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3 people found this review helpful
109.0 hrs on record
Do not buy this game, it took them 90% of on launch players quitting and 26000 negative reviews for them to "tell" us they were going to work on it. They got their pound of flesh by releasing before Christmas without any of the features promised, but with working in game micro-transactions on a heavily un-optimized game. There is no reason to trust any developer on launch day, and you should avoid this particular one like the in game plague. I won't be wasting any more time on this game no matter what they add or fix, because they have shown they do not respect their customers and that they shouldn't be trusted with anything they tell you as it's just to get a few more dollars before they don't actually do what they say. Good luck.
Posted January 24, 2023.
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1 person found this review helpful
3,751.1 hrs on record (2,608.0 hrs at review time)
I've managed to never play a single cannibal run, the meat and organs are worth too much money.
Posted March 15, 2022.
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2 people found this review helpful
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38.2 hrs on record
This game is pretty good....? I bought it for me and two other friends so we could have some content. We ran into some items we wanted and attempted to find them by restarting my world a few times... a majority of my time was spent restarting over and over to try and get the spawns for these items and never got them. We then beat the rest of the game in about two hours. I spent 3 days trying to find a single gun and after all of it there was no game left to even play. The last couple of bosses were an absolute joke and left me feeling pretty empty, and my game glitched out on the final boss and I earned nothing for it. But besides all that we had an absolute blast with all the things we found and saw halfway through, but this game isn't currently worth 40 dollars with the lack of content and amount of items and bosses. It isn't a bad game. It's not. But it doesn't feel finished and the story feels like it just cuts off after a certain point. I hope they add more to the game, half the glitches we found ended up fixed a day after and that's pretty good I guess. This is a game I would wish some more campaigns or something cool to be added sooner rather than later. If we had focused completely on beating the game it would have been over fast enough for me to refund the game. The gun-play is amazing and feels great, the amount of traits makes it feel like you can actually make a build on it, and some of the bosses left an impression. But there isn't a lot here and the worlds got boring fast after going through them a bunch.
Posted August 23, 2019.
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6 people found this review helpful
0.1 hrs on record
Early Access Review
I didn't need long to figure out what reviews I should follow, less then 10 minutes in actually. The loading screens felt pretty familiar seeing as how I was just playing Men Of War AS2. And now I don't mind any of that I love that game, this is not worth any money. Not 30, not 40, not 50, not 60. This has less work put into it then mods that singular people have created for this earlier title. This is a copy and pasted waste of space on my hard drive, I was excited to see that fresh look at the harsh and unforgiving battlefields of my favorite game bar all the same things I was already just playing, with the generic "terrorist" enemy skins and everything, but still excited. I cringed pretty hard on seeing that Early Access Game sticker, and then just below that a Season Pass? And then below that full functioning LOOT BOXES. Really? These are the things you should be avoiding like the plaugue. For anything and everything. The game is not even finished and they already have more ideas to empty that wallet. Its popping up in every sequel to every game for every franchise from every developer for every platform and it is just UGLY business. This game needs a major overhaul, the first person is not amazing, the ADS is just a picture on your screen, and the hands and gun shake and do not stay together at all, and it was the selling point for me to try it out. If this was a new Men at War title I think it would be just fine, fresh upgraded engine with new modern units and locations, combat and graphics with new features to bring you back in for another year or two. But its none of that its just the same game with a little poorly modded skin flopped over it and a "first person" that any modder for the other game could do better given a few days. It lacks any sort of passion or drive that I see from people who do this type of stuff in the little free time they may have. Its just the same game, and it costs more then that game. And it isn't even finished. If they are just showing us what they CAN do, then get it done. But this seems very shady and I have no need or want to even be interested in it any further then the 10 minutes I spent with my jaw on the floor wondering how they could even sell this for that price... Yeah yeah "free version" nonsense. Ask anyone worth his salt what he thinks of a glorified demo showing you what you could have and you will get a wag of the finger. And what you could have you ALREADY have in another game! Just go play Assault Squad 2 and download some mods. You and your money will be happier for it.
Posted November 2, 2017.
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Showing 1-4 of 4 entries