Gator Hugger
[insert real name here]   United States
Friendship is non-negotiable.
Partake in it, or have it delivered unto you at muzzle velocity.
I like Snoots and I like Gators :gatorhappy:
I collect DBD Mori kills, is that weird? :theskull:
Gator Hugger 30 maja 2022 o 21:08 
I try not to let those moments of toxicity affect my attitude going into the next match, but sometimes it really gets to me. I'm the kind of guy to immediately handicap myself and take it easy on them if I see one of the survivors DC, or if I'm rolling the survivors and already got 2 hooks before they've finished a single gen. Getting toxic survivors who do everything in their power to infuriate me is such a slap in the face and sometimes it really does get under my skin.
Sarahtonin 29 maja 2022 o 18:26 
youre fine! just know, you dont have to justify tunneling or camping, its a totally fine tactic (however i dont think they are fun, so its like a last resort or if its your only chance at redeeming the match). Dont let people trigger you too much, they take the game far to serious. :CH3_expression_2:
Gator Hugger 29 maja 2022 o 13:21 
I got tilted the previous match by this raging butthole who kept repeatedly flashing me at every chance he could get. Wasn't even chasing him, he just wanted to repeatedly blind me and followed me around the map to keep tagging me with the flashlight.

Sorry about that, you caught me in a terrible mood.
Sarahtonin 28 maja 2022 o 23:46 
lol i wasnt going to say anything but i saw your comment about how you "dont camp or tunnel unless we do something toxic or sweaty". im just wondering what we did? no hard feelings, just curious. we had a dc and none of us did anything to be toxic or sweaty, atleast nothing intentionally or even to our knowledge so if you have a reason id love to hear.

( again no hard feelings, i feel camping/tunneling is an intended and useful tactic, i just was curious what we did that was toxic or sweaty that made you do so)
Gator Hugger 19 kwietnia 2022 o 14:28 
Don't be coming in here to complain about how I play killer in DBD; if I slugged, camped or tunnelled, its because one of you got toxic or sweaty with me.
I'm a chill killer, I don't do that unless you make the first move.
Gator Hugger 25 marca 2022 o 0:34