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18.8 hrs on record
They have recently changed the economy to be hostile to the players that support them. It is a waste of time to get invested in this game now. Until they realize the errors of their ways, it is impossible to recommend this game. The devs must learn that it is the returning players that create their business. At the moment, I am sorry I ever was a part of it all...
Posted May 19, 2023.
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1.2 hrs on record
Had fun with my friends for a while, but the multiplayer definitely needs some minor tweaks. I understand the difficulty in the decision, but it sucks to have to reconnect with my friends after our match. I wish there was an option to wait for them (I understand the reason for not allowing spectating) but its just an extra step I wish I didn't have to go through.

Get it on sale.
Posted June 30, 2019.
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4.1 hrs on record
I played this game over a free weekend and thoroughly enjoyed it. I would recommend it on sale, as it is quite short. But the PVP and environments are fascinating and intriguing. If you are a fan of fighting games with RPG elements (which is a rare genre, I know) this is definitely worth checking out.

However, the map system can be a bit frustrating, and finding all of the PVE targets to take care of was quite straining on me for a while. Luckily, I was able to recruit a friend to help me find all of the guys I needed to kill.

One thing I would recommend for future development is some type of friendly fire mode for people who are in your co-op cohort. I would constantly be kicked out my co-op group because I would hit my friend too many times when we were trying to fight the same PVE enemy.

Other than that, I say try it, but DEFINITELY get it on a sale.

8 face kicks out of 10.
Posted August 3, 2018.
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2.5 hrs on record
A wonderful, short little game that should definitely make it into your library.

I bought this game on sale, which is what I recommend that you do, as it is so short. It tells a wonderful little story about, well, your uncle. The world is rich, the mechanics are interesting and innovative, and the whole experience is entertaining and fun. I would wholeheartedly recommend this game to anyone looking to kill a couple of hours. (My total playtime clocked in at just over 2 hours - so when I say short, I really mean it).

I give this game a 9/10, and the only point I take off is because the character models were a bit creepy sometimes, especially the frog people. However, I can't bash it too much because I can obviously tell how hard the team worked on this game and because it was so small I know they put love into it.

Overall, an excellent experience!
Posted May 23, 2017.
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0.7 hrs on record
Orion: Prelude is a fantastic game for the price you pay. Do not worry about the fact that there is a DLC that costs 10x as much as the actual game, I never needed it. If you want a cheap game that you and your buddies (quite a few of them actually, if you're socially inclined) can play for a few hours look no further.

The game costs a dollar, if you don't own it already then, well, I'm not sure what you are doing with your life.

I didnt check to see if there is a story, it doesn't really matter really. You have guns, there are dinosaurs, you get money when you use your guns to kill dinosaurs, you use your dinosaur death money to buy bigger guns and upgrades - the formula is tried and true.

This game also is "influenced" by a lot of popular titles. The vehicles and guns look like Halo. The playermodels look like Crisis. You get capes like...minecraft?

TLDR: This game is a dollar, get it because its not ♥♥♥♥ and actually quite a bit of fun.
Posted February 19, 2017.
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6.2 hrs on record
First and foremost, I would recommend this game to anyone who likes science fiction. Bare in mind, however, that when I say science fiction, I mean the totally kooky, unbelievable sci-fi of yesteryear. The story, set pieces, characters, enemies, all of it will put a smile on your face as you shoot, zap, whip, bash, or whatever else you want to do through the game and up the tower.

The Deadly Tower of Monsters is a solid piece. It is your standard 2.5D shooter, but this game is really polished. One of my favorite parts of this game is you can tell how much the team cared when they were making it. There is a large variety of both projectile and melee weapons to become aquianted with, all of them suited to one's own playstyle. The variety is SO different that I guarantee you can find something that suits your taste. I kept getting new weapons but there was a certain foursome of weapons that I would keep going back to throughout the game because of the balance I found between them. The three-character system also works suprisingly well, and I enjoyed each of the characters. The biggest (and pretty much only) complaint I have is the bloody awful checkpoint system. Its a unique system in that it serves both as checkpoints and as teleport locations if you want to go back down and explore the tower a bit. However, either the checkpoints need to happen a bit more often or there needs to be an independent checkpoint system for boss battles. MULTIPLE times I found myself dying pretty far after I had beaten the boss on a platform and being reset at a checkpoint where I had not beaten them yet, which is INCREDIBLY frustrating after it happens a few times.

