Black Lesbian Catgirl Princess   Noblesville, Indiana, United States
Then said he unto them, But now, he that hath a purse, let him take it, and likewise his scrip: and he that hath no sword, let him sell his garment, and buy one. -Luke 22:36

22:14 - Zepezzyska: and you're my ♥♥♥♥♥♥
22:14 - Zepezzyska: peanut butter to my saltine crackers
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Links and Life Lessons
Welcome to the jam [comeonandsl.am]

Life Lesson #1:

21:52 - Princess Zeppy: idgaf what gender it is
21:52 - Princess Zeppy: I want to suck its ♥♥♥♥

Life Lesson #2:
22:27 - LordPain: people are cancer
22:27 - LordPain: stage four ass cancer

Life Lesson #3:
21:59 - LordPain: and your ability to troll simply by telling the truth is astounding

Life Lesson #4:
21:22 - Zeppy: whats the worst kind of woman?
21:22 - Zeppy: a man

Life Lesson #5:
16:53 - Zeppy: Well honestly
16:54 - Zeppy: as much as I support a possible race war
16:54 - Zeppy: for the sake of national purity
16:54 - Zeppy: I don't hate ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ that much

Life Lesson #6:
15:30 - MC Blame: LoL isn't a game

Life Lesson #7:
6:42 - (´・ω・`): talking to other people feels nice
6:42 - (´・ω・`): the isolation after trauma just kind of eats you
6:42 - (´・ω・`): like a large dog eats a dead cat

Life Lesson #8:
12:44 PM - ௵: its like a movie with a controller
12:44 PM - ௵: a movie where you leave the theater saying 'why did I pay for this'

Life Lesson #9:
5:09 PM - YOLO★SHIKU: tits are a consolation prize for being alive

Life Lesson #10:
5:43 PM - zeppy: time flies when you're having fun
5:43 PM - zeppy: its been slow

Life Lesson #11:
10:34 PM - 27otooj: people talk about their body being their temple
10:34 PM - 27otooj: mine is like the movie 2012

Life Lesson #12:
8:43 PM - i accept and tolerate everyone: payday was a very clever game in that the player thought they were the ones stealing
8:43 PM - i accept and tolerate everyone: but really it was the developers

Life Lesson #13:
2:55 PM - ௵: well for somebody who fears boobs
2:55 PM - ௵: this is a fantastic horror game

Life Lesson #14:
1:32 PM - ௵: im okay with everything
1:33 PM - ௵: except the government

Life Itself:
0:41 - Zeppy: The world needs more tender girl love
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It helps ease the pain.
blame Mar 15 @ 11:33am 
the pfp mix????????????????????????????????????
skeletor Mar 13 @ 9:42pm 
what's up, nerd?
✙ Zelm ✙ Mar 12 @ 6:59pm 
im a simple man, i see someone posted on my girlfriend's steam page, i check it out
jzneter Mar 12 @ 11:57am 
hi, how are you
blame Oct 7, 2023 @ 2:04pm 
hey! it's three for free!
✙ Zelm ✙ Oct 6, 2023 @ 4:30pm 
thats cool and all blame but Chic Fila is the superior choice