with the mechanised wing suit.
Posted December 6, 2018. Last edited December 6, 2018.
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A developer has responded on Apr 19, 2019 @ 11:33am (view response)
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26.0 hrs on record (24.9 hrs at review time)
Never played a game like this before but it was a great story line which started off with some issues and filled them in quite nicely as it went along. Not to mention some lovely twist.

do not recommend this for anyone who is not emotionally stable.
Posted February 28, 2018.
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520.2 hrs on record (427.4 hrs at review time)
One of hte fun things in GTA V is modding. it is known that modding and going online will get you banned. unfortunetly however rockstar has stepped up there game is trying to find hackers including new software which scans game directorys for mod files. even if these mods are ment for old versions of the game, remnants of an unistalled mod or hidden files created by the mod - and it should be notted it doesnt matter what the mod did - you will be banned. once for a long period of time and if repeated by accident 9 months latter you will be perma banned. support can't undo it - as far as i know you need to make a new steam account and re-purchase the game. which honestly 2 years latter is not worth it.
Posted January 8, 2017.
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298.8 hrs on record (52.5 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
Really really fun. will keap you busy for a long time even after launching the first rocket (sorta like winning) DEV's care about the game quality and improving it. fun to replay over and over. easy to set up server for you and your friends. never had it crash. i have never seen anything buggy happen. other than a train picking a bad path. overall worth the money, easy to learn, and gaining new content.
Posted November 20, 2016.
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