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Recent reviews by Filipe1020

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965.9 hrs on record (454.5 hrs at review time)
This game is a great example of how a well made live service can benefit and improve the game's life cycle, when it was first released, it lacked core features which gave it had negative reviews at the begining, but instead of giving up and moving on to the next project, the developers stayed and delivered new content and improvements over time, now the game is far more complete compared to it's initial release, and it's still scheduled to receive new content and features in the near future, so I'd say it's a great pick! It's also the only racing game in the current era where it embraces all sorts of motorsports, not only cars but bikes, boats, planes, hovercrafts and you can even win a helicopter to fly above the map! One downside though is that it requires quite a lot of grinding to max out the disciplines in the game with the best perfomance parts, but if you spend a a bit of time in the game everyday, you should reach that goal sooner. This game has tons of potential and I love it, and if you're like me, I'm sure you'll enjoy it too!
Posted May 6, 2020.
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6 people found this review helpful
38.2 hrs on record (7.2 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
The recent major December Update has improved the game by a ton, more vehicles, more tracks, improved multiplayer, color customization, perfomance improved massively, and there is actually a carrer mode now, I highly recommend picking up this game now after the update if you like racing and destruction, it's a lot of fun!
Posted December 19, 2017.
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3 people found this review helpful
84.6 hrs on record (40.0 hrs at review time)
I've bought this game when it first launched, at first I was unsure, it had an awful optimization, a very small car selection, a few tracks and it handled horribly with a controller, but now after the updates they've made with time, it's one of the best racing simulators I ever played, the cars feels on point, it's really satisfying when you nail a corner, the sounds are amazing, the optimization is miles better now, looks great and it's not that perfomance heavy either, and you can have tons of fun if you get some DLC too which is also fairly cheap compared to some of the competitors (I only got the japanese one because AE86)

So yes, I highly recommend it, only if you really like realistic racing.
Posted October 28, 2016. Last edited October 28, 2016.
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2 people found this review helpful
13.7 hrs on record (7.0 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
Bear in mind that this particular game is still an Early Access so a lot of things will change, anyway I don't personally buy games that early in development, but I see a LOT of potential going on with Jalopy, and I see that the developers are actually working hard on delivering this fresh new experience of driving down a long road, making sure your car won't break down in the way, if you like that kind of thing I'd definitely recommend it, but if you don't want to encounter some annoying bugs I suggest you wait a bit more.
Posted April 28, 2016.
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Showing 1-4 of 4 entries