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14 people found this review helpful
98.3 hrs on record (31.8 hrs at review time)
Hyper realistic stone age tribe simulator, an unique experience you can't find in any other game.
There is nothing "fantasy" or "spectacular", you are in knee deep in the mud with your tribe, and your wow moments are skinning a boar or collect enough weed to make a basket.

If you start in the Mesolithic it is more survival than city builder. You are in the hunter-gatherer phase and you will build few tents and then you'll have to migrate to finad another territory unspoiled of resources.

If you start in the Neolithic you have basic agricolture and you can be static, but the most fancy thing you will build is a dolmen.

The game is very difficult and not very intuitive, it is also quite slow paced, you'll have to collect all the raw mats, manually refine them and build thing piece by piece, no shortcuts, no building magically popping up in the map. But the tribe AI and group management is very well done and doesn't require micro.

Graphically and performance wise it's a little rough, but the level of immersion is unprecedented.

It's a full release but it's getting worked with performance patches and new features. I played many city builders/survival, but this is unique and incredibly immersive, a full fledged simulator, I'm loving it.
Posted December 19, 2023.
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0.0 hrs on record
New scenario, new enemies, new weapons, new buildings, and a lot of bots for harvest, handle, deliver and combat that further lower the micromanagement need and only require electricity to go on.

Very good.
Posted December 14, 2023.
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33 people found this review helpful
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247.0 hrs on record (237.7 hrs at review time)
The game is amazing. Many different biomes, scenarios, random generated maps. Tons of resources to harvest, hundred of buildings and items to craft.

Combat can be disabled for a meditative experience, or it can be set as difficult as to trasform the game in a tactical tower defence, and everything in between.

The AI is good enough to require almost no micromanagement, graphics are beatiful and performance really good and stable.

The game is beeing developed further after release, with new biomes and scenarios added regularly, and on top of that there are hundred of mods in the workshop, including complete overhauls.

I wouldn't say this 3D Rimworld since the social interactions are way more basic, but if you like the genre you can't let this one slip off.
Posted December 14, 2023.
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2 people found this review helpful
184.7 hrs on record (26.0 hrs at review time)
The game would be a 6 out of 10, but unfortunatly homeworks are more fun.
Posted September 5, 2023. Last edited January 3.
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6 people found this review helpful
0.0 hrs on record
The DLC is very good. The new map is huge, every biome is brand new, and all the enemies too, giving the alien vibe many player asked. They also listened to the community, finally putting together the open world mode and the mission mode. Now you can have the best of both game modes, and the open world got a proper "end game" activity.

They have a long history of weekly patches, that went on for 90 weeks since launch, so it's safe to say they will add new content, tweak the existing one, and generally go on caring for their game.

The price is steep, but it is worth it if you liked the base game. Take advantage of game packs and discounts, but if you liked vanilla Icarus this DLC is not to be missed.
Posted August 24, 2023.
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8 people found this review helpful
14.4 hrs on record
Early Access Review
It's a beta with bugs and missing features, but it works and there's a good amount of content already. It's more streamlined and little bit less immersive than Medieval Dinasty, but the gameplay is there. For example village inventories are shared in all buildings, survival elements and villagers need are way more mild, but you will have less things to micro and will need no hauling jobs between your village buildings.

Again, don't think it's a samurai game were you combat and rule, you are a pesant and must grind for resources and build a little mud village. Likewise in Medieval Dinasty you were not a knight in shiny armor.

Thumbs up if you are willing to start playing and wait an year or two to get the finished game.
Posted August 15, 2023.
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1 person found this review helpful
6.3 hrs on record (5.7 hrs at review time)
Wouldn't be fair to thumb down, but it's weaker than its predecessor.
Quite grindy, you will be wiped and will have to restart from scratch several times. Your characters resurrect after every wipe, and some improvements carry on for the next run.
Basically a roguelike that after every failure makes you restart from scratch with some adding improvements.
Wouldn't be that bad of an option, but not loosing your characters forever will make you care less for them, and being actually able to get real progress will require tons of trial and error, reading through an insane number of stats to look for a meta, or read guides.
It's not really a game you can think to achieve something without taking it ultraseriously and min maxing meta parties. I'm already half bored.
I'd say the game in general is no more than a 6/10, maybe it goes into the 7 for the beautiful concept design and dialogues, but it will grow old fast.
Posted July 10, 2023.
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7 people found this review helpful
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7.2 hrs on record
Early Access Review
Very good survival in a beautiful enviroment. Relaxing gameplay, based on exploration, crafting and base building.

It doesn't seem to be a lot content in the current EA version. If you are a slow paced player like me that likes to explore the next skyscraper instead of rushing to the next objective, and takes its time to craft things and build a decent aircraft, you can expect 30ish hours before the plot is complete and there's not much to aim left.

But what is there is good gameplay in a awe isnspiring enviroment, so it's good to unglue few summer nights. Devs seem committed in adding content, to wich proportion nobody knows, but it's not an abandonware. Might be you pay it cheap now and in an year or two it will become an amazing project, who knows.
Posted July 10, 2023.
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119 people found this review helpful
46.9 hrs on record (18.4 hrs at review time)
Solid gameplay, Alliens terrifing vibe 100%, beutiful graphics, entincing story.

It's RTS but:
1. you can slow (or freeze) the time to issue commands
2. you don't have to micro every squad member, you give orders and the entire team performs them. They shoot on their own, you can activate special abilities.
3. stealth is pretty mandatory, but not always possible. You want to go undetected as much as you can, becouse you have limited bullets and your marines are easy to wound, get killed and if they survive they go back home with heavy psychological disorders.

This makes gameplay slick and streamlined, but not semplified and by any mean easy.

On the Tactical side is similar to XCOM (only similarity). Five classes, different equipment and a ton of different to deal with the (increasing terryfing and desperate to the verge of your mental disorder) situations that you have to face.

It's not one of those games where you have a "puzzle", aka only one valid strategy, to clear a map or to progress.

You will know terror and desperation, becouse the game is on the difficult side, things will go south, you will be left with a spare magazine, outnumbered by xeno, and ♥♥♥♥ will hit the fan. It's super heavy tense. Imagine Alien II, you live exactly that atmosphere. Fantastic, but definitly not for the faint of heart. You will suffer.

I'm in the middle of the campaign, and I hear there's nothing beyond that, no game+, no sandbox, no proc generated maps. You'll can expect from 20 to 50 hours depending on how fast and good you are, but after that replay value is really low. Unless you are THAT masochist to try it beyond Medium Difficulty

Still it's highly suggested, really well done, the hours you get are incredible fun (and utter terror). Prepare to suffer.
Posted June 22, 2023.
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17 people found this review helpful
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0.0 hrs on record
Tons of gigas for little visual improvements. Many mods made better improvements for less space.
This being said it's free and will last future patches withjout breaking the game.
Your choice, being free I thumb up.
Posted April 21, 2023.
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