Boston, Massachusetts, United States
kqly vac banned? kqly vac ban? noooo. seriously? noooo. seriOUSly? noooo. seriously? noooo. seriously, kqly vac ban? are you ♥♥♥♥♥ serious in my eyes? noo. seriously? no. seriously? no.
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hehe Apr 22 @ 9:17am 
Açel Apr 7 @ 12:59pm 
If you want a girlfriend you have to retain semen for several months. They know immediately if you don't have any semen retained. You need to go to the gym and train 5 days a week. You're training and if you want to retain you have to train. You need to stare at yourself in the mirror and the other men at the gym and you need to compare yourself to them daily. Tell everyone you know how you're training at the gym and make sure they know. Every day you should talk with men online about semen and ejaculations and what you think about when you ejaculate and how often you touch your penis. This is all extremely important if you want a girl to ever talk to you. Just think about your grandfather, forced to go to war and fight for his life in the harshest conditions for his children's future. He would be proud if he could see you now telling everyone how you go to the gym and talking with other men every day online about what makes you ejaculate.
leanworld Apr 6 @ 5:49pm 
pashol nahuj blyat
chiba Apr 6 @ 4:18pm 
Какой-то нищий чел
Açel Apr 5 @ 11:25pm 
looser as*hole
Açel Apr 5 @ 12:26pm 
you are so pathetic