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32명이 이 평가가 유용하다고 함
기록상 15.7시간 (평가 당시 6.2시간)
"She is a prisoner, floating in darkness..."

I'm not really a fan of the horror genre, let alone Japanese-themed horror T_T, but something about this game that makes it one of my all-time favorite shooters.

You play as the Point Man, a F.E.A.R. operative, sent to eliminate a group of super soldiers (replicas) and their leader, Paxton Fettel. You'd soon uncover that it was more than just a mission, it was a date with destiny.

I loved the concept of the story, but in my opinion, fell short on the story-telling factor. There were times that felt like fillers just to make the game seem longer and some times where I was confused at who was who. Even with all that, the story is pretty solid for an FPS.

The visuals are a bit dated today, but they did a damn good job at that time. The game doesn't rely on jumpscares to freak people out, but the way they build up the tension e.g. flickering lights, suspense music, things moving on their own etc. basically things that'll make your hair stand on edge, and the game did it well.

The gameplay in F.E.A.R. is honestly one of the funnest experience I've had in First-Person Shooters. Think Half-Life meets Max Payne with awesome ragdoll physics. The Slow-Mo ability partnered with the shotgun can be OP at times, but I'm not complaining :D I also love that it has a health bar, collectibles to upgrade your health and reflexes, and medkits which you can use to heal yourself at will.

Overall Experience: I love this game so much and is my favorite in the franchise. Plus, the ending is just awesome and will leave you wanting more. After beating the entire trilogy, I was kinda disappointed that the 3rd one took on a more generic approach. This game ironically managed to make me tolerate horror games, with the exception of Amnesia, Slender, Outlast and basically horror games that leave you defenseless T_T
2014년 2월 16일에 게시되었습니다. 2014년 2월 16일에 마지막으로 수정했습니다.
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47명이 이 평가가 유용하다고 함
기록상 7.8시간 (평가 당시 7.2시간)
"It takes a strong man to deny what's right in front of him...."

I would have never found out about this if it weren't for the multiple posts on Reddit claiming this to be one brilliant game. Do you want a game that leaves you satisfied, happy or fulfilled? Then don't buy this. Spec Ops: The Line will force you into the harsh truth of war.

You play as Cpt. Martin Walker, a soldier sent to investigate a distress call alongside Sgt. Lugo and Lt. Adams, only to find out something more terrifying than what any of them expected.

The story is set in a fictional Dubai where it is undergoing a state of emergency and destruction. Unlike other war games, the story has a really powerful impact on one's emotional and psychological health. There was honestly one point where I had to stop because it was all too much to handle..... It's one of the best war stories ever told in a videogame.

Visuals look amazing, plus I haven't experienced any crashes or bugs and it plays really smooth. It's set in Dubai so expect lots and lots of sand, and repetetive locations. There some areas where the music feels satirical and I love it :) The ambience plays a huge role in story, so I'd say they did a pretty good job in making this game the way they intended it to be.

Gameplay is probably their weakest point, it's awkward and sometimes will get you in trouble. Some buttons do multiple commands, depending on where you are and what you do and it makes the gameplay confusing at times. It's definitely not enough to ruin the experience though ^_^ I recommend using a mouse and keyboard primarily because of the aiming. I'd say the game can become brutal at certain points :( I played through this on normal and was killed several times to the point where I almost rage-quitted.

Overall Experience: This game was very hard for me to finish because I don't want to keep playing it, not because it's bad but because it forces you to commit atrocities and actually shows you the devastating truth. I don't feel like a hero, I feel like a monster and this game shames you for the acts you've done..... I love this game and I hope I never play it again. I highly recommend that you experience this game at least once (I'm sorry) because it's horribly amazing.

2014년 1월 29일에 게시되었습니다.
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10명이 이 평가가 유용하다고 함
기록상 7.6시간 (평가 당시 4.1시간)
For River.....

