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2.1 uur in totaal
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Most people don't really like spiders, like myself, it's not without reason that they appear in many horror films and that you have to fight them in many games. Fortunately, this is not so bad in real life as my cat mercilessly eats every 8-legged intruder, his name is not without reason 'Tenchu'.
BUT this game is about spiders that you have to kill, without your murderous pet, instead you get a whole arsenal of useful weapons, like flamethrowers or laser guns or just any object you can grab and whack at!


The game may currently still be in early access, you will hardly notice any bugs, except for the spiders, but they are not really 'bugs', oh well, you understand what I mean, the game runs accurately, just like a spider.
When you enter a new level, you first have to look for these goosebumps creators and they can be just about anywhere. Between books, in cupboards, in a toilet or under rocks.
Fortunately, you don't have to turn over every object, because as a professional pest controller you are of course well equipped.
At least, over time. In the first levels you have a simple tracking system that shows whether you are close to a spider, but in various places you will find upgrades for your spider tracker so that no 8-legged monster will be able to escape you!

With a little comparison between this title and its predecessor, you will quickly notice that there are now also online modes available that make hunting spiders a little more fun or more competitive.
The campaign features a handful of different environments and a large number of puzzles and you could also play through this campaign with friends.
Geplaatst 24 mei.
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2.3 uur in totaal (2.2 uur op moment van beoordeling)
When a sleek, nostalgic title returns in modern times, you often experience disappointment, not that much, but still often.
'Contra: Rogue Corps' wasn't a bad game, but certainly not what I expected from a nostalgic experience in a new guise, but 'Contra: Operation Galuga' makes up for it down to the last detail!


So far I played this new Contra title as a complete surprise, full of nostalgic features that match both the gameplay and difficulty level very well with the good old days, even the visual upgrades are completely acceptable and appreciated.
So it really feels like a classic Contra title but with the right new contemporary aspects to give Contra a successful makeover.
In the game you will also see all the iconic weapons and environments, but also new levels, enemies and bosses and many new challenges.
The levels that I have already played through are always a pleasure to continue even with the number of (necessary) replays and I don't get the impression at all that the gameplay becomes monotonous after a short period.
Contra: Rogue Corps is, in my opinion, an outstanding 'reboot' of the iconic Contra NES games, one about which I currently cannot think of anything that I consider a negative.
Geplaatst 24 mei.
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0.0 uur in totaal
Oh boy was I thrilled when I saw the announcement of the VR version of the game, and completely thrilled with the release!
The afternoons or evenings that I spent going wild in the countless levels that the game has to offer came back thanks to VR!
In just barely 2 weeks I doubled my play time, unfortunately I had to pause this because my wireless adapter for my vive suddenly stopped working, and since fist or melee fighting in VR is one of my top enjoyable VR activities it's hard for me to complete to go berzerk in VR with a cable, but even if I have to smash an entire electrical store to pieces to get rid of the cable, no problem!


Despite the graphical style of the game for a hectic fighting game (which there is nothing wrong with even in VR), 'Paint The Town Red VR' is listed among my most returning VR games.
Fighting in VR is not only extremely entertaining and enjoyable but it is also a complete workout if you give it your all, a perfect anger therapy when you need it, a perfect VR quicky or even one of the funniest VR introductions for VR virgins.


Games like 'Tales Of Glory' or 'Dragon Fist: VR Kung Fu' give me a successful satisfaction after a session, as long as the hardware doesn't fail, that is, but 'Paint The Town Red VR' gives me the same satisfaction.
The total chaos where crowds are targeting you, where you have to keep an eye on your 'personal space' every second and where every object becomes a weapon provides the fun hyper battles that Street Fighter can dream of, but without the hadokens!


If you have purchased this VR version, there is a very high chance that you know the game and how it works, but for newcomers it's a matter of picking up a nice weapon and believe me, just about all objects are weapons in this game, and punch the first unfortunate soul you encounter, then all hell breaks loose.
People are flying at each other and everywhere you look you see people smashing into each other with bar stools, shot glasses and everything that can be found in the area.
The objects can also be thrown, which makes for comical images. For example, it is a very funny sight to throw a bar stool on a procession of people who are fighting with each other.


