
[R.C.S] Gunner-Denmark の最近のレビュー

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記録時間: 719.4 時間 (レビュー時に670.0時間)
So ye fancy yerself a miner do ye greenbeard?

ye say tae yerself ''i have been in thae hardest mines of me home, i am ready!'', well lad, no one prepared ye fer Hoxxes IV, take it from a veteran miners words.

we are talkin' Noxious gas,
Mirky goo stron enough tae tie the fastest an strongest Dwarf down tae a crawl,
explosive plants,
pockets o lava an pitfalls,
ground so hot it will melt thae soles right of ye boots,
ice storms, sand storms,
plants that will shoot acid at ye,
Cave Leeches, nasty monstrosities that will extend a tentacle down tae grab ye, it will pull ye up tae its hive where its smaller tentacles will tear ye tae shreds while yer friends can do only so little tae help ye,
Magma Geysers an vents of wind an steam so stron or cold it will send ye flying or freeze ye in mere moments.

an if it is not the planet itself trying tae kill ye, thousands an thousands o bugs will be ready tae finish ye off,
flyin bugs,
crawlin bugs,
most o them as big as yerself,
some o them 20 feet tall ye will fight it with all ye have an once thae thing finally goes down it will take those close tae it down with it in a massive explosion,
flyin bugs that will bomb you with toxic sludge,
sum that will try tae grab ye and drag ye off to their hive,
swarms o cave wasps,
acid spittin tank like bugs,
an all in massive swarms.

ye need tae face all this taegether with yer team, stick with em ye got each others back, dig together or ye die alone!.

if ye can make it through all that ye will be one o Karl's Finest!.

Rock and stone to the bone! - Bardhin Gunnerson (Veteran Engineer specialist)

(This game have the best dev team i have ever seen, cares a lot about their player base and always gives us updates and a well worked out yearly update plan, the game is fun and can be quite hard, but it is always enjoyable!)
投稿日 2021年9月15日. 最終更新日 2021年9月23日
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記録時間: 395.1 時間 (レビュー時に250.1時間)
the game is great, the soundtracks is fantastic, (youtube black hand music conan exiles) its nearly the end music from last of the mohicans) the game is fun the combat is quite solid and visuals are good, server setup is quite easy when you rent a server,

the combat are fun as all hell when you hack up people, slice your way through the camps and villages, bows are not a advantage over melee so you wont get sniped from a range and insta die,

give the game a try, if you like survival games and a barbarian conan setting, this is the game for you.
投稿日 2019年6月30日.
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記録時間: 1,789.9 時間 (レビュー時に1,729.1時間)
i started playing ARK about 3 years ago by now and have over 1500 hours in it, not exactly sure how many hours i got in it but it does not matter.

my experience with the game when a friend and i joined a official pve server, we spawned into a base, or around a giant base with pillars everywhere that made us unable to built or even survive,

BUT we had enough and rented our own server, then it was all good, we played the game for months on stock settings, then changed over to better resource rates, mods, faster ame speed etc etc, and playing the game on normal settings to start with, without loot drops made the game that much more challenging, all in all, the game is good fun, really relaxing at times, then really nerve wrecking at times, (sitting through the night in a little thatch fenced in area surrounded by troodons (the worst little pests in ark back in the days)

i loved the game, but right now it takes a damn good computer to really run, it can be laggy at times and all their ''improvements'' have made the game worse in other ways, still its a game worth trying, but id wait for a discount
投稿日 2019年6月30日.
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記録時間: 0.0 時間
so i love abarration here is my days review with mods.

day 1: spawning at ''easy location'' running out of water fast, find aquatic mushrooms that did not give us water (before update)

day 2: things are going good, got a base, dinos and stabile flow of res.

day 3 - 5: things going ok smoothly, all is good in the wildlands here.

day 5 - 10 doing real good, built big base, explored a bit and spendt a lof of time with good fun and putting hats on all our dinos.

day 11: went out of game 40 sec before server restart on a cliff platform on a giant free over a big lake.
woke up in outer space.


apparently there was water there. and i found the island ark and decended to it on my flying spawned in outer space dolphin

then i noticed the game world over me and found out it was not the real game world but a like.. fake reflection of it.


dear developers of this awsome game, wth have i just been through, did i accent to the level of ghost or god?,
did i become one with the universe?

i sure as hell have no clue, i spendt good 2 hours finally getting back to the damn map and FINALLY be safe.

love the dlc but theres a few bugs to be worked out,

10 out of 10 would end up in space again

投稿日 2017年12月23日. 最終更新日 2017年12月23日
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14 人がこのレビューが参考になったと投票しました
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記録時間: 563.3 時間 (レビュー時に85.2時間)
(update in the bottom)

Okay its been a long time since i made a review, however tho let me ask a few questions
1 do you like open world games?
2 do you like cars, tanks, planes, helicopters.
3 do you like tactical games that is easyer than arma games.
4 do you like just cause 2-3, farcry 3-4, the division, or any other tom clancy games?
5 do you like huge customisation from the get-go, weapon customisation, clothers etc etc.
6 do you like teamplay and working together with others.
7 do you like hours upon hours of massive amounts of fun and laughs because of small silly bugs and general mayham?

if you said yes to all above this this is the game for you, even if you just got 1 or 2 out of them al lthis is the game for you:P

honestly this is the moste amazing open world game ive played in some time now.

i loved the division, i loved far cry and i loved just cause a great deal, i also love dying light and those games are soem of the awsome open world games that is compressed into this game,

Try it people you wont regret it!

and remember these words when facing rough ods in this game:
Trial and Error - Adapt and overcome.


(update) after well over 85 hours in game i havent run out of things to do or see and bosses to kill and places to discover,
seriouslythe game is still amazing and quite fun and addicting.
投稿日 2017年3月12日. 最終更新日 2017年3月31日
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記録時間: 18.2 時間
nether is all and all a good survival game, i can come up whit some better games, but its a fun game generally and a hard game
投稿日 2014年1月17日.
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