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6 people found this review helpful
20.8 hrs on record (11.2 hrs at review time)
While the game released in a worrisome state, the dev team is very obviously committed to their game and have made rapid yet thought out changes with community feedback, most notably being the revamp of the combo system that will make it to online play if it receives positively as well as swift balancing of the problematic dodge roll attacks and roll spam.

If you are interested in this game, I suggest you hop onboard and join the discord because this game will only grow and continue to develop with support from it's community. The devs respond regularly and are already proving to deliver on what they say.

More players means more feedback which means more for the developers to work with. The discord is very active with players seeking fights.
Posted May 23.
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182.4 hrs on record (28.7 hrs at review time)
I don,t understand, this game is fricken good...

I'm so confused by the communities response on this game. Like, this isn't some half baked mess that's broken around every corner. This game is amazing. I'm having such a good experience taking my time and enjoying the landscape. Don't get me wrong, the game loosens my rectum left and right but I have yet to be presented a challenge in this game that I would classify as terribly balanced BS.

The world is incredibly designed. I get the Dark Souls 1 feel everytime I open a shortcut because of how interconnection there is. The bosses are simple but their design demands a lot of consistency from the player. The mob density, yeah it's up there but you can clear them pretty quickly especially when you lean into this games more unique mechanics. I could go on and on but I genuinely don't understand the harsh reception this game is getting. It's just such a great game.
Posted October 17, 2023.
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388.0 hrs on record (1.1 hrs at review time)
Gameplay is absolutely wonderful. Lot of people getting salty cus they don't understand the early release of multiplayer to coincide with Halo: CE anniversary. This is essentially 2 week early access to the multiplayer. the REAL release date is December 8.

Also I saw a review saying they couldnt play on their 980 TI? I'm playing on a gtx970. Yes I have to run settings on low and lower the resolution, but it plays just fine and fps is incredibly consistent. Regardless, This is the crispiest, most responsive gameplay Halo MP has seen in my honest opinion. Having a blast.
Posted November 15, 2021.
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45.1 hrs on record (32.1 hrs at review time)
TL;DR This game, bottom line is fun after you break through that initial barrier that is the egregious tutorial and forced story points. Once you're let loose in that world it's guns blazing, building scavenging and cave diving to find that sweet sweet loot that will blow your enemies away.

I feel obligated to throw in a positive review because this game truly is jsut something special. This game is a blast, exploration is satisfying, the combat is imo some of the best flowing combat I've experienced, and It's one of the first games to put a genuine smile on my face which I hadn't even thought about until playing it.

Now to cut emotion out of the review, the game has some pretty obvious flaws here an there, or at the very least has some features that people greatly disagree upon. One person will say combat is garbage, the next will tell you it's flawless. One person will say the world is empty and uninspired while the next guy in line say's it's imaginative and expansive. These inconsistencies of opinion are the only consistent thing in regards to peoples reception of the game, and they are present from the gameplay all the way down to the price of the game.

I should note that there seem to be a lot of reviews that are negative, and a majority of them aren't even past the tutorial, which admittedly is the first point of contingency. It's the opening of the game, it's hand holdy and doesnt let you breathe and it feels like it never ends while you have a beautiful world staring you in the face that you just want to go explore. There are some minor gripes people have which really shouldn't really define how someone feels about this game. Narrator can be turned off or you can change his language. Combat fleshes out the more abilities you unlock, quests are pretty fast and streamlined with picking up new ones and trust me this is the kind of game where you will get netted into like a 100 side quests before remembering theres a story, and those sidequests are rad. I don't actually understand the gripes on the graphics? theyre stellar, and any given screenshot of the game is amazing. Sound design leaves something ot be desired, but the devs have addressed this as a point to improve upon as well as combat flow and world difficulty.

One take away I'd like to leave you with, the devs of this game are incredibly commited. They are communicating with us on various platforms and are keeping us in the loop about what theyre working on, and THAT is refreshing. I'd say give the game a chance, do your best to understand how the game feels during it's tutorial and really take your time with it.
Posted May 31, 2021.
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50.6 hrs on record (49.0 hrs at review time)
I find it odd about how many negative reviews I'm seeing about this game. Going through them and getting a feel for the general list of complaints, I see where people are coming from

People seem to be the most upset about a select few things. Difficult, Punishing, No fast travel. Things that kinda blindside you in regards to your first 3 hours of the game. I don't believe a lot of people understand the kind of game Outward is, and I don't believe they are going into it for the right reasons.