To sum it all up, this game is balls deep in the feels T_T What stands out the most is the amazing storyline and music that will tug your heartstrings. To give you an idea of the story, it's "Inception" with a mix of "Bioshock" and lots of cheese..... you'll get the idea when you play it. Manly tears were shed at some points in the game and the soundtrack isn't helping. I highly recommend this game to anyone who wants a beautiful, heart-warming experience.
2014년 1월 24일에 게시되었습니다.
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29명이 이 평가가 유용하다고 함
기록상 42.2시간 (평가 당시 21.7시간)
"Their fate rests on your effort. On the strength of your hands, and of your heart..."

Arkane Studios and Bethesda really outdid themselves with "Dishonored". It's an amazing stealth FPS that'll leave you wanting more.

You play as Corvo Attano, the Empress's Bodyguard and you've just brought news from foreign land in seek of help from the rat plague that has infested the city of Dunwall. Due to unforseen consequences, you are framed and became enemy of the state, hence the title.

The story of the game is not bad, but not great either, although I love the ending that I got. Some parts are predictable while others are unexpected. I do love the fact that your actions affect the outcome of the story. I feel as if I have control over the game and not just following a scripted flow of events. Plus, making wrong/different decisions add drama and tension to the plot which makes you careful in deciding what to do next.

Visuals are smooth and well-made. It's using the Unreal Engine 3 so you'll find it somehow similar to the cartoony nature of Bioshock Infinite, but darker. I honestly prefer the atmosphere of Dunwall to Columbia, for reasons I am not entirely sure of :/ Ambience wouldn't be complete without music, and it fits very well with the visuals. It's by no means the best, but it's just perfect for the game.

Now, I wasn't really a fan of the stealth genre but "Dishonored" made me think otherwise. It's fun, smooth and rewarding. You wield a sword in one hand and a Charm/Pistol/Crossbow/Trap/Grenades in another. It's kind of confusing to sort them all out, but once you do, it's fast and easy ^_^ Speed and silence is key, this game rewards you for not attacking enemies head-on because once you do, they will outnumber you in a matter of seconds. I love how you can play the game at your own pace, you have to go from point A to point B, but it gives you freedom how to get there e.g. Use the rooftops and go unnoticed by ground forces, or use the shadows to slide past your enemies, or explore the area to find hidden passages. You're given the tools, and it's up to you, how you want to use them.

Overall Experience: This was honestly one of the best games I've played so far. I just love the freedom it gives you in gameplay and the astounding atmosphere it sets you in. You don't need a high-end PC to play this game, it's very well-optimized and that's always a plus for me ^_^ I highly recommend "Dishonored" even if you're not a big fan of stealth.

Tip: Explore the surroundings..... you'll find untold stories that add to the ambience of the game.
2014년 1월 15일에 게시되었습니다.
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9명이 이 평가가 유용하다고 함
기록상 31.0시간 (평가 당시 29.5시간)
That's what worries me, Wei. You're one of them.......

Sleeping Dogs was supposed to be part of the "True Crime" franchise but instead went solo after Square Enix bought the publishing rights. In my opinion, this game deserves way more recognition.

You play as Wei Shen, an undercover cop whose mission is to take down the Triads residing in Hong Kong. You'll uncover the power, corruption, secrets behind the gangs and know what it means to be Sun On Yee.

Story is a bit cliched in my opinion but is still very well executed. The character development is a bit weak, since I didn't actually feel any real, deep connections with the characters but the voice acting is honestly one of the best I've ever heard.

The visuals of this game is just wow, plus with the Hi-res texture pack, everything looks much clearer. Hong Kong is a bright vibrant place full of things to explore and people to kill. I live in a place where the environment is pretty much similar to Hong Kong so that's a plus xD I didn't really enjoy the music that much as you'll be focusing more on the action/driving/shooting.

