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129.8 hrs on record (97.4 hrs at review time)
Posted May 3. Last edited May 5.
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0.0 hrs on record
After the recent additions to the dlc, I will say this: This dlc gives units to Kislev, Tzeentch, Cathay, Beastmen, and Warriors of Chaos. If you like atleast 3/5 of those factions and are a fan of atleast one of the LLs factions on the campaign then its worth the price.

If you are only a fan of 2/5 or less of the factions that benefit, pick it up on a sale.
Posted February 22.
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15.4 hrs on record (12.1 hrs at review time)
I suck at rhythm games, and I still highly recommend this game to everyone even if you are bad at rhythm games.

The soundtrack, the movement, and the combat feel amazing. The story and the platforming are good, and the characters are really good with some really good humor that you're not forced to laugh at to find charming at the very least.

Also it has a streamer mode with an ost that is just as good, if not better in some cases, than the original songs they replace. So yea, good game to stream honestly.
Posted February 27, 2023.
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0.0 hrs on record
Ogres are a good faction, fun and very unique experience.

Also their units can be recruited from AI camps on the campaign map if your curious about how they perform, as well as warhammer 2 having an ogre mercenary system to try them out.
Posted March 14, 2022.
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194 people found this review helpful
11.3 hrs on record (2.3 hrs at review time)
A very arcade-y dog fighting game set in the Warhammer 40,000 Universe.

-Perfect presentation. As a major fan of warhammer40k and as a predominately Ork player, the devs nailed the presentation. The soul in this game is spot on and has a ton of humor and character in the Orks and Grots.

-Loads of visual customization. Every equipment piece changes the way your jet looks visually and you have a wide variety of colors, clans, iconography, and glyphs to customize your fighter.

-Loads of customization for loadouts. There are many weapons and equipment for each of your fighters and you can customize it to fit your playstyle fairly well, from having tons of guns and shooting up your enemies to building a tank of a jet for ramming everything that moves (or doesn't move in the case of buildings you wanna blow up.)

-Orky customization. Yes, I know, another customization point, but this one is important: the color of your jet affects the stats on your jet. In 40k, Orks paint their weapons and equipment different colors because they believe that they have certain effects on them, and because they believe it does it actually does (example: red ones go fasta! vehicles painted red will indeed go faster.) This means that depending on the colors you choose, you gain stats depending on what it is.

-Good Controls. Both keyboard and mouse and controllers seem to work well. While they are not the greatest controls out of all the dog fighter games, they serve their purpose and keep the game fun in an arcadey way. The best way to describe them are responsive at the best but floaty at the worst.

-60 player multiplayer and sever browser. Multiplayer can have up to 60 players in a hosted game and its a deathmatch on who destroys the most jets. There is even the option to enable bots and change their difficulty to add more targets to shoot. The bots can even be enabled or disabled to count for score to win. Word of caution for hosts though: you need a strong pc to host that many people.

-Decent map selection, there are quite a few maps that have different looks (albiet most have an "Orky" takeover). Most are decent sized and used for both the multiplayer and single player campaign. In multiplayer the host can choose a specific map or have it on random selection. They visually look great for the budget this game is on and have an immense amount of character to them.

-Good music. Whoever composed the music did a fantastic job. It is a non-stop rock and roll metal train that has no breaks. Fits the atmosphere of the Orks perfectly.

-Campaign progression is required to unlock certain weapons and gear. While you can gain all the teeth in the world in multiplayer matches, certain gear is locked behind campaign progression and require you to touch it a bit before being able to use it.

-Campaign can be hard. While its a relief that this game isn't a push over, it can be difficult at times and be frustrating to finish missions. This is doubled by the fact that missions do not have checkpoints or lives so dying or failing an objective can lead to repeating an entire mission. This would be less frustrating if the previous point of unlocking weapons and gear wasn't an issue. (EDIT: Campaign now has a 3 lives system, which helps lower the difficulty a lot. But you can turn it off and get bonus teef currency)

-ESCORT MISSIONS. The escort missions in the campaign are awful and can kill the motivation in playing the game very quickly. The battlewagons and drop ships you have to defend move painfully slow and cannot defend themselves very well which requires you to baby sit them constantly. Most of the missions in the campaign are alright and can be accomplished much easier by bringing the right gear, but escort missions are notoriously bad and should either be reworked or removed.

