The Ëvïl Dr. F
Dr. F, The Evil
In the not too distant future . . .high above a planet far, far away, Asteroid F looms dark over tempestuous skies. The Ëvïl Dr. F broods over terrible devices and plots and terrible plot devices. Tarry not minion, lest his eye come to rest upon you. An eye ready to blink. Are you ready to get out and push?

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The Ëvïl Dr. F Mar 16, 2020 @ 7:39pm 
paper and plastic masks are to protect other people from the wearer, not the other way around. wash your hands. dont cough on people.
The Ëvïl Dr. F Jun 3, 2018 @ 1:26pm 
why does medicine in the United States use the Caduceus of Hermes as its symbol while everywhere else (correctly) uses the Rod of Asclepius? Because the US needs to admit at least subliminally that medicine in the US is about business and not about healing.
The Ëvïl Dr. F May 27, 2018 @ 10:44am 
rant 2018 point 2 am i alone here?

am i alone in finding it suspicious that the PotUS, who can use whitehouse dot gov to post literally anything, uses the commecial product Twitter to post what george carlin termed brain droppings ("random musings" is the proper term i believe). PotUS is, we are to believe, in command of the executive branch of the US gov. why then, am i supposed to believe, he (or she, but in this case he) uses the commercial product for any other purpose than to promote it? ("it" being the commercial product but in the case of current PotUS self promotion is a given)

The Ëvïl Dr. F Mar 18, 2018 @ 2:52am 
rant 2018 point 1 why "classified" is stupid

to say "that's classified" to shut someone up assumes you, the listener or both are stupid. all information is classified. it is classified: secret. it is classified: general knowledge. it is classified: cosmic. it is classified: sensitive. it can even be classified: general knowledge; need to know; eyes only. that means anyone _can_ know it, you dont discuss it with people who dont already know it, and you dont make copies or transcriptions of it.

the previous is Classified: Obfuscated Information. Burn after reading.
The Ëvïl Dr. F Oct 28, 2017 @ 3:07pm 
far more dangerous than what we do not know is that which we think we know that is not so.
JmAc18 Jul 24, 2017 @ 11:40pm 
Hi Doc, longtime no play! I just installed warframe. I see you play this a ton, any beginners tips for me?