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Created by - The Duke of Dirty
576 ratings
A full map of terraforming options
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Angel Shark Fighter I made :)
2 1
Review Showcase
This game is a ton of fun, I play this game with my friends.

-Fully modable game, the games scripts can be modified with word pad so makes the modding side for scripts a bit nice and easy.

-Custom factions, you can design for custom factions by choosing the premade ship designs and a factiona ffinity really easy to do, the racial traits list is pretty big so you got plenty of choices.

-Easy multiplayer function, you can invite your friends right from steam, some times they need to be in the game already, normally happens if your game clients are havily modified.

-One of the few games that allows you to teraform your planets, and it is the only game that I have played that allows you to teraform your planets through multiple stages of teraforming.

-Huge Tech areas to have fun with, with special unique research for each racial affinity.

-The game is nice and complex so you can get your money's worth, via plenty of play time.

-If you end your turn as the enemy attacks you it can cause a game crash. (you can still load up from your auto save and then wait for the fight then continue after that)

-Visual bug, sometimes shows you having higher population slots on your planets then there actually is, then you move your mouse curser across the planet it will show the real slots.
Workshop Showcase
This patch adds compatibility to use the Jump Gates mod together with the Real Space mod. The patch doesn't add content on it's own, it just makes Jump Gates and Real Space play nice. It's meant for v2.5.* A version for v2.3 can be found here: https://stea
102 ratings
Created by - Chubby
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Steam Trading Cards Group - Public Group
Steam Trading Cards are virtual cards earned by playing games on Steam that can be combined into game badges.
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