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26.6 hrs on record (3.2 hrs at review time)
Game works decently well.
Surprisingly it only has cosmetic unlockables with money and no pay2win (for now) let's hope at least... It is Nexon after all.
Weirdest of all, any player names containing snake are not allowed, forcing me to pick a completely different name. This has never happened to me in any other game/service and I've been using this nickname for more than 20 years already.
Posted January 12, 2023.
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44.2 hrs on record (26.4 hrs at review time)
False advertising, should replace "Full controller support" to "Only controller support".
The game simply doesn't work after the latest update.
Posted December 11, 2022. Last edited December 15, 2022.
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72.4 hrs on record (28.5 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
Was mediocre at launch with a repetitive easy PVE roguelike. Unbalanced characters, weapons, very grindy progression that has a massive influence on how well you can do. Bad map design, some modes being completely unplayable due to bad spawns. The devs remove gamemodes like barricade for no reason.
Most gamemodes are unplayable with gamebreaking issues such as team deathmatch being a constant spawn kill, conquest being completely rng since teams can spawn at the capture point and escort being unplayable due to a bug that lets the cart move on its own without anyone on it.
The latest update made the game unplayable, worsening the performance massively, mostly lower framerate, heavy stutters and frequent crashes. It's impossible to play the game right now.
Even after the hotfix update, the crashing is still present. The memory leaks are rampant too.
Overall the game is really fun when it works but 50% of the time the teams are unbalanced, 30% of the time there are cheaters ruining and 15% of the time you crash.
Posted September 27, 2022. Last edited October 24, 2022.
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20.8 hrs on record (17.1 hrs at review time)
Soul crushing leveling process: Mostly consists of boring story, horrible quests, forgettable world and repetitively mind numbing gameplay. The game also seems to suffer heavily from feature creep and bloating. It's like they implemented multiple different menus to interface the same thing over and over again as a way to paint it as a new feature while in reality, it's just the same thing being reused. It feels like I'm playing a spreadsheet with all the currencies, menus and numbers. A lot of things also seem time gated which could be predatory as a way to keep people playing the game with a sense of obligation as to not miss out on their timed resources, falling behind the pack.
The queues, and issues are completely unforgivable for the companies, regardless of who's at fault.
I don't know if it is any good later on but it doesn't matter as the early game is part of the game too. I will update this as I progress through the game (if I manage the willpower).
Posted February 14, 2022. Last edited February 14, 2022.
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16.0 hrs on record
Omori was a massive disappointment. The story is good, the art and music are great for the most part but the gameplay is very boring and completely ruins every other aspect of the game.
Omori suffers heavily because the story and gameplay get separated during the dream parts of the game (which are pretty much 99% of the time you're playing it). During these dream sections the story barely advances for hours on end and the poor RPG mechanics, horrible level design and uninteresting side characters really hurt the game.
The RPG combat system is subpar and boring, it works fine for a small number of hours but without any big changes and new mechanics being introduced, all the enemies and bosses become essentially the same and extremely repetitive. The system is too simplistic for the runtime it gets.
The level design in the dream areas is one of the most painful I've seen in any game. The game tries to extend the gameplay by having "puzzles" but these puzzles are so painfully obvious for anyone older than 5 (and yes, this game isn't for children) that are just a waste of time and at the end up being a different flavour of going to 10 different places, talk or activate something and then progress. It's almost like the levels were made to waste the player's time and inflate the game.
The side characters are uninteresting and exist for barely any reason. They are just filler characters that don't add anything to the game as their interactions with the protagonists are very surface level and don't help the story at all. They all feel like side quest NPCs but they force you a 15 hour long side quest that's mandatory to complete and progress the game.
The dream sections of the game (which makes up the majority of the game) are incredibly boring because of all of this. It just feels like you're wandering around mazes without any purpose, fighting random mobs with a bland RPG combat system and helping random NPCs just to kill time. And hopefully after enough hours of dying inside they let you get another half an hour of decent gameplay.
Overall the game is not worth it, even though there's a good payout at the end, the whole progression until then is just painfully boring. While it is necessary to have some gameplay time to bond and understand the protagonists, the way it was done here was too uninteresting and disrespectful to the player's time. So, you're better off just watching a playthrough and skip the uninteresting majority of the game.
Posted July 31, 2021.
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10.0 hrs on record (2.6 hrs at review time)
Game was better when it launched, now it rewards camping too much. Apex legends has even more bugs and optimization issues than before. The servers are complete garbage like always. They don't care, each season is just more moneygrab microtransactions with game elements that were developed in a month. The players deserve more than this.
Posted November 7, 2020. Last edited November 7, 2020.
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0.4 hrs on record
Early Access Review
Trash combat trash performance trash movement. Would be good if they made the performance better and change the movement and animations so it doesn't feel bad
Posted August 27, 2020. Last edited August 28, 2020.
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A developer has responded on Aug 27, 2020 @ 7:22pm (view response)
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10.9 hrs on record (9.2 hrs at review time)
Due Process is in early early access and is a good foundation for the future but.. Are you willing to play with around 45 fps all the time, broken animations and major bugs for $25? No? that's why I can't recommend this for most people. The price is simply too steep for a shell of an indie game that is still ages away from completion. What makes things even more difficult is the fact that this is a multiplayer only game which means if it dies you won't be able to play the game you bought anymore. And indie MP games like this die all the time, mostly when the price is too steep to bring in new players to replace the older ones.
Posted August 20, 2020.
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8.5 hrs on record (4.5 hrs at review time)
gameplay is fine
terrible optimisation
awful story
cringe dialogue

