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Recent reviews by CupofStea

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103.6 hrs on record (102.9 hrs at review time)
Pretty much one of the best games I've ever played.

It looks spectacular, there's so much stuff to collect. Only downside is the best looking swords aren't necessarily the best and you can't upgrade them to be stronger but that's pretty much the only downside.

So much choice, so many monsters, the lore is well written and some of the monsters are spectacularly designed.
Posted February 24, 2020.
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7.2 hrs on record
Loved it. What a spectacular regeneration of Resident Evil 2. It's gorgeous, terrifying and just like back in the day, I'm terrible at it.

10/10, looking forward to 3.
Posted February 24, 2020.
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31.2 hrs on record
Was good right up until the classic Borderlands 'Fatal Error' which can be caused by;
-Steam save location
-If you have any other programs on your pc
-If you're using a new controller
-If it just feels like it.

The error can only be repaired if you;
-Reinstall steam on a new drive
-Delete Borderlands 2 and use the registry cleaner
-Verify your registry
-All of the above and it still might not work

The fact that the Pre-Sequel is also plagued by the same terminal issue is wild. Borderlands 3 and any new release by them isn't worth checking out because it likely has the same issues.

I've probably spent more time trying to fix the games than I have had combined play time across them all.
Posted February 24, 2020.
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356.3 hrs on record (54.7 hrs at review time)
It's exactly as you'd expect; endlessly replayable and considerably better when played with mates as a team. But it's been out long enough that some people can do moves that you can only dream of.
Posted June 27, 2016.
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Showing 1-4 of 4 entries