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9.8 hrs on record (5.7 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
Does what it says on the box. The hit window takes some time to get used to, but overall it's still doable. You can still spam for crying out loud!

The main downside most people see is a lack of songs utilizing the .chart format, but it's a tradeoff that I'm indifferent to due to the fact it's what makes support for multiple instruments and online multiplayer feasible, so take that as you will. Drums are fun, online is fun, so what are you gonna do, right?
Posted June 28, 2019.
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692.4 hrs on record (640.8 hrs at review time)
I love this game, short and simple. Before going into what may or may not work, the game ticks all the boxes to make it one of the better games out there from an objective point of view:
  • Utilizes basic and complex elements of FPS and RPGs, which appeal to both casual and hardcore/serious playres
  • Up to six characters to choose from, combined with multiple playthroughs (Normal, True Vault Hunter, Ultimate Vault Hunter/replays) make infinite replayability
  • Solid blend of comedy, references, and drama found in quest logs and voice lines (If Psychos reciting Shakespear doesn't grab your attention, I don't know what will)
  • Interesting blend of open-world and linear level design. Although you are barred from entering too far ahead early on in the game, once they are unlocked you can explore them as much as you want, and the optional side-missions can send you back to explore some more.
  • Loads of different weapons, no two are alike. You can go through the first playthrough or so with any weapon you want, then you'll have to grind out more rare items in order to thrive in TVHM and UVHM, via the loads of mini/regular/raid bosses to farm from.

Now for my complaints:
  • The game gets hard quickly. Normal mode (first playthrough) is a breeze, but the second playthrough has a steep difficulty curve, and it was hard for me to get the build and gear to play well. I was able to get past that slump, but it still bothers me how difficult it was. Granted, after that, the third playthrough (Ultimate Vault Hunter Mode) I was well adjusted for and is a blast.
  • At the top levels in UVHM, your options for your build and gear start to dwindle a bit. Your means of progression start become dependent on how fast you can get specific weapons, which turns the entire game into a grind fest. Getting there and to the top doesn't take that long otherwise, and you can keep enjoying the game.
  • The game alone has enough content for some players, but you need two main components to get the most out of the game: main DLC and friends. The DLC gives you access to the third playthough and OP levels, and some of the gear and player skill trees depend on, or even revolve around having a second player fighting by your side. If you can get both of those, then you're golden. Important to note is the DLC isn't like a CoD map pack, it is its own mini-campaign, each with their own story, special gear, enemies, etc. I personally advise, if you would like to play more than the base game, to get the Season Pass for all the the "main" DLC, followed by the Ultimate Vault Hunter packs to get the third playthough plus the OP levels (50 base, either one increases to 61, having both to 72 with eight OP levels).

That's pretty much it. What you get alone is a starter pack filled with humar and replayability, but only gets better with the expansion packs and having others. Pick it up and see what you think!
Posted November 24, 2016.
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18.0 hrs on record (17.1 hrs at review time)
This game is amazing. Although hard at times, I enjoyed nearly every bit of this game... all 17 hours of it. Yup, that's right, it took me 17 hours to complete this game, start to finish, all while heavily relying on a guide.

The thing is, older games tend to be a bit harder; ever heard of the term "Nintendo hard?" Although the modes are linear (not complaining there), often I would think I have gotten lost because of how big the world is, but I then found out I was going in the right direction the entire time, or I would quickly find the right direction. So that's a nice effect.

But for the most part, this game was years ahead of it's time, with dynamic shields, AI, and all sorts of enemies.

You would think this is horror, but this is the older generation, based off of arena-based shooters (Quake and Doom), so your movement takes that aspect away (once I was able to jump off a cliff to dodge an electric LoS attack, then airstrafe back onto the cliff to take him out).

