Razgriz Darkheart
Razgriz "Darkheart" Silvano   United Kingdom (Great Britain)
Age: 200

Backstory: Razgriz is a strange dragon to say the least, created in a Boneguard lab to kill their enemies, she was rejected for not her lack of skill but her compassionate tendencies, these tendencies however did not stop her from attempting to kill every last Boneguard member of course, now a renegade with little cause of her own Raz spends her time on three things, killing for the highest bidder, spending time with her friends and allies or Piracy, Recently Raz has gained an attraction to ponies and enjoys changing her form to that of a Dragon pony to mimic them. Due to recent events Raz has become twisted and corrupt, she has calmed significantly since the onset of this madness however the dragoness has begun exuding a strange aura of power, the reason to this is unknown even by the dragoness herself. While now raz is calm and less likely to attack the dragoness like most dragons must be treated with respect and if strangers approach her they are to take measures to make sure she either fears or respects them.

Abilities: Stealth magic, Necromancy and Shapeshifting are her main skills however she knows a few attack spells to defend herself if needed, Raz will often use weapons, favouring explosive weapons and melee over bullets.

Raz loves large weapons and, like most dragons, gold as well as a few more intimate things.

Sexy lubbu waifu Myxine
Silly cutie pet Ghosty butt~

James Michael Weedon (Dad) 20/3/1963 - 25/11/2012 8:45 A.M
May his soul soar like the Dragon he raised.
Currently Offline
Alternate Bio (By Letter Sent, non canon)
Razgriz “Razzy” Darkheart: The Dragon pony
Bio: Razgriz is a rather peculiar... Thing to explain, her every action seems to be sexual in some way and she seems to be attempting to get laid at each and every opportunity she can. A stallion or a mare, she doesn't really seem to care as her race are multi-gendered, the primary trait of Razgriz is that she will not let any pony in the army become stressed in any way, doing her best to calm and soothe the ponies around her in any way she can, this is a rather easy job as she can do pretty much anything she needs to. As a retired assassin Razgriz knows many forms of executing and spying infiltrators to the ranks of her new occupation as a defence officer in the rebellion. Her knowledge of fighting styles rivals that of the previous leader of the rebellion, Shatter Wing and even outmatches the skills of Temper Trouble. Razgriz is widely known to be a pyrotechnist as she enjoys blowing things up purely for fun and uses a myriad of explosives in her fighting. Razgriz is also the only known survivor of the first rebellion and thus has equipment from it's original leaders and soldiers.
Gender: Razgriz is both male and female but she identifies as a female.
Race: Feldragon
Weapons: Razgriz can breathe an icy breath and can attack with her claws and teeth. Her other weapons include but are not limited to: Knives, bombs, poisons, garrottes, tripwires, her myriad of torture devices. Razgriz's tail was severed during the first rebellion's attacks on our encampments, it is known that she had it replaced with a nerve-tissue replica built by Down Town and Nightly that also doubles as a plasma based cannon, the tip splits open and she can fire plasma in many forms out of the opening.
Accessories: Razgriz is never seen without a special amulet gifted to her by her marefriend, the gift allows Razgriz to be able to summon a shield for her and her troops.
Cutie mark: N/A She is not a pony.
Coat: Her scales are black.
Mane/Tail: Her mane and her ruffles on her tail are a blood red
Eyes: her eyes follow these same colourings.
Threat level: High, she is to be avoided at all costs.
Unlocked light: Yes, but only recently.
Age: 19
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Bluetail May 20 @ 6:14pm 
*Boop* Fellow dragon, you is cute. :awswadine:
Myeteana™ May 11 @ 5:29am 
-leaves hugs and kisses- :charm:
Noire Mar 7 @ 8:21am 
Bri ish
Elorfiwen Mar 3 @ 1:31am 
beep back :P
hop on deadlock Oct 20, 2023 @ 9:56am 
stray cat girl Sep 5, 2023 @ 1:09am 
ayo razgriz? like ace combat 5?