-Upgrades are easy to forget. It is highly advised after every campaign mission atleast to go to the hanger and check if you have upgrades, since they can be major game changers. It is very easy to press ahead to the next mission only to find a hard time due to being ill-equipped. Also there is a weapons and a gubbinz tab at the top of the screen. DO NOT FORGET TO EQUIP YOUR GUBBINZ! THEY GIVE REALLY BIG BOOSTS TO YOUR JETS!

-Limited menu graphic and visual options. While fully rebindable keys and sound volumes are decent, the graphics have very few options. There is also a fair amount of bloom and motion blur in this game so be wary. On the bright side, they do include colorblind options under it.

-Repetitive announcer and music. While I mentioned earlier that the characters and music are great, they have many repeating and looping elements that can become annoying after hearing it long enough. The grot announcer on escort missions can be particularly annoying when he comments on being shot at every chance he gets. The music is good and there is a good variety but it tends to be obvious where it loops and thus it can start turning repetitive if a mission drags on too long. Longer missions do atleast have some variety in those songs when certain points are reached atleast so this problem isn't as awful as it could be.

Bonus points:
-Other 40k races in the game. While Orks are the only playable race, other enemy types do appear in this game, such as the Adeptus Mechanicus early on in the campaign, and if you look at the pictures on the store page Necrons are also an enemy to face.

-Colorblind options. I mentioned it earlier but ill put this here just in case people miss it: yes there are colorblind options.

Overall I recommend this game if your a 40k fan or just want an arcadey dog fighting game to mess with.
I don't put much stock in number ratings, but people seem to like them so 7/10, would be an 8 if the escort missions didn't exist.
Posted February 19, 2021. Last edited April 30, 2021.
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777.4 hrs on record (120.2 hrs at review time)
Posted March 12, 2020. Last edited November 23, 2022.
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0.0 hrs on record
If you prefer murdering Elf-things over Lizard-things (or if you just see Naggaroth as a lovely vacation home), Tretch is the LL for you.
Posted February 14, 2018.
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19 people found this review helpful
0.0 hrs on record
Ignore the negative reviews that complain about "removing content".

This the "Headcase" survivor cosmetic dlc, it was never suppose to have any body or killer dlc in it. Which is why it was removed since that stuff is suppose to be a part of the FREE DLC ANNIVERSARY EVENT.

What you see on this store page is what you get, two head cosmetics for each survivor except Laurie and Bill (copyright reasons) and Feng (too new of a survivor to give cosmetics to at the time of the release of this content.) Considering that is 12 cosmetic items for $3, that is a fair and reasonable price.

But to keep in mind: it is just cosmetics, you don't need it to play the game. It is just to make you look "cool" and "special".
Posted June 11, 2017.
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40.0 hrs on record (22.6 hrs at review time)
It's fun, it's unforgiving, it's incredibly rage inducing. I love it!

Good for streaming (even through the steam stream system, as basic as it is.)

Now for the common problems and concerns: the game does play a lot on RNG, it has about the level of bugs that TF2 experiences, enemy variety isn't that great but isn't too bad, certain good and bad items are absolutely rediculous and can harm your experience if you want something more serious or solid, and lastly room variety seems fairly copy/past (with the exception of the trap rooms, they give a breath of fresh air occationally but can be frustrating if you are not good with platforming.)

Most of that are issues the devs fix through patches or are the reason you play something as rediculous as this, but if non of that bugs you too bad, then this is the game for you!

Just remember: beware the audience. They can make your life great, or they can make it absolute hell.
Posted January 8, 2017.
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3 people found this review helpful
155.8 hrs on record (137.6 hrs at review time)
Ill make this short and sweet: I love this game and it can be pretty addicting. But to help with figuring out if you'd buy it or not, ill just do a giant pro/con/neutral point list and a quick conclusion.

