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3.8 hrs on record
The one and only time segregation by how long it takes to cook food is acceptable. All dragons to the back of the tavern
Posted December 6, 2023.
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5.3 hrs on record
One of the only games where you and a squad of 9 people, of different languages and backgrounds, can completely scrap your Commander's plan and drive a fully loaded supply truck directly into enemy lines while squad lead blasts Sabaton on a soundboard, to secure a prime location for an offensive base.
Posted January 4, 2021.
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24.9 hrs on record (23.0 hrs at review time)
For $40, this "official release" is plainly laughable.

You cannot go more than a handful of minutes without getting a bug, be it audio, visual, with your skill tree, with your stats, duplication, animations broken or not coming out, bosses going invincible, your stashed gear disappearing, or finding a new passive that doesn't work as intended. The first couple days, though I'd argue the first week, was plagued with massive amounts of server downtime, and even with the servers up, my closest server, based in my own state, usually ends up at 500+ping for hours at a time, making this game essentially unplayable. If you're going to tell us that multiplayer is such a key aspect of the game, make sure it functions before you take people's money.

The gameplay is also lacking, in terms of ARPG. The feeling of hitting a pinata and seeing all the goodies spill out and hoping for a unique/set piece is gone. 99% of gear drops are absolute useless, with yellow rarity items being the highest tier you're most likely going to get and be replacing gear with. Uniques are so niche, they are always a dissapointment, and the legendaries are also equally trash. The combat and story are decent, but not worth the boring slog to get through, despite how pretty it looks.

Spend your money elsewhere.
Posted February 18, 2020.
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20.6 hrs on record (16.8 hrs at review time)
This game ends up being a core example of a Ubisoft game, for better or for worse. It's pretty, it has content that boils down to your standard sandbox FPS fare, a decent story, and really terrible vehicle controls (esp flying).

Where this game TRULY shines like a golden pile of s***t is the competence of the AI and the lack of actual cutscene/dialog invincibility. Whenever you talk to anyone, regardless if it's a main story, informant, or side quest, cultists and animals CAN AND WILL INTERRUPT YOU. I CANNOT TELL YOU HOW MANY TIMES I TALKED TO SOMEONE TO HAVE AN ENEMY SHOOT IN THE DISTANCE AND SCARE THEM AWAY, OR BETTET YET, AGGRO, RUN HALF THE MAP AWAY, AND STILL DISABLE DIALOG. You will be shot and killed during talking from airplanes. NPCs will run into your bullets and kill themselves. They will play all their dialog at once, they will ragdoll, they will scream at you to hand them something only to trip and die. Nick will fly away to the ends pf the Earth, never to be seen again with any form of air support, Boomer will never be stealthy, and you will soon realize that makeshift dynamite actually does jack all.

To sum up, if you enjoy sneaking up on drugged up cultists, pulling out your magnum, headshotting him, only to send him flying across the universe, while the lady he was dragging 180s on you and screams "ARE YOU TRYING TO MAKE ME POOP MYSELF?!", this game has enough unintended hilarity and decent enough gunplay to make it not feel like a chore.
Posted May 8, 2018.
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277.5 hrs on record (276.1 hrs at review time)
Let me make one thing clear: This review is more about the company running the game, than the game itself. From CBT2 and onwards, I had a blast leveling up with friends, and have fond memories grinding in maps and taking screenshots with everyone in town.

Regardless of what you've heard, what you read, what you think, know one thing: IMC is makes profoundly terrible mistakes, listens to nothing, promises everything, and somehow manages to f*** everything up even worse than they had it broken, almost on a weekly basis. DPK drop bugs that allowed people to easily get items worth several million silver EVERY. SINGLE. DROP. Took them two days to fix it, and they didn't ban anyone for it, allowing everyone who exploited it to get away with a free item they shouldn't have had, free cash shop items from *inconvienances*, AND they got maintenance reimbursement 10x what players who either didn't exploit or didn't play for those days got.

They promised server transfers from EU to NA, on the notion that they destroyed the NA servers so much, due to Commaner Load Fail during CBT2. Never happened. The cash shop items I bought: wasted. It was either play on 300 ping, leave the character dead, or just stop playing (hint, one of these options was the easiest.)

Decent game ruined by one of the world's most incompetent and convoluted dev teams.
Posted March 30, 2018.
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