no thx
Posted August 11, 2020.
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3,618.0 hrs on record (0.2 hrs at review time)
Mixed PSO 2 NGS review.
I see a lot of people criticizing the game for the wrong reasons. The main issues the game has right now are the following:

- Monetization
PSO 2 always had reasonable monetization when compared to other F2P games. NGS improved some things while going backwards on others.
Currently in PSO2 NGS there is no way for a new player to sell on the player shop without buying premium. This is incredibly bad long term for the economy and hurts the f2p players a lot. It restricts the ways players can attain meseta (main currency) to the only highest drop rate method. While if players had access to sell on the shop, they could farm the items that are high in demand which will dynamically change over time and varies a lot what people can farm. In the old PSO2 there was an easy way to get tickets to allow you to sell items on the shop, and it was pretty much unlimited shop access for free to play players. We don’t know if this will change in the future.
Skill trees. In NGS, much like in PSO2 you must pay to reset or buy additional skill trees. The only other way is to hope a balancing patch comes out since that’s when they give players skill tree resets for free. This is a really weird decision in an RPG but so far, the game awards you enough skill points to buy all the main skills (leaving out only slight stat improvements).
They added a minimum (in game currency) market price for some AC scratch items (cosmetics from lootboxes) which is a concern. SEGA has stated that it is supposed to scale with how the economy is going but I hope it’s there to not allow people to sell items at minimum price for their friends to buy (something like trading) and not to artificially raise the price of some items. Right now, there are hundreds of items at the minimum allowed price that SEGA has set, and it harms both the players buying it and the players selling it. Players selling it must pray the buyer buys their item in the pool of another 1000 with the same price. The buying player has to pay a ridiculous amount of meseta because the minimum price is capped at a high price. This is only something we’ll be able to tell with time once the economy stabilizes.

- Server Issues
This one is straight forward, a lot of the ships (servers) are lagging terribly at the time of writing. This is not due to the global servers being too far away from some players, it’s simply a temporary problem and will be fixed. (who knows when though)
- User Interface
The UI in this game isn’t good but it isn’t horrible either, it has a huge learning curve (which it shouldn’t) but there are a lot of things that you learn over time that the game never teaches you. (Also keep in mind that it was kinda made for consoles)
- Lack of SG
SG is a freemium currency that is very abundant… in PSO2… In NGS you only get SG in one-time ways while in the old PSO2 there were a lot of ways to get SG that reset each week. This will probably be addressed in the future.

The next section is a look into more mixed and subjective points about the game.

- Content
Saying the game has a severe lack of content would be wrong. It’s a lot deeper than just saying “game no content, game bad”. PSO 2 NGS is capped at only level 20, and the map is small-ish. But the content goes further than that. There are a lot of classes and weapons that you can combine and master. And a lot of bosses with different abilities and patterns to learn and master. For some they may just want to play the game until max level with one class and call it a day while others may want to try out all the different playstyles and combinations, master their combo of choice and grind for excellent gear. All of this takes a while. We also don’t know how often they’ll add content. There is a road map, but we don’t know if there will be smaller updates to pad out the bigger releases.
If you’re concerned about the game’s content you should just try the game and see what you think of it. If you run out of things to do quickly, the game was free, and you lost nothing.
- Grind
The grind is there but it’s also there with pretty much every MMO, it just depends if you like the core gameplay loop (the combat, exploration, and grind) or not. PSO2 NGS doesn’t need to be grindy if you don’t want to, it’s relatively quick to unlock all the content you can do, the grind comes in with min-maxing and getting the best gear.
- Story
The story is pretty much insignificant as of now, it mostly serves as a way for the player to get introduced to the game and to progress through zones. The bad facial animations and the poor quality of some of the cutscenes don’t help at all.

The good:
- The combat
The combat is simple to get started with, but it comes with a lot of depth to master over time. The animations and particles are very good too.
- The waifus
Yes, this game has a lot of cosmetics and stuff to make your waifu look great. NGS doesn’t have many scratches but we will get them fairly frequently. There will also probably be some scratches with older items that will vastly increase the cosmetics in the game.

At the end of the day, I’d still give this a positive review due to how the whole combat and boss mechanics are entertaining. And since it’s free there’s nothing to lose.
Posted August 5, 2020. Last edited June 11, 2021.
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