All in all, this is a fun, fast-paced shooter that I would recommend to anyone.
Posted July 19, 2014.
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8.9 hrs on record
I simply love this game. Mostly the zombies, but I love the rest of the game, too.
The campaign alternates between Alex Mason, and his son, David, and hops between the 80s and 2025 time wise. Every 4-5 missions, there's a RTS-style mission, where you are the commander of a group to defend a point, which I'm stuck on. Role-playing is essential, and I'm aiming for a perfect ending, so I left it there.
Multiplayer is the same and as fun as ever. TDM is the only mode I play, and although there are some balances to be made, (COUGH COUGH *smgs* COUGH *laser sights*) it's relatively hack-free, and really fun if you know what you're doing.
Last but not least, zombies, my favorite. You start off with 4 maps, the most without DLC since WaW. There are also 3 gamemodes: Survival, Grief (two teams of 4 survive as long as possible, last team standing wins) and CoD's trump card, Tranzit; craft items to save points, and build yourself the power and PaP, and some cross-playthrough keepsakes, like the locker for your guns, and vault for your points. It's possible to get around 15K in less that 10 seconds!
All in all, Black Ops 2 is one of the best games of all time, and now that I have the Season Pass, there's more BLOPS2 to go around starting this month!
Posted January 4, 2013.
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101.3 hrs on record (56.7 hrs at review time)
Borderlands is possibly one of the best games I have ever played. The story line(s) are fantastic, the gun possibilites are endless and satisfying (if you want, you can have a machine pistol that spurs acid on your enemy along with regular bullet damage!), the graphics are pretty nice, and, altough it's a dark and depressing world, can be hilarious at times (like Claptrap!) Even your charcter has certain skills and actions to do (spawn a turret, go in another direction, etc) and can be upgraded. Again, one of the best games I have played to date, and can't WAIT for the sequel!
Posted August 5, 2012.
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365.9 hrs on record (65.8 hrs at review time)
This game requires thinking, logic, physics, etc if you want some super-cool machine. However, if you want to just mess around, like spawn something and attatch a bunch of rockets and zoom around the map, you can also have fun with that, too.
As for multiplayer, I have played on quite a few of them. Many of them have mods from freeze tag to team deathmatch to zombie survival, or just plain custom maps with a few extra tools. Anyway you look at it, Garry's Mod will be there to entertain you for hours at a time.
Posted July 15, 2012.
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1,045.4 hrs on record (315.9 hrs at review time)
I have owned Team Fortress 2 for quite a while now, but only until it was made Free to Play. But I couldn't figure out how to explain it for a while now...
Let's try this: Team Fortress 2 is very different. Although some First Person Shooters are very serious, dark, etc., TF2 takes a light-hearted approach to the genre, with cartoony graphics (but bloody), many jokes and dialouge, and the "Darn-this-let's-attack-the-enemy-head-on" feel of the game.
Besides the reasons I just stated above, TF2 is very, very different from other FPS games. There's no leveling, EXP, upgrades of any kind. Instead, you do achievements to get milestones and get guns, however those guns have advantages and setbacks compared to the original gun, to be evened out. And besides, you can either pay with real money to buy the gun, or be lucky and "find" it while playing (you'll know what I'm talking about when it comes around.)
There are other differences, but I'm running out of space. D: Try it yourself!
Posted May 18, 2012.
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27.0 hrs on record (19.3 hrs at review time)
Well, another Portal release come and gone. I finally beat this game, too, so now I feel obligated to make a recommend this game as well.
Portal 2 picks up about 2 years(?) after Portal 1 left off after Chell was (ANTI-SPOILER CENSOR). You get the portal gun back, and you actually pair up with GlaDos. If only Wheatly didn't reasemble her!
Anyway, the ending was pretty dramatic, funny, and pretty epic if you ask me (you see Chell's arms!). I have tried a bit of the co-op, which requires some communication with your partner, but word to the wise: there's a story that picks up where the single-player ends, so beat the SP first. They just added a level editor, which is pretty user friendly (note: the emancipation grids are called "Fizzlers), and you get to upload them and stuff.
All in all, Portal 2 is a good game to play, and it has some goodies to keep me sucked in for a while.
Posted May 18, 2012.
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11.4 hrs on record (11.3 hrs at review time)
Ok, so I FINALLY beat this game, and I was able to get a LOT of enjoyment out of this little package. It has a lot to offer, and each level is unique, which keeps the fun going. Plus, it's really fun to fly across the map after going through portals you set up. I would highly recommend this game to anyone, and I'm planning on getting Portal 2 ASAP! GO VALVE!
PS: The cake ain't a lie.
Posted March 10, 2012.
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74.6 hrs on record
To be honest, AVA to me is sort of like a blend of all the shooters I've played in my gaming career. But since it's multiplayer only, Ijji is able to focus and excel on multiplayer and multiplayer only. And I say, they do a good job at it! There are several types of game modes and maps to choose from, but you leveling up is hard, so getting new guns is hard, too. But all in all, AVA is going to be in my Steam library for a long, long time.
Posted December 29, 2011.
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