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Reseñas recientes de Weegee

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49.1 h registradas (37.2 h cuando escribió la reseña)
This game already feels like a math exam wich even Hawking him self could figure out. On top of this dead enamy can still kill you from way beyond the grave ass long as they started casting there spell there going to finsh it. Just give me my damn keys so i dont have to realy on luck to enoy the full game.

the only good point the game was around 30€ only. And i spend around 35 houers on it.
Publicada el 19 de marzo.
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20.2 h registradas (19.7 h cuando escribió la reseña)
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Battlefield killer with the same restrictions then Battlefield.
Sadly the game dev wont allow servers to play all game modes on the 127 vs 127 player space, it is fun even tho it is unbalanced but fun.

if it's not fun why bother.

Maby in the future they allow the fun.
Publicada el 9 de agosto de 2023.
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0.3 h registradas
Imagen paying 15€ for this.
Publicada el 27 de marzo de 2023.
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110.6 h registradas (80.4 h cuando escribió la reseña)
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One of the Slowest Roguelike/roguelike games

At First i thought the game would be close to games like "Risk of Rain", meaning a lot of upgrades and alot of enemies to kill. All of that in a fast paced gameplay.

Sadly in this game it is just the enemies, no feeling of going in a stage of absolutely ridiculousness not even a feeling of power.

On the easier difficulties this game is boring and slow, you spend more time waiting then you can enjoy the game.
On the harder difficulties the obviously unbalanced game play comes forward, here it seems like the game either wants to be a "PAY-TO-GAME" or the developers just forgot to balance the game outright.
Waht i want to say is, this game is not fun when you have to pray to every lord that the RNG is on your side, skill is almost not even anfactor if you succeed in this game or not. But sadly the game dev dont seem to see that and instead of buffing other mechanics of the game they rather nerf the only thing in the game witch worked.

I have 100% of the achievements in this game and i can clearly say if hope that game comes close to an "RISK OF RAIN" dont get it.
Publicada el 24 de febrero de 2023.
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3,972.0 h registradas (3,564.0 h cuando escribió la reseña)
Don't play it, your not gonna leave.
-9/11 IGN.
Publicada el 24 de noviembre de 2022.
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18.6 h registradas (17.7 h cuando escribió la reseña)
This is the biggest Heist ever seen in the World of Video gaming.

CD PROJEKT RED manged to successfully scam all of us and even more.
Why and How did they do it? The answer is money of course, like in 99% of all scams, this is not the first time that a scam of this scale hase happened. "This is not even one of the Biggest out there".

But how, with presenting us with one of the biggest money magnet outhere Keanu Reeves .
Hoping that the man will bring enough attention a way from the falty and broken scam game.
So that the consumers, investors and even Reeves him self ( He doesn't seem to know much about the quality of video games when it comes to por perfomance) do not see the real game.

But we all had warnings bevor, you all know the warnings from delaying the game over and over again.
And one of the Biggest, the reviewers of Cyberpunk 2077, we all laught at them we all criticize them for there reviews of this game. And most of them where scared of us so they gave the game a very good review no mather waht they experimented about the game.
But manny of them where still waring us about the flaws of this game jet here we all are know thinking the game would be good.

I stil think that this game is a scam, i listed them above and if you paly the game you will experience them yourself. But one of the biggest points is that tehy rather focus on making and expansion for the game instand of trying to finish there game.
So how know we are forced to use contant, mods to fix the game wich wehre made from palyers who ahd enugh of the scamy nature of this game.

So if you want to paly this game WAIT it is only worth 20€ at maximum and sadly i was to late to get an refound otherwise i would not site here anny more.
Publicada el 9 de enero de 2021.
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3.9 h registradas
I cant recommend this game.
I Just cant.
Enemies can and will randomly spawn behind you even when you just cleared an are full of Enemies.
Melee atacks seems moslty usless even when there is an Starter Class/ Trait for it in the game.

you get blocked almost every time when you fight multiply Enemies at once.

This gets realy stupid when you only way of "BLOCKING" incoming demage is a DOGE. Some times the DOGE fells very unreliable, on top of that some optins like "JUMPING" over obstacles jsut wont work and instaed a doge is performed. In all movement often feels just wrong.

ON top of that Enemies can randomly spwan behind you and thats realy gets annoying.

So if you want to paly it?
Just wait till its on sale for a very low price point.
As once a smart man has sad 1$ for 1h of palytime. So i recomend you get it once its on sale for 3$.
And if you cant wait that long or if you cant refund it anny more just modded till you like it.
Publicada el 27 de marzo de 2020.
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129.1 h registradas (22.3 h cuando escribió la reseña)
Thx for bringing teabaging to the pc.

Like the Game.
Dislike 343 for making Halo 4 and being 343.

343 stop fixing waht Bungie made great.
And "your" Halo collection would be super good now its just meh. Go play it.
Publicada el 12 de diciembre de 2019.
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4.9 h registradas
Can´t wait to destroy id with mod´s.
Publicada el 28 de junio de 2014.
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