The gameplay mechanics is the strongest point in Sleeping Dogs. It's like the Arkham series..... in an open-world-sandbox-type of game. Enemies are tough in the beginning, but you'll earn upgrades and moves that'll eventually make you untouchable ^_^ Guns are a rarity, since melee combat is its focus. Driving will take some time getting used to, it's very weird when you're driving slow and the camera angles don't really help, but when you're going fast, it's smooth and responsive.

Overall Experience: I love this game, but it could've been better. I've experienced lots of flaws in the game such as cutscenes not loading, game crashing on startup, GPS keeps on redirecting me, cars launching to space etc. Despite all of these errors, the game is very well-made and is pretty solid for most of the time. Plus there are cameras to hack, hidden loots to find, altars to upgrade health, gangs to eliminate, statues to recover, songs to sing, toilets to piss in, people to kidnap and loads of other stuff to do in this game.... It'll keep you busy for hours xD I very much recommend this game especially if you love the open-world genre.
2014년 1월 13일에 게시되었습니다. 2014년 1월 13일에 마지막으로 수정했습니다.
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4명이 이 평가가 유용하다고 함
기록상 17.8시간 (평가 당시 17.5시간)
Mr. Salieri sends his regards......

I was always fascinated with the Mafia. Maybe it was the power, the families, the tuxedos or the tommy gun blasting away as they slowly walked down the hallway. The overall badass-ery of the Italian mobsters is a force to be reckoned with.

The game revolves around Vito Scaletta and Joe Barbaro, best friends who work their way up to the top of the Mafia. The story is great, with what you'd expect from a mobster game. Full of obstacles, pain, suffering and betrayal. The game itself feels depressing and it really suits the mood, plus I really felt conflicted with the ending.......

Gameplay is just a breeze. gunfights look amazing, with realistic destruction as the bullets hit concrete, tiles, blocks, wine bottles and stuff. The cover system is also top-notch, although sometimes I'll run into the wrong cover, which causes me to die -_- Driving is ok, since the cars handle heavily and cops will fine/arrest/kill you if you do a number of traffic violations.

Overall Experience: I love this game, but it could have been better. The main menu music is honestly one of the best I've heard and absolutely fits in with the theme. It's definitely worth a look if you love a good story and fantastic open-world gameplay.
2013년 12월 22일에 게시되었습니다.
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47명이 이 평가가 유용하다고 함
기록상 17.7시간 (평가 당시 9.1시간)
Because I'm a Potato.....

Valve's Portal 2 is the award-winning sequel to the hit game, Portal. I do recommend that you play the first one in order to fully understand the whole story and for you to be familiar with the concept of Portals ^_^

You play as Chell, a mute girl that just does what she does :/ I seriously don't know what's going on in her head xD anyways, you wake up in a room years and years after the events of Portal and the adventure starts there.... Let the testing begin >:)

Story is well-driven and easy to follow. Although the game features more/less 5 characters (including Cave Johnson and Caroline). They're so lively and have their own iconic personalities, Wheatley is awesome :D You'll never get bored of the dark humor continuously thrown at you xD I have to say that the story is a bit short compared to their flagship game, Half-Life.

The Source engine is by far my favorite. I'm playing this game at a consistent 100fps set to High/Very High.... no crashes in-game, and absolutely looks delightful (especially the lighting). It can also run very well on older systems, which is always a plus for me ^_^ Music is what you'd expect from Valve....... just pure awesomeness, nuff said xD

Gameplay is the same as the first game. It's not a generic shoot-everything-that-moves FPS but a puzzle-solving FPS that involves Portals and require you to have a keen observation on your surroundings and lots of thinking. I honestly was stuck on a puzzle for a good 20-mins. until I went "Ohhhhh, now I get it" and proceed to finish the test chamber xD It stands out because of its one-of-a-kind gameplay and does it extremely well ;)

Overall Experience: I have yet to try out the co-op mode, but the single-player campaign left me wanting more. That feeling you get after solving a test chamber is quite awesome ^_^ and doing it again, but faster, feels even more rewarding. Although I have problems launching the game (It just might be my Steam client) the game itself runs incredibly smooth. I give this game two-thumbs up ;)
2013년 12월 18일에 게시되었습니다.
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72명이 이 평가가 유용하다고 함
기록상 45.1시간 (평가 당시 17.2시간)
Bring us the girl, wipe away the debt.....