You have to be careful, because as soon as you hit someone, they will constantly follow you, that is, if you don't hit a lot of them, because then they will all come after you.
Also, as you defeat more people, you unlock some super powers that you can use to deal extra damage or save yourself from a large crowd. You can use a shockwave to send anyone flying around you or you can throw extra hard blows with a slow-motion effect.


The levels of the steam workshop are also playable in VR, which I think is great because this promises us (almost) infinite replayability.
Here you will find a playlist with fun maps from the game: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLGsOL4SfL-mNZverZ8b0iIi2dmpezNCkc
Geplaatst 24 mei. Laatst gewijzigd 24 mei.
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2.1 uur in totaal
Just like 'Antigraviator' and 'WipeOut', Pacer will have you completing courses at dizzying speeds, racing through loops and flying over boosters for even more speed.
The game offers a wide range of different tracks with a lot of variety and a number of different vehicles.
You can also craft a number of weapons and cosmetic items. Battle Royale is hip and Pacer also gets this mode, under the name Storm Mode.

The game also works great on steam decks: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lmI5tv0IqUo
Geplaatst 18 november 2023.
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0.8 uur in totaal
Adventure Time: Pirates of the Enchiridion is a game for fans of the show.
A lot of friends and enemies from the series get a role and some moments provide fun references that only a fan would pick up but are also funny for other players.
In addition to the franchise, the game is quite entertaining, turn based combat system and colorful visuals, the penultimate one disappoints me a bit.

The game also works well on a steam deck: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=grs7Ceouyds

Pirates of the Enchiridion gives the player an open world to explore and fans of the show will certainly appreciate this.
However, as you get further and further into the game you come to the conclusion that many of the locations are reused and you simply sail up and down between various small islands, a bit like in many other adventure games.
Considering the wealth of lore of the show, this was quite a letdown and makes the game feel cheap at times, but it remains a Finn & Jake adventure.
When you're not fighting or exploring, you sometimes have to interrogate different characters.
This is basically a choice where you choose between a "good cop" or "bad cop". Are you nice or mean?
The correct answer to this question is often quite easy to figure out, as the game immediately tells you the right approach. What if you choose the wrong option?
Do not worry; next time you can choose the right one again.
Geplaatst 17 september 2023.
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0.2 uur in totaal
3000th Duel is an exciting action-packed game that combines exploration and combat elements. Set in a dark, mystical world, you embark on a journey as a silent hero searching for truth and unraveling mysterious secrets. With fluid gameplay and challenging battles, this game keeps you engaged with its vast arsenal of weapons and abilities. The stunning hand-drawn art style, atmospheric music, and intriguing storyline enhance the overall experience.

The game is also great on a steam deck: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h6ulH8URhHk
Geplaatst 17 september 2023.
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1.7 uur in totaal
Ah, coffee lovers and food enthusiasts, gather 'round! I have discovered a delectable gem in the gaming world known as "Cafe Owner Simulator," a game that will satisfy your cravings for both virtual caffeine and pure enjoyment.
you, as the proud owner of a virtual cafe, serving up mouthwatering treats and brewing cups of liquid gold.
It's like being a master chef and a barista extraordinaire all rolled into one! With a menu that offers a plethora of delightful dishes and a range of heavenly beverages, you'll have customers flocking to your digital doors faster than you can say, "Cheers!"
So, if you've ever dreamt of becoming a cafe owner, "Cafe Owner Simulator" offers an incredibly fun and immersive experience. Indulge your inner chef, embrace your inner barista, and embark on a journey of culinary excellence. Trust me, dear friends, this game will leave you craving more caffeine-fueled adventures.

Geplaatst 17 september 2023.
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3.1 uur in totaal
Recensie tijdens vroegtijdige toegang
Praise be, my fellow gamers! Prepare yourselves for a divine gaming experience with "Priest Simulator," a holy game that will have you laughing and saying your Hail Marys in equal measure.
From the moment you don the cassock, it's clear this game has a heavenly sense of humor.


