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Ulasan terkini oleh NinjaNick

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Menampilkan1-10 dari 129 kiriman
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Tercatat 19.6 jam (Telah dimainkan 18.4 jam saat ulasan ditulis)
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Probably the best ghost hunting simulator available to date. It's got problems including the really slow progression system but if you want something that's cheap and fun with friends, this is a great option. Definitely best with a full lobby of 3-4 people.
Diposting pada 21 November 2023.
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Tercatat 0.1 jam
I was unable to join an online match. The server list was completely empty. Guess it goes to show how many people actually think this game is good and are playing it. Looked up some gameplay on YouTube and it's clearly just a troll game.
Diposting pada 17 Desember 2022.
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Tercatat 0.5 jam
Fun little game for a couple hours.
Diposting pada 25 November 2020.
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Only bought this to play with my friend who uses the VR version because his internet is too slow for Remote Play. Just flat out didn't work. When I would click to join the server it would fail after about 30 seconds and we tried multiple times.
Diposting pada 2 Juni 2020.
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Tercatat 9.7 jam (Telah dimainkan 3.5 jam saat ulasan ditulis)
I originally gave The Cat Lady a negative review but after giving it another chance and finishing the game I've changed my mind. The issues I have with it are still there and you can read them below but the story just kept me going. I had to keep playing to see what happened. The game had a real rough start for me with the first couple of big puzzles not making any sense but the rest of the game was a breeze. Some people may like challenging puzzles but I don't so to not have to look up any solutions for the rest of the game was great. I can highly recommend The Cat Lady if you can look past some of the annoying issues I already talked about in my old review.

Also word of advice, instead of Alt-Tabbing use Alt + Enter to make the game Windowed and the same thing to set it back to fullscreen.

Original Review:
Puzzles don't make sense, resolution is 800x600, alt-tabbing crashes the game, Shift+Tab to bring up the Steam overlay works but the mouse cursor is stuck in the center so you can't click on anything, and the file save system is incredibly weird requiring you to give a name to every single save file and you're limited to 50 with no option to delete or overwrite old saves even though the developer planned on adding that feature years ago. I wanted to like this game but the numerous problems led me to give up on it.
Diposting pada 16 Mei 2020. Terakhir diedit pada 17 Mei 2020.
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Tercatat 18.6 jam
Another game that makes me wish Steam had a middle, "It's Okay", option. To start with the PC port is literal garbage. I used a guide available on Steam to download 3 mods that not only reduce the crashing but also unlocks the frame rate, enables ultrawide support, and shows PlayStation buttons instead of Xbox for prompts. Even after those mods there is still a couple missions in Bully that will flat out not work properly and you are forced to repeatedly pause the game or tab out to finish the mission. I also semi regularly wouldn't get on bikes which also required the same method mentioned before to fix it. Honestly the only thing that kept me going was the, for the time, high quality cutscenes and gameplay. For today's standards it's definitely lacking but back in 2006 it was fantastic. A few nitpicks I had that would have made the experience much better:

1. When you fail a mission there's no retry option. You have to travel all the way back to the mission starting point yourself and restart the whole thing. This is by far the most annoying aspect of Bully
2. Why is the grab enemy button the same as getting on your bike? I failed missions multiple times by accidentally grabbing a mission NPC which is considered attacking them and failed the mission because of it
3. NPC logic could have been much better. For example, I was doing a mission that required me to go around and distribute drugs to people and the guy that gave me the drugs stole my bike right after the cutscene

So if I had all of these issues then why am I recommending Bully? I'm not quite sure. I didn't love my experience with Bully but I didn't hate it either which is why I wish I had a middle option. I enjoyed some parts but most was either average or below. If you think you might like a GTA style game but without the guns and cars then go ahead and try it out for a few bucks but if you're debating at all whether it's worth your time then just skip it and play something better.
Diposting pada 10 Mei 2020.
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Tercatat 3.2 jam (Telah dimainkan 0.1 jam saat ulasan ditulis)
I have to recommend this game for pure nostalgia value. But let me tell you, it has lots of issues. Mainly the fact that the game is slowly turning into how much you can spend. Why is it okay that any new content is locked behind a paywall? New mounts? Real money. New houses? Real money. New spells in card packs? Real money. PVP? Real money. No other game would get away with this but Wizard101 can because that's how it's always been. The membership fee is about average when it comes to games like this. Cheaper than something like WoW but more expensive than it probably should be.

The amount of content is enormous. 12 years worth of quests and worlds to play though meaning if you're a new player you won't finish for a long time so a membership would definitely be worth your money. The issue is when you finish the story what then? If you can have fun with PVP then that's great but for everyone else you're kinda done at that point until Kingsisle comes out with the next world. I love this game but I don't understand why content takes so long to release and why they think they can release updates like the Crown Rewards where they expect you to spend $550 in one weekend for an exclusive mount and gear. Please, listen to your players or the game will continue to die like Pirate101 did.
Diposting pada 1 Mei 2020.
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Tercatat 22.8 jam (Telah dimainkan 20.6 jam saat ulasan ditulis)
I absolutely loved Beholder 2. So many choices that have a deep impact on the story! You do not need to play the first Beholder at all to enjoy this. I've really only got 3 small things I would've liked changed:

1. Automatic save before a big decision so I can go back and see what the other outcomes were without having to replay through the whole game. This was a big complaint as I would love to see the other outcomes but can't bring myself to play another 10+ hours of a majority of the same content

2. The cloning job was very confusing and even after spending some time looking it up online I still found it to just be easier to randomly click different traits until I got a few yellow and green numbers show. This minigame could have been explained much, much better

3. Money is very hard to come by in the beginning of the game so you spend a lot of time just grinding the job minigame just to pay your bills which got a little tedious

Other than those 3 little nitpicks I highly recommend Beholder 2 to pretty much anyone. I was very happy with the time I spent playing it and might even check out the first Beholder
Diposting pada 26 April 2020.
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Tercatat 2.0 jam
While I can tell this is a high quality game it has too many small issues that bugged me so much I stopped playing.

1. It's very tedious. I got to the 2nd world and was still doing the exact same types of puzzles as the 1st world.
2. When you die you lose any collected gems that you got after the checkpoint. This is especially annoying when there are lots of gems at a new checkpoint but you can only collect them after you have already reached the checkpoint meaning if you die you would need to spend another 10 seconds every death re-collecting the gems every time.
3. The music is just okay. Like, I don't hate it but it's not my favourite which makes it hard to enjoy the entire music aspect of the game.

If you can deal with issues like those and others then it really isn't that bad but as I've said in my other reviews, time is finite, and this game is most likely not worth your time.
Diposting pada 17 April 2020.
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Tercatat 12.5 jam
I don't understand the praise Bastion got back in 2011. Maybe because decent indie games were hard to come by back then but this is certainly dated now. A story that's difficult to follow, a narrator that, in my opinion, isn't great, and game-play that gets boring. Yes, the environment is beautiful but just because a game is pretty doesn't make it good. I didn't hate the time I spent playing Bastion but considering how many better options you have now this isn't one to spend your time on.
Diposting pada 13 April 2020.
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Menampilkan1-10 dari 129 kiriman