
NoPlanDan の最近のレビュー

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記録時間: 113.8 時間 (レビュー時に103.2時間)
Big booms

Much guns

Good devs

Great game
投稿日 5月6日.
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記録時間: 9.6 時間
Terrible balance, and no skill based match making so any new player is likely to play against people with hundreds of hours in the game.
投稿日 2023年3月16日.
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記録時間: 1.2 時間
Dissconnects all the time, it gets really annoying when you lose before a match starts because of it.
投稿日 2018年3月5日.
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1 人がこのレビューが参考になったと投票しました
記録時間: 256.2 時間 (レビュー時に183.8時間)
This game is probably the most toxic thing I have every played, it's full of 12 year olds that love to just run around killing people as the spawn into the game making it impossible to progress unless you can play 8+ hours a day. If you have a full time job and enjoy your sleep don't bother buying this game, only children that can spend all day playing games can make any headway.
投稿日 2017年10月10日.
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記録時間: 1,035.3 時間 (レビュー時に473.8時間)
I wish I had started playing this game from the start, It's still a great game and I hope what valve is doing now can bring back some of it's former glory.
投稿日 2015年12月31日.
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