
Recensioni recenti di [79th] CANNON

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2 persone hanno trovato utile questa recensione
8.1 ore in totale
One of the old adventure games, but a really interesting one.
Apparently it is made after a story from Harlan Ellison who also gives the voice to the main antagonist in the game, and does it brilliantly so.

The premise of the game is following: an advanced AI called AM goes rogue and wipes out humanity and traps 5 people in the underworld where he tortured them for hundreds of years. At the start of the game he gives them the chance to 'redeem' themselves by putting them in a weird worlds where they need to discover themselves (and to entertain himself).
I don't want to say too much because the story is quite interesting although pretty bizzare at times.

I am a sucker for the old adventure games so this one was right up my alley. The music is phenomenal and really adds to the atmosphere. l did get stuck at times trying to figure out what to do because of the bizzare nature of the game, so I had to consult a walkthrough on a few occasions.
I encountered a few bugs where the items disappear from the screen or you can pick up the same item more than once, but those were minor annoyances.

+ Interesting/bizzare story
+ Good music and voice acting
+ Nice art

- minor bugs

Overall, a great adventure game. Took me about 8 hours to finish, and now I am going to read the novel to see how it compares to the game. 8/10
Pubblicata in data 13 giugno 2020. Ultima modifica in data 25 novembre 2020.
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2 persone hanno trovato utile questa recensione
20.6 ore in totale
A really fun mix of real time strategy + role playing game. I remember it from back in a day where I used to play the demo I got on the CD from one of the computer magazines. I sucked at the time but this time I had a blast.

The game has a really interesting and fun storyline told like a comic book with great voiceovers. But the true strength of the game is in it's heroes, as there are loads of them that you can choose from as you progress through the game. Each and every one of them has it's strenghts and weaknesses so you need to choose carefully which heroes to pick on your missions (max of four).
The bosses are inovative and while not too hard I broke a sweat or two more than once.

+ a variety of interesting characters to play with
+ good bosses
+ cartoony style

- a couple of bugs you need to deal with to be able to play (like sound and mouse pointer bugs)

Overall this is a really fun game to invest 20+ hours in.

P.S. Did I mention you can throw cars and telephone booths at your enemies and bash them with the street lamps?
Pubblicata in data 11 maggio 2020.
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8.1 ore in totale
Post Mortem is a classic adventure game from 2002 and I'm sure the first thing you will notice are the dated graphics. But if you can get over that fact it is actually a pretty decent game.

There are some cool animations in the game and the story is quite interesting. Although there are certain bugs you will encounter throughout the play I would still recommend it to the adventure afficionados, even with some terrible voice acting and weird music interruptions in some scenes.

Overall 6/10
Pubblicata in data 16 febbraio 2020.
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6.1 ore in totale
Really cool little adventure game from the guys who know how to create one. I enjoyed the artwork and the sound effects really brought this fantasy world to life.
Lots of different creatures inhabit the world riddled with puzzles. The puzzles were quite creative and were never too hard to figure out. I would definitely recommend this to all adventure lovers, and to those who maybe want to try out the genre.

+ artwork
+ music
+ interesting puzzles

- none

Overall: 8/10
Pubblicata in data 21 settembre 2019.
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499.7 ore in totale (150.9 ore al momento della recensione)
Who knew playing football with cars can be so much fun?

EDIT: Still fun :)

EDIT 2: Still fun :))
Pubblicata in data 21 novembre 2018. Ultima modifica in data 25 novembre 2020.
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1 persona ha trovato questa recensione divertente
15.7 ore in totale
This is my first MX / ATV game so I didn't know whether I would like it or not. I did play rally games back in a day, such as V-Rally 2 or Colin Mcrae games, but this was uncharted territory for me.

But as soon as I jumped on that bike and that great soundtrack started blasting through my speakers I was sold.
There is a lot to do in this game, numerous championships and races with different types of vehicles (ATV, Buggy, Truck..), and my favorite freestyle series where you do crazy tricks in an arena.
It took my about 14 hours to win all the races, I'd say that's decent length for a singleplayer career. Multiplayer is kinda dead which is to be expected, considering when the game came out.

The physics of the vehicles is great, you really have to master the technique of each vehicle for different types of terrain. I cursed a lot driving, but had great fun as well.

Soundtrack is amazing, a combination of rock and metal songs from numerous artists. It definitely made the game so much more enjoyable.

Graphics are ok, there were some glitches along the way, but nothing serious. I did have problems with the stuttering of the game, but that's because the game is not made to run smoothly on modern machines.. so that was annoying.

All in all, I'd say if you like racing of any kind, go for it. If nothing else, you'll hear some good music :D

- vehicle physics
- amazing soundtrack
. gameplay
- varied race tracks

- framerate problem
- occasional stuttering

Overall: 7/10
Pubblicata in data 14 marzo 2018.
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5 persone hanno trovato utile questa recensione
2.6 ore in totale
Albert and Otto is a black and white platformer, whose style is similar to that of Limbo.
As of now, it has only one episode available to play, out of four, but considering the game was released in 2015 and no new episodes have been added, one can only assume that we may not see any at all.

