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16.9 hrs on record
Alrightish city builder. I beat main questline and had some fun with it. Although it has moments of stupidity from your population, like they get malnourished despite me having full storages of food. Resource management not great because there is like 50 different resources, its pretty difficult to navigate all of them. Side quests and catastrophes getting repeated to death. Also its Paradox so of course game feels a bit incomplete because they want you to buy DLCs. Overall its okay, but not particularly great game. Pick it with a solid discount if you fan of genre.
Posted March 29.
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4.7 hrs on record (0.7 hrs at review time)
Absolutely terrible game. Autorunner just doesn't work with unforgiving precision platforming mechanic. There is almost no control over your character because you always running to your death and back to checkpoint, you cant even think about how to approach different segments, there is simply no time. This crap should have stayed on Epic.
Posted March 18.
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1.3 hrs on record
As a fan of SWAT4 i thought this game would be awesome. To some extend it is, for example, very atmospheric level design. But unfortunately, game optimization is horrendous. I know, my rig is far from top of the line, but its enough to ran comfortably Red Dead Redemption 2 and Rainbow Six Siege with beautiful graphics. Why on Earth I get bad performance even on low settings in this game is beyond me. Every time my enemy starting blasting bullets at me FPS drops to slide show. And even if you try to play with such bad performance – your enemies have inhuman reaction and every damn junkie that robbing gas station has marksmanship of John Wick. Luckily I was gifted this game (thanks to that generous person again btw), so I didn’t suffer on my own dime. Maybe devs will fix issues but so far its bad game. Note to myself to return to this game in a half a year.
Posted January 18.
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13.2 hrs on record
Fine but not great indie game. Its fun to climb mountains in turn-based manner while balancing your resources and stumbling on random encounters. Problem with those encounters that get repeated to death pretty fast. In a third mountain you basically remember most of the situation and what best outcome to choose. Also game has a plot and its purely serviceable. It starts fun something like Bermuda Triangle time loop mystery but ends with absolutely nothing at all. Reading 2 messages after end credits my only thought was "wow, that is really underwhelming". All and all its okay game to pick on a sale, not demanding from you much (i played it to rest from bigger games while listening podcasts). But with repetitive random encounters there is no incentive to replay it on higher difficulties.
Posted January 12.
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58.3 hrs on record
Who knew that dismantling space ships can be such a relaxing experience? Very good game!
Posted December 24, 2023.
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56.6 hrs on record
Just a broken boring tedious overcomplicated colony sim. Honestly gave it a go and tried my best but this is a mess. Saves getting broken, tons of micromanagement, woeful UI. Simulator of your villagers not doing what you order and just starving to death, avoid it if you can.
Posted October 30, 2023.
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5 people found this review helpful
6.7 hrs on record (4.5 hrs at review time)
Game looks completely fine at first glance - alright art and presentation, stealth elements look fine etc. But when you actually playing it - unresponsive controls ruining all the fun. In a stealth game where all decided by seconds when you move from cover to cover, your hero will likely stuck on a ladder a dozen of times or move in different direction that you intented. So you get caught and getting sent to checkpoint and you get caught again because controls are still terrible and again and again... In a current state this game is just annoying.
Posted August 15, 2023.
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5 people found this review helpful
3.2 hrs on record
Well, it’s a mess...

Agarta is bang average FMV game. It tells a story of international world’s best murderer/serial killer that killed 129 most powerful people in the world, including Pope. Interesting concept, isn’t it? Nah… First problem of this game – you can’t tell story of such kind with a budget of a bag of crisps and a camera. Seriously, its so cheaply made, there is like 5 main characters plus 3 extras, we supposed to believe that international killer is guarded by 2 guys in a small police precinct and when game tries to show action – it looks so poor its just sad. Come on, there is a reason why you don’t film James Cameron Avatar in a garage on a 100 bucks budget. Why devs didn’t tried to do simple revenge story instead of this overambitious crap?

Alright, I can look past cheapness of it, but story is absolute nonsense. Main hero just walks around, casually surrenders to police (why?), walks free (why?), poison some people (kinda vaguely explained, but still why?) and then it’s just ends. There is no ending, its ends with a grace of a TV that suddenly stopped working. What this was I never know. I guess you can replay it to do different choices but I doubt I will try to find out. Choices is another story, here is example - look at window or don’t look at window – wow, that choice simply blew my mind.

Also, English subtitles keep naming one of the female characters as “he” throughout the game. It was so consistent so I started to doubt myself – maybe its not a woman? This is about the only thing in this that was memorable.
Posted March 16, 2023. Last edited March 16, 2023.
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18.0 hrs on record
Lets start with a positives for now - this is a shooter with nice gun play, with decent design, alright graphics and sometimes with good atmosphere of WH40K universe.
Why review is negative then? Because besides on every positive side of this game there is at least a couple of negative ones.
Plot is very poor, people who don't read anything about Necromunda universe will understand nothing about it during course of the game. How hard to build encyclopedia into such lor-heavy game? Game plot shows some sort of twist at the end but i didn't really care because there is no good storytelling here.
Design and graphics are fine, but its butchered by freaking ugly depth of the field effect. Also every time game shows you a cutscene it looks absolutely abysmal, like 90s talking heads abysmal. Animation is woeful.
Gun play is good, but game got no scale of difficulty, once you master few perks and get one decent enough gun you practically indestructible. And you can spam grapnel hook and melee attack which one kills most of the enemies.
Side missions there are terrible, i did them to obtain all of the abilities in upgrade menu and they just so poorly done. Its basically copypaste killing stupid enemies on levels from campaign. You can see that each side mission change relation to you from different faction but its absolutely useless feature that got no practical meaning.
And i also need to mention technical problems, game optimization is not the best and there is still bugs. During my 18 hours of playthrough my game shut down to Unreal engine crash report 5 times. Also upon entering upgrade menu game freezes with only solution of Alt+F4 and try again.
Overall, this is game that has more disappointing qualities than good ones. I doubt that i will remember any mission of campaign, because there is no interesting bosses or different tasks here. Pick it on good sale if you have too. I won it on steamgifts personally (thanks to generous gifter again) and had my fun with it, but its not something that will be replayed or reminisced.
Posted December 21, 2022.
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7 people found this review helpful
9.6 hrs on record
Great walking sim. Its easy on the eye, with nice sound and music and solid plot. Reminded me great sci-fi movie, there is ommages to Gravity, Interstellar and Space Odyssey. Puzzles pretty simple though, but i am not considering it a flaw. Its beatable under 7 hours, i played 9 for achievement hunting, but again, not a flaw, game ends just in time to not get boring.

P.S. Here is a small flaw - final mission "Align the MPT" has some poor balance and too difficult, imo. If you struggle to complete it in time there is 2 things that can help you - use gamepad. If you dont own a gamepad and keyboard/mouse enjoyer you should lower sensitivity settings from default 5 to 1. Much, much easier.
Posted November 13, 2022.
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