BioShock Infinite is arguably one of the best games of the year. It is the third game in the BioShock franchise and you don't need to have played the first two to enjoy this one ^_^

You play as Booker DeWitt, an ex-Pinkerton agent, who was instructed to bring a girl and wipe away his debt... join him as he unfolds the mystery that lies inside Columbia.

The story is the strongest point of the game. No doubt, it has one of the best stories ever.... rivaling novels and such. The game starts off very confusing, but explains everything as you go. Honestly, I had to pause the game multiple times just to take in what happened. I also had multiple "Holy Sh*t" moments because of the wonderfully executed story-telling and all it's unexpected twists and turns :) It's just beautiful..... gave me goosebumps :3

The visuals of the game is very colorful and bright but somehow very eerie and unsettling...... I love it :D Somehow it feels repetetive, but pretty nonetheless :3The AI of Elizabeth feels so alive, she isn't dull and she will keep herself occupied if she gets bored. The music just blends with the atmosphere so flawlessly that it feels natural e.g. a bad rendition of Nocturne will be playing in the slums of the city while a beautiful orchestral piece will play in the higher class. The stunning music and artwork of this game will transport you to the world of BioShock Infinite.

The gameplay is an FPS with RPG elements put into it. You wield a weapon in one hand and a Vigor in another, experiment with them all to find out what best suits your playing style ^^ At first, I thought fighting while using the Sky Lines would be confusing, but it surprisingly isn't :D You do have to familiarize yourself with the battleground as the combat in this game can get intense.

Overall Experience: I love this game so much, it's the story and atmosphere that really got to me. It's a masterpiece and it deserves the praise it got. Although the game stutters at times, it's not enough to ruin the experience. I highly recommend this game ^_^ It's an experience that you shouldn't miss.....
2013년 12월 14일에 게시되었습니다.
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10명이 이 평가가 유용하다고 함
기록상 22.2시간 (평가 당시 20.3시간)
A Survivor is Born....

To sum it all up, this game is INTENSE!!!! Now, I wasn't really a fan of the Tomb Raider franchise until this one..... this one took the series to a whole new level.

This is the origin of how Lara Croft became who she is.... This game is not about the making of an action hero but a story of a girl doing everything she must in order to survive. She is faced with challenges along the way as she discovers the secrets of the island....

The story of the game is just splendid ^_^ It's well written and easy to follow, with lots of twists and turns that will keep you on edge.... I can't spoil it so you'll just have to find out for yourself. The character development is also very well executed and so is the superb voice acting.

The visuals are beautiful. I can't get enough of how rich the environments are. Every place feels different from the last one and it doesn't feel repetetive. Partner that with the amazing musical score of Jason Graves and you've got a Masterpiece....

On towards the gameplay..... smooth movements, no camera issues, auto-crouching when enemies are nearby, aiming is easy and well done and it's so satisfying to perform headshots on enemies :D You also have survival instincts which points out enemies, animals (for hunting), artifacts, and crucial items you need to progress... Difficulty is just about right. On easy, Lara is pretty much indestructible :/ so you need not worry about dying all the time XD although you need to be fast during the QTE or she will die a very gruesome death -_-

Overall Experience: Wow.... Just wow!!! If it seems like I'm giving out too much praise for this game, it's because it deserves it. You have to experience this for yourself to get what I really mean. It's an action-packed adventure and I highly recommend it ^_^

2013년 12월 7일에 게시되었습니다.
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1-9/9개 항목을 표시 중