But the game itself is very well done, being set in a world inspired by WW2 period and the Nazi's. The main character is a boy trying to rescue a girl kidnapped by the forces of evil (I know right) and he is doing that with the help of a bunny doll with special powers, and his trusty shotgun.

The puzzles in the game are not too hard, but are slowly made harder to keep the player interested and engaged, and the 2 bosses in this episode are not that hard to beat but add some level of challenge to the game.

Sounds and ambiance music go well with the game, and the graphic presentation is ok, maybe the textures are not always clean, but it's not a big deal.

There were some bugs I encountered throughout the game, like character getting stuck in the ground or disappearing, and the menu is not responding sometimes.

+ clever puzzles
+ good ambiance music
+ clean graphics

- some bugs


Interesting puzzle game for a couple of hours to kill. Waiting on other episodes to see what can be added to the game. 7/10
Pubblicata in data 10 febbraio 2018.
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7 persone hanno trovato utile questa recensione
16.4 ore in totale (15.4 ore al momento della recensione)
A New Beginning - Final Cut is a point and click adventure game from Deadalic Entertainment.

You start the game as a retired bioengineer Bent Svensson, trying to live his peaceful life in a shack (well, a more luxurious shack) somewhere in a Norwegian forest. But just as he is going on about his everyday life, a young woman, a time traveler named Fay invades the privacy of his home and tells him the most imaginative story he has ever heard; about a future with no hope, where the clean air and fresh water are hard to find, and the planet is dying (Fallout anyone?).
And Bent is supposed to be the person responsible for the planet salvation, so Fay convices him to go with her to try and stop the exact event that started the process of the extinction of life in the future.

The story is well written and while it may sound cliched, it makes enough interesting twists and turns to never make it seem boring or repetitive. The characters are well done, and have real and believable motives for their actions throughout the game.
From the graphical and accustic standpoint, Deadelic always delivers and this game is no different. Beautifully drawn backgrounds and landscapes, well done comic-like cut-scenes and a great voiceovers accompanied with an atmospheric soundtrack make for a great gaming experience.

The game is not hard, and all the puzzles and actions needed to make progress make sense and should not leave you bashing your head for two hours, trying to figure out what to do next. It took me about 15 hours to finish the game which is a pretty decent length for a p'n'c game.

And now, some negatives. Sometimes the text in the game becomes russian or german for a brief second (for example when inspecting an item) or the characters glitches out and disappears from the screen. On one occasion I couldn't access my inventory so I had to reload the previous game save. Also the bomb defusion puzzle has a bug, where the counter on one of the sides adds an extra +1 so you can't complete the puzzle (again reloading fixes it). So nothing too serious, but it could annoy you, especially if you haven't saved in a while.


+ beautiful hand drawn backgrounds
+ great voice acting and atmospheric soundtrack
+ decent length for a p'n'c game
+ interesting story line with some cool concepts of the future

- bugs
- sound disappearing at times

A well done adventure game, for old school p'n'c players and anyone willing to give it a go. A solid 8/10.
Pubblicata in data 25 gennaio 2017. Ultima modifica in data 25 gennaio 2017.
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4 persone hanno trovato utile questa recensione
4.1 ore in totale
Soul Gambler is a short visual novel in which you take control of Faust, a young man stuck at a dead end job with not much going on in his life.
And then one day he gets to change that by making the pact for the ability to sell his soul and in exchange get things to go his way.

The game is not long, it takes about two hours to finish, but there is a replayability value because of the numerous endings you can get by making different decisions throughout the game (4 endings in total).
At the start of the game you get to distribute points in a 4 categories (Strength,Charisma,Persuasion and Intelligence) which will affect the outcome of the certain situations ingame. These points can also be altered if you do/don't do certain actions when needed.

The art of the game is very well done and frankly is what attracted me to the game at first. The ambiance in the background is a nice touch as well, too bad there is no voiceovers, because I feel that a good voice acting would make this a better game, but understandable because the game is made by a Brazilian dev team (I ended up narrating it for myself :)).

I enjoyed the game and played through to get all the endings and had fun. With the price of just 3€ (on sales even cheaper) there is nothing stopping you from buying it and enjoying it as well.

+ art
+ background music
+ interesting story
+ multiple endings

- no voiceover
- too short

Total: 7/10

P.S. A lot of reading in the game, so don't get it if that is not something you enjoy.
Pubblicata in data 19 agosto 2016.
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4 persone hanno trovato utile questa recensione
2.5 ore in totale
Think of Sharf as an experience, rather than a game. It's significance is in it's message and the author does a good enough job to immerse me and make me think about it and feel even if it is for just a few minutes (the "game" itself is ~10min long).

You are in control of a girl named Christina, and she wanders the forest at night. The end really made an impact on me and I felt like I need to share this review. I won't say what is it about, so you can discover it for yourself.

I liked the art and the sound effects (wind, leaves, creaking) and the overall atmosphere. The only issue is that the game doesn't have the exit button, so Esc key just crashes the game.

Buy it to show support and spread the message, because it could happen to anyone.
Pubblicata in data 24 maggio 2016. Ultima modifica in data 25 maggio 2016.
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