In this virtuous adventure you step into the righteous shoes of a newly ordained priest, ready to spread the good word and perform miracles in a vibrant, fictional city.
But fear not, brothers and sisters, for this game takes a lighthearted approach to its holy subject matter.
Your holy duties include performing confessions, giving sermons, and even exorcising pesky demons from possessed souls.
And let me tell you, brethren, the exorcisms are nothing short of hilarious.
Picture this: you, armed with holy water and a funny-looking crucifix, fighting off evil spirits while trying to keep a straight face. It's like a comedy show in the Vatican!


But wait, there's more divine fun to be had! The game cleverly incorporates mini-games that test your priestly skills.
Blessing parishioners with holy water by accurately flicking your wrist is simply divine. And oh, the choir-singing minigame!
It's like auditioning for a gospel choir, but with a touch of the divine. Hallelujah!
Now, dear brethren, I must acknowledge that "Priest Simulator" may not be for everyone. It kindly asks players to leave their seriousness at the door and embrace the absurdity of priestly life. If you're easily offended or prefer your games with a more serious tone, then this may not be your heavenly ticket.
But for those of us who can appreciate irreverent humor and enjoy a virtual journey through heavenly shenanigans, "Priest Simulator" delivers laughs and blessings in abundance. So, gather your rosaries, don your vestments, and prepare to be canonically entertained. Amen, and happy gaming!
Geplaatst 17 september 2023.
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0.3 uur in totaal
I still remember how hard I played the game to death after its release on Xbox 360.
I tried so hard to stay in the top 100 of the world rankings, until too many players were active and I passed on the torch.
But it was a pretty cool time, the tactics I taught myself then I could later use on the computer, then I played online games 2VS2 with my brother and we used the same tactics, so on the radar it was as if there was a mirror between his base and mine, we won most matches after 5 minutes. And this was before my steam account.

The game also works great on a steam deck: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ozJJDt88yyw

I won't talk about the gameplay in detail. Just like in any RTS, it's all about collecting resources to earn money to build your own base and create units.
These units can then be created to defeat the enemy. C&C3 doesn't reinvent the wheel, nor does it try to outdo other games in the genre in scale.
It's just a good and solid RTS with all the elements you would expect, but without unnecessary fuss.
This does not mean that C&C3 does not have depth. On the contrary, the game is excellently balanced; just like with any C&C game, each unit has its strengths and weaknesses that you should be aware of.
You can go for quantity, but also for quality by researching certain upgrades or raising units in rank.

The missions, the story and the units are really pure Command & Conquer. We know a number of units/buildings from the original Command & Conquer: Tiberian Dawn, such as the Commando, the Orcas, the Mammoth Tank and of course the Obelisk.
But there are also Tiberian Sun units present, including the Juggernaught. These units have been supplemented with new units that we have not seen before in the C&C series.
The NOD now also has a kind of Commando, and we see the Avatar Warmech as NOD's answer to the Mammoth Tank. In addition, a completely new faction has of course been added to the game: the Scrin.

Where Supreme Commander goes for slow gameplay and offers the opportunity for extensive tactics, Command & Conquer 3 goes for the quick fix.
Fast gameplay and flashy action are central here. Command & Conquer 3 gives an old, familiar concept a new look. Entertaining, but not so much innovative, still it's one of my favourite C&C games!
Geplaatst 17 september 2023.
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1.7 uur in totaal
Recensie tijdens vroegtijdige toegang
"SimPoly Drive" is a captivating game with its vast open world and stunning poly graphics, you are transported into a visually beautifull experience.
From cruising along scenic coastal roads to navigating through bustling city streets,
the game offers a variety of activities that cater to every driving enthusiast.
Whether you're in the mood for a leisurely drive to admire the picturesque landscapes or eager to put your skills to the test in thrilling races, "SimPoly Drive" has it all.
The relaxing ambiance created by the serene surroundings and smooth gameplay makes it the perfect game to unwind and escape reality for a while.
Get ready to hit the virtual road and embark on an unforgettable journey with "SimPoly Drive."

Geplaatst 17 september 2023.
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