When you purchase this game, you need to understand that the learning curve is extreme, but the game does a lot to make sure you aren't without information. The difference here is that this game doesn't force the information down your throat like most RPGs these days. You have to speak to people and guards, you have to seek knowledge and often a small bit of looking through NPC conversations will directly warn you about encounters or give you a very crucial piece of information on how to get somewhere, where to avoid, where you can learn magic or what territories are particularly dangerous, etc...

This is a very slow, methodical, and critically demanding kind of game that requires a lot of your time and patience in order to thoroughly understand it's rules and how to approach it. Even it's combat becomes quite fluent once you give it the attention it deserves for you to take advantage of every little mechanic that creeps in the corners of this game.

This game has some of the most thought provoking combat and character building that I've ever encountered. The magic is incredible, the melee combat is intense and engaging if given the time to understand it, the exploration is pretty surreal and I never feel like I went in the wrong direction because every direction has something worth seeing.

DO NOT get this game if you're hoping for a relaxing exploration based RPG with easy to understand mechanics and rules.

DO GET this game if you're looking for an RPG that requires you to take a fair amount of time to learn it's rules in order to thrive in it.
Posted March 31, 2021.
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0.7 hrs on record (0.4 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
I only played this game for a short bit, but I loved what small bit I played. I only had one immediate complaint, the movement feels kinda awful. I expected walking to have a good amount of weight to my character, but he snaps in the direction you walk. If the game were have your characters upper body move more freely, so that I can look around with my mouse and have the flashlight be alined with where I myself am actively looking, it would be much better. I recognize the one man powerhouse making this game, and if I could ask for one thing that would increase the level of polish in this game, it would be to give the character some form of acceleration when moving, and to have his upper body face where my mouse is so that the flashlight makes sense.

Overall, as a first presentation I really like whats going on here, and I cna honestly say I would readily support this game if it costs money.
Posted October 11, 2018.
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1.8 hrs on record
Great game

Aweful artstyle....
Posted May 13, 2018.
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1 person found this review helpful
0.0 hrs on record
Literally the best gaming hardware ive ever held in my hands. I got this thing because I was tired of xbox controllers bumpers breaking after a year of use.

However here I am one year later and the bumper ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ broke...

What's worse is that its not a ♥♥♥♥♥♥ "oh its broke now ill get another one" controller. Now its a "the entire controller is perfectly functionally except one button..."

Even this marvelous device doesnt seem to understand it alongside other controllers. STOP MAKING THE BUMPERS CLICKER (located behind the button you see visibly) OUT OF CHEAP PLASTIC! THAT ♥♥♥♥ BREAKS AFTER BEING USED ENOUGH!

Great product, highly recommend.

10/10 would get warranty next time.
Posted December 6, 2017.
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41 people found this review helpful
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119.6 hrs on record (72.4 hrs at review time)
Steep is a godsend in my game library.

Have you ever wanted to play an in depth game, but you're too stressed or too salty to play games that require your full attention? This game is my solution.

When balancing college and life and the desire to game, you find your desire to game is only met with frustation. Steep is my go to "Rest and Relax" game where I can just launch it up, and slide down a big ass mountain repeatedly and just see what cool stuff i can do. Enjoy the music, take in the scenary, maybe try to 1up my high scores on some challenges.

The game shines when you have a friend or two to play with. you meet up on the mountian, to a challenge or create a dare and see if your friends can do better and take that gold away from you. It turns into hours of simply trying to get better at that one path, or get more points on that jump youre so close to beating.

The game itself is full of personality and doesnt hold back in the fun factor. Strap a fish to your head, wear an inflatable sumo suit. Heck, wear a yeti outfit and chase other skiiers and just yell at them by pressing A :I a lot.

one of the DLCs gives you a jetpack and an old fashion sleigh.

Posted November 28, 2017.
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