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Recent reviews by Ferox

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1 person found this review helpful
6.2 hrs on record (0.7 hrs at review time)
While I'm still at the very beginning, the game looks very promising. It's a mix a visual novel and a point-and-click-adventure, wrapped in a beatiful "book illustration" visuals. If you enjoy reading and considering the price is pretty low, why not give it a try?
Posted November 15, 2022.
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19.9 hrs on record (15.7 hrs at review time)
Honestly, I don't like to write reviews, but this game forced me to make an exception.

This game is not good, in any definition of the word and I have no idea why the current review score sits at 78% recommended. My theory is that only hardcore Fallout and FO76 fans still care about the game and only they are still reviewing the game.

TLDR: The game is awful. Terrible gameplay loop, awful implementation, disastrous visuals, frequent bugs, predatory monetization and shady practices. If you are thinking about purchasing Fallout 76 - please, don't repeat my mistake and buy this atrocity. It's not worth your time at 0 dollars. If you really crave some Fallout - install F4/F3/F:NV and mod them. They are far better games than this pile of feces could ever hope to be.

The gameplay

While the Wastelanders expansion did add some good content to the game, you will still have to deal with the overall gameplay loop of FO76 and have been left unchanged since the release. If you think you'll be adventuring the wasteland and uncovering cool stuff, think again - throughout my first 15 hours of playtime I have been constantly over encumbered, lacking ammo, irradiated. Inventory management (especially with the horrible UI) will take a huge chunk of your time, gradually transitioning into stash management in higher levels (unless you pay for a subscription service in this $60 game).

And even when you are finally done with freeing space in your inventory, the game still feels awful - the gunplay is just so weak, and the guns themselves are so pathetic. A regular same level enemy takes up to 4 point blank shotgun shots.

By the way, since everything is level gated, prepare to get your ass handled to you if a high-level enemy goes near you - enemies scale to the highest leveled player in the area. Bethesda is just unable to implement a system where monsters scale to each player's level, without hindering low-level players.

The visuals

The game looks like a PS3 title, and that's generous. The game does not look like a current-get title and cannot compete with anything released in the last 5 years. The lighting would sometimes overexpose everything on the screen, transforming it into a black/white painting.

The technical stuff

The game runs horrendously. I rock a RTX 2060 Super with i7 8700k and I get constant dips to 40 FPS, regardless of the graphical settings I'm using. Somehow the game manages to run and look worse than RDR2, what gives.

You will still encounter bugs, glitches and exploits. Every patch will introduce new bugs and exploits, in Bethesda's fashion.

The monetization

The cherry on top. After delivering this atrocity they still have the gal to ask for more money. And not just little - the Atomic shop is extremely overpriced and the rate at which you get atoms in-game is a joke. In 15 hours I got 600 atoms. For that I would be able to purchase... a new haircut. Or almost a half of a discounted power-armor skin.

But that's not all, if you want really enjoy the game, you have to purchase Fallout 1st. Or more like subscribe to it, for 12 dollars a month. Only this way you will be able to play the game solo (such a revolutionary feature) and finally forget about scrap/weight management. They artificially creating problems and then selling you the solutions. It is beyond insulting.

At this point the review became a rumble, but the general idea is - don't but this game. Spend it on charity, go to a restaurant (when this whole quarantine thing will blow over), rent a movie. Anything would be better than money spent on this game.
Posted May 1, 2020.
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7 people found this review helpful
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46.9 hrs on record (45.8 hrs at review time)
Stay away, don't waste your time and money

The game certainly has some great points and fun moments, but all of them are overshadowed by three HUGE negative factors:
  • The population on PC is close to non-existent. Unless you live in a well populated, wealthy region (NA, Europe) you may have to wait HOURS for matchmaking to find your game. And when it does, you'll face a pre-made group of high-level players.
  • Progression system is a joke. My game time is close to 50 hours and I am yet to unlock all of the base game characters. This may be OK for some f2p game, but for a fully priced game gating content behind such grind wall should not be accepted. Also, the game features another "amazing" system with powerful in-game items locked behind the RNG chests that are only obtainable with more grind. Combine the two, and you'll get some spectacular new player experience.
  • The game is terribly managed. It’s been only a month since release, yet they are already releasing premium skins – that were in the beta, by the way – while the base is still plagued with problems. The so called “free” upcoming heroes are only technically free – you need to grind ~70 hours for each to get the required amount of in-game cash to unlock them.
In the end of the day, this game is not worth the price. The publisher is clearly in damage control mode and salvages as much as he can, resulting in players feeling like they purchased a freemium game. You should hold onto your wallet until this game goes F2P. If it won’t, it will quickly die in the coming months.
Posted June 16, 2016. Last edited June 16, 2016.
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0.0 hrs on record
Best shield bashing simulator.
Posted December 11, 2014.
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5 people found this review helpful
79.1 hrs on record (30.8 hrs at review time)
21 hours of playtime here, no problems at all (except for Uplay issues, but that's a tale for another time). Guess I'm among the lucky ones.
ACU is brilliant: you're finally an assassin, part of the brotherhood, not pirate or some american native. The story, at last, revolves around assassins vs templars confrontation, with some really good voice acting. You have a lot of gadgets, customization options + completely new parkour system (which feels very natural and requires some skill and time to master). And I won't even start about Paris and how astonishingly detailed and beautiful it is recreated. Also, they added co-op - a feature that everybody wanted since AC1. It is quite diverse and will satisfy both groups of casual players that want to have some fun running around, killing everything together, and hardcore roleplaying fans, which will traverse through missions with thought and skill, moving like shadows and completing tasks without ever triggering an alarm.
Basicly, they listened to their fans and made a game for them. If you enjoyed previous AC titles or you simply like vast open-world games with a lot of things to do - this game is for you.
Posted November 14, 2014.
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1 person found this review helpful
9.7 hrs on record (8.7 hrs at review time)
Great game, terrible port. It has big FPS problems that devs can't solve even a year after release: game often goes into slo-mo or gets to 5 FPS for no reason. And matching recommended system requirements won't help you: my PC can handle stable 60 FPS in BF4 on Ultra, yet it has trouble running this game. Add a buggy multiplayer to this mix and you'll get a PC version of Injustice: Gods Among Us.
Posted September 25, 2014.
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