Moscow, Moscow City, Russian Federation
Ei tietoja.
Huden 17.1. klo 11.12 
1.Inss 人は毒だ 1.1. klo 12.20 
+w dayn
The Ampuja 16.11.2023 klo 11.06 
-rep cheater
arka_shh 15.11.2023 klo 6.41 
-rep KICK HIM ...not a teamplaye... he got info but waits when enemy unloads mag on alie and then come out to kill them
Sma1L 28.10.2023 klo 13.39 
+rep :)
PiPeMan 22.10.2023 klo 8.55 
-rep another russian, another cs2 hacker.