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Senaste recensioner av Vaan #FixTF2

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29.9 timmar totalt
Bought on early access release and was immediately hooked. Very good game. Somewhat scratches the itch that I've had since I played KF4, and would say is a must play for any fan of this niche genre.

Only complaint I'd have is how labyrinthine and repetitive the levels are, it's the game's biggest weakness. There's not enough visual landmarks to differentiate the segments of a level, so one ends up constantly backtracking to ensure all paths have been taken and that one isn't retreading old steps. There's also some issues with KB+M controls, mainly with interacting with the UI with the mouse.

Here's to a dream where more games of this genre are made, because it's certainly one of the few titles that stand out to me this year.
Upplagd 29 november 2023.
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50.1 timmar totalt (44.2 timmar när recensionen skrevs)
Upplagd 21 november 2023.
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1 person tyckte att denna recension var rolig
7.1 timmar totalt (3.1 timmar när recensionen skrevs)
Early Access-recension
fun spooky
Upplagd 27 november 2021.
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10 personer tyckte att denna recension var hjälpsam
61.7 timmar totalt
Although most of the bosses are damage sponges without much going on, the game cycle of going through areas, shooting enemies, getting loot and levelling up is very fun. There is one encounter that deserves the title of "boss fight" that is encountered in dlc content, and is much closer to a souls-like experience.

The coop is very fun, although a bit unreliable (servers seem to be weirdly split between steam and epic games store, and if steam's is not working, you'll need to have an EGS account linked to make it work). In fact, it's the coop anyone would wish dark souls and their like had. Players can stay together from the end of the tutorial to the end of the game, without any annoyances of leaving the host's world and laying down soapstones.

Looking forward to what these devs make next.
Upplagd 28 november 2020.
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44.1 timmar totalt
Insanely fun with unfortunately not enough content. Bring us a DLC expac!
Upplagd 27 november 2019.
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1,322.8 timmar totalt (775.8 timmar när recensionen skrevs)
It's pretty good
Upplagd 21 november 2018.
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2 personer tyckte att denna recension var rolig
1,060.7 timmar totalt (995.4 timmar när recensionen skrevs)
They blew it
Upplagd 10 oktober 2016.
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6,079.1 timmar totalt (6,076.1 timmar när recensionen skrevs)
It's in a sorry state
Upplagd 24 september 2015. Senast ändrad 3 juni.
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2 personer tyckte att denna recension var hjälpsam
89.9 timmar totalt (57.4 timmar när recensionen skrevs)
Took what made the first good and made it great. While on the first one I rushed everything with the same party (Liara and Tali) and weapon (assault riffle as soldier), in this I've found myself using not only different party members depending on the enemies I'd face, but different weapons as well, not to mention manually picking powers from myself and the party. A perfect mix of 3rd person shooter combat and strategy.

Music's great, really made the missions more intense than they already were, and certain pieces used in the final stretch are absolutely amazing. Only small criticism I have is that the battle music fading out makes the tension go away, as you realize there are no more enemies nearby.

Once again, amazing voice acting. I could tell some favourites of mine like Simon Templeman in the role of Han'Gerrel vas Neema, an important figure in the Quarian society, along with some other side characters.

Planet research was made simple, no longer wasting hours and hours on terrain with the Mako (where you could still end up missing some stupid Prothean insignias). The "dungeons" where the side missions took place were no longer copy pasted throughout the game, all deserving their own level design and quirks this time around. The formula of actual open terrain exploration on a vehicle was brought back in the Firewalker and Overlord DLCs, the second one I recommend not only for the gameplay, but for the actually satisfying and somewhat heartbreaking story. The extra crew DLC is very short and hardly rewarding, but if you really like the game, go for it.

Characters are interesting, you can chose to develop a relationship or not with them, it's your call. It nails that classic space scifi show of fraternity between the crew members. Not all of them will get along, and depending on your moral choices, some will be more inclined to support you or not.

Although not the main theme, the main city hubs and some side missions tackle well the social characteristics that this fictional galactic society would have, from using satire and projecting our own society to this one, to issues like racism and slavery. Also it was always extremely gratifying to see the reflection of my choices in the first game brought into this one.

The game through its run is really good, and the ending completely explodes into greatness, as you tackle a final mission sequence that is without a doubt one of the best experiences you could get in a videogame. I could find myself completely immersed and blankly stared at the screen as the credits rolled trying to figure out what just had happened. 10/10
Upplagd 13 augusti 2014. Senast ändrad 13 augusti 2014.
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