-Unreal 4 engine
-Warhammer 40k setting
-Decent balancing between the races
-Highly customizable fleets (esspecially with orks.)
-Beautiful epic chior music
-Very satisfying battle sounds and fantastic voice acting
-Good option menus
-hotkeys for abilities
-Clear objectives on each gamemode
-AI is compitent enough to enjoy the game (can cheat in certain gamemodes, see cons)
-Can create your own games that will not punish your fleet in order to test strategies with randomly generated fleets or your fleets from skirmish or multiplayer mode.
-Campagin is very well constructed and present a lot of choices
-Option for "Ironman mode" for campagin which prevents saving for hardcore crowd
-Easy to find a game in multiplayer
-2v2 co-op in multiplayer
-Tactical cogitators that put the game in slow motion and allow planning and strategy in order to keep up with the action
-Dev team plans to add more content and new races (Edit 6/25/16: Space Marines have been added, Tau will be next race)

-Certain races need particular ship upgrades and weapons to defeat other races (Ex: Chaos will kite your ships with long range weapons while they move at fast speeds which make them difficult to catch if you do not have nova cannons, upgrades to increase the range of your weapons, ordinance bay, or long range lances.)
-Races will have natural disadvantages that can ruin a playstyle for certain players (Ex: Eldar will be extremely fast and manuverable, but will usually be blown up if looked at the wrong way due to their fragility.)
-Insubordination is a thing, and your ships will try to disengage a fight. You can execute them, but it causes stacks of mutany which make them ineffective the more you execute people on that ship.
-In Campaign, Skirmish, and Multiplayer, it is possible to be locked out of your fleet if you lose all your ships and are unable to repair them with renown. Leading to having to delete your admiral and create a new one. (granted, this is rather difficult to do as ships repair themselves after 1-2 games depending on how damaged they are, and making new admirals is not as punishing as it seems unless you are doing the campagin.)
-Certain gamemodes are annoying to a majority of the players since they revolve around running away from your enemy and warping out of the battle, which slower races are at extreme disadvantages vs faster more manuerverable races.
-AI cheats often in gamemodes which involve evading opponents (Ex: In assasination, you could destroy the enemy ship right before it warps out and watch it explode, but it will still count it as a defeat, this may be more of a glitch though)
-Multiplayer matchmaking is imbalanced and will usually pit a fresh new admiral vs high level admirals with various upgrades.
-Tatical Cogitators can be activated in multiplayer, which can be fairly annoying if your game goes into slow motion randomly.
-Tutorial is shown in the campaign prologue, so in order to start learning how to play, you must start the campagin, less you blindly walk into a match.

Neutral (pros and cons depends on the person):
-Stays true to the tabletop, meaning that boarding, lightning strikes, critical damage, ect are based off % rolls and can be entirely random. However, it can be influnced to decrease negative outcomes (Ex: increasing your crew of troops will increase your troop value, which reduces the chance of the enemy successfully boarding you. 70 troop value means 70% chance the enemy will fail.)
-Campagin is high stress, as it will force you to play imperial navy and defend several solar systems in multiple sections of the gothic sector, which can be overwhelmed very quickly with orks, eldar, and chaos attacking all the time. Worse: planets can be destroyed if you do not respond to them in time via Extermanatus or Abbadon's Planet Killer . It is basically the "Everything is falling apart around me" simulator (which is extremely accurate to the imperium of man's lore.)

Overall, a very good experience for me, but it can be addicting and difficult to put down. The game is relatively forgiving to admirals who take care of their ships even in games they lose, but can be very harsh if you have your ships gain heavy damage or flat out destroyed. The main con of the game to a majority of the community is that some of the gamemodes are extremely frustrating to play. The game has a bright future though, and it is easy to get into as hardcore and casual players (avoid multiplayer if you plan to play this casually, as you will not survive.)

And remember: hit the red button.
Posted April 29, 2016. Last edited June 25, 2016.
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