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300.1 hrs on record (64.6 hrs at review time)
After waiting so long for Fallout 4, I am quite happy to say I wasn't disappointed. Far from it, the game exceeded my already high expectations. As usual I won't comment on the graphics because I played on a rig under minimum settings, but the game functioned and looked reasonably well nevertheless. As usual I'll focus on the gameplay and the storyline, and both are excellent. The gameplay features a full weapon modification system that could probably be expanded extensively when they allow mods; the shooting mechanics feel more refined and smooth compared to Fallout 3, and the ability to construct settlements on pre-selected areas (and then having to maintain/defend them) adds some longevity to the game without apparently influencing the mainquest enough to be relevant. Speaking of the mainquest, it combines New Vegas' pick a faction to lead to victory with Fallout 3's more compelling story (IMO). They have removed the Karma system which adds a new layer of ambiguity to the mainquest because each of the factions is anti-heroic, and the lack of a Karma system leaves you wonder which decisions are objectively "right" and "wrong." Whereas Fallout 3 needed Broken Steel just to allow you to play after the ending, Fallout 4 needs an epilogue that brings some closure and catharsis to the decision you make at the end of the mainquest. Besides this, you have an excellent RPG shooter whose contents felt a little slim (compared to Skyrim) but will be expanded in full once the Steam Workshop becomes available. Was considering a 9 out of 10 considering the game feels incomplete without the Steam Workshop, but decided it deserved a 10 out of 10 instead.
Posted November 21, 2015.
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11.7 hrs on record
Wolfenstein: The New Order is the latest installment in one of the franchises that gave birth to the shooter genre. There's plenty of nostalgia with that, but frankly, there's not much else. The premise of the game is compelling, but the plot is not. Instead of the story playing out naturally, the events that occur seem artificial and too convenient. At times, it's downright hard to believe. It's obvious to me that they decided to focus on action/gunplay over story with TWO, which is fine, but that's the kind of thing I'd expect from games like Call of Duty or Battlefield -- which are not standalone single player games. As for the gameplay, the gunplay is your standard fare; tight and responsive, but also not offering anything particuarly memorable. There are unlockable perks to fit your preferred playstyle; some of them were better than others. The Assault line (dual-wield/heavy weaponry) ended up being my preferred line once I realized how limited and counterintuitive the stealth mechanic was (despite this, my knives still thirst for blood). I won't comment on the graphics because my rig just barely meets the minimum reqs, but even mind-bending graphics would only give the game an extra point or two on its final grade. I do recommend the game, but unless you're playing it for the nostalgia of an old-school shooter, you may want to wait for it go on sale. 6.5 out of 10.
Posted May 27, 2014. Last edited May 27, 2014.
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24.1 hrs on record (22.0 hrs at review time)
It was quoted by H.G. Wells in Metro 2033 that "if we don't end war, wars will end us." This is the theme that echoes throughout out Last Light on many different fronts and it is this which makes the journey compelling and sets it aside from so many games in the post-apocalyptic genre. There are some bumps in the story but most of this is because of sometimes weak character development (particularly Anna). As always, the atmosphere of Last Light steals the show and on Ranger mode (which I highly recommend) you can really immerse yourself completely - no HUD, crosshairs, UI, or hints. It's up to you to find your way, improvise, and track your ammo in the chamber of your gun. One of the subtle aspects of the game which really underlines its atmospheric value is the almost non-existent soundtrack; you hear critters scurrying about and your own breathing and heartbeat more often than you hear booming musical scores. Graphics, as though it needs to be said, are great and are rig-testing. Two words of warning, though: there are many cutscenes in the game and the checkpoint save system still quite frankly sucks. But, probably because I've been waiting 3 years to say it, 10 out of 10 (For Sparta! Sua Sponte!)
Posted May 15, 2013.
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9.8 hrs on record
As much as I want to do it, I cannot call Bioshock Infinite a masterpiece. Though it wouldn't surprise me if it's in a museum one day for all the things it does brilliantly (graphics, art direction, level design, sound, the way Elizabeth acts as a companion) I do think there is one thing holding it back: a somewhat obnoxious story. Now I know, everyone is raving about it, but I just can't do it. The first disruption that isn't spoiling anything is in my opinion sloppy writing because of the way portals are used (ie. Look! Our main characters made a mistake! Why don't we just open this Plot Device™ and all their problems will vanish!) This kind of thing was well-executed early on but it quickly became obnoxious and essentially an overused gimmick by the end. I have an even bigger gripe with the ending but I won't spoil it. So if you don't hold story as the biggest component of a game, there is no doubt that this will likely be your Game of the Year. But if you were expecting a blockbuster story to go along with those eye-candy graphics, I think you'll know what I mean. Still worthy of a 9 out of 10.
Posted May 1, 2013.
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257.1 hrs on record (127.8 hrs at review time)
XCOM:EU is an awesome game, brilliantly blending board-game strategy with the cunning of tactical shooters. You take command of a squad of soldiers that must stop an alien menance. Gameplay occurs in turns with intuitive controls, abilities, and movement. Difficulty ranges from fair and balanced to outright masochistic. Soldiers can be customized (name/appearance/loadout/gear) but their deaths are permanent, so if you're planning on perfection (like me) plan you moves VERY wisely. When you aren't in combat you are coordinating the internation response; researching new technologies, manufacturing upgrades, and managing the layout of your HQ for maximum efficiency. Graphics are shiny while not computer-melting and for added flavor there is a short and sweet storyline which is at least enteraining while not exactly revolutionary. Only complaints are line of sight (sometimes your soldiers cannot see an alien despite the fact that Stevie Wonder has line of sight on the damn alien); the randomness of classes (promoted soldiers receive random classes that cannot be changed); and there is no co-op (only singleplayer or online versus). 9 out of 10.
Posted January 16, 2013.
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6.1 hrs on record
Spec Ops: The Line is a few things. It's graphics are dated, and its gameplay and multiplayer are par for the course of the FPS genre. It's saving grace, though, is its top-notch campaign. It is a psychological thriller inspired by The Heart of Darkness and Apocalypse Now, and it delivers one of the most haunting and compelling stories I've ever seen in a shooter. When you aren't running-and-gunning, you are faced with moral conundrums which are left open-ended. There is no "right" or "wrong" decision, it's just what choices your made and what effects they have. And as the story pans out, you will see that your character - Cpt. Martin Walker - and his squad aren't the only ones in a sandstorm ravaged Dubai who are struggling not only to survive, but to reconcile their decisions. 9 out of 10.
Posted July 4, 2012.
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