The story in this game is really quite good. Don't get into this game expecting a narrative and a coherent plot. This game is much more about breaking the fourth wall as much as possible and poking merciless fun at every trope it can find from low budget science fiction to video games. The characters are all solid, but I would highly recommend the robot - as he is by far my favorite. My least favorite would have to be ♥♥♥♥ Starspeed. I'm not sure why that is, I just never really got into playing as that character unless I had to.

The music in this game is absolutely superb. All of the instruments sound clear, but the traditional science fiction soundtrack absolutely kills it. The iconic wail and warble is all there, and often times it sounds like you're watching an old episode of Star Trek. The developers absolutely NAILED the soundtrack.

-Art Direction-
Absolutely fabulous looking game. I can't really rave enough about how unique and interesting this game looks. The classic sci-fi theme is held up throughout - ranging from crocodile-headed flying men (held up by strings no less) to stop motion dinosaurs to a subtle but nice VHS effect on the screen throughout the game.

-Overall Quality-
This game is lovingly put together. All of the pieces work in a way that makes this game a really solid experience to play through. The campaign is not very long at all, but the replayability factor is there. I played through the main game in about 6 hours. However, I have by no means seen and collected everything in the game, and I would recommend you do that if you want the full and complete experience.

In summary, I would highly recommend this game to both someone who is a huge fan of science fiction as well as the average gamer who is looking for a solid all-around 2.5D platformer to play with for a few hours. The campaign does not take very long, but the extra length in the game comes from searching around for collectibles and grabbing achievements. I would recommend this game at full price but I would absolutely INSIST you buy it if it was on sale. Too good to pass up.

Gameplay: 8/10
Visuals: 10/10
Audio: 10/10
Overall: 9/10

SHAMELESS PLUG: Check out other reviews of movies, video games, and a whole bunch of other stuff on my website.
Posted February 13, 2017. Last edited February 19, 2017.
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0.4 hrs on record
I do really like this game, and I think that it has a lot of potential. Unfortunately, its really not much fun because there is almost no playerbase. I often get put into a server with little to no one in it. The developers recently gave away 100k keys and they supposedly were all nabbed up. If you check the steam graph the all-time record for number of people online was 252.

I would recommend this game, because it is a really polished, well-executed game even if it has a few bugs to work out. Its just sad that no one really plays it.

Gameplay: 7/10
Community: 3/10
Overall: 5/10
Posted July 19, 2016.
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3.2 hrs on record
This review is for both Part 1 AND Part 2 of The Watchmen: The End is Nigh. The game spans about 6 hours, so don't let my playtime fool you. For whatever reason, this game is split into two parts with separate steam store pages.


This game is a bit clunky at first, I will admit that. However, the clunkiness does not kill the game, and after a while you get the hang of it it actually becomes quite enjoyable. There have been some criticisms that the game is repetitive. At some points, yes it is. Very much so in fact. However, the story (especially in the first part) is good enough to keep the player wanting to move forward. There are a few glitches to contend with, but nothing game-breaking and nothing that makes it unfair for the player. The combat is fluid and well balanced, and once you learn how to chain together moves and heavy and light attacks it gets very cinematic at some points. The combat system in this game is great for what the game is. It is an arcade-style beat 'em up with comic book-like cinematics in between levels. You should NOT buy this game if you're wanting Batman-style combat, because while you can tell that this is in the same vein as those games, it pales in comparison to the combos and high-flying action of a Batman action sequence.

One feature I quite enjoyed was the constant introduction of gameplay elements through pick-ups. I thought that was a really helpful way for me to keep myself interested and keep fighting through wave after wave of baddie. I wanted that next powerup. Unfortunately, at some points, the pick-ups that seemed to be right in your path suddenly move to something you have to find. At the end game I noticed that I was missing about three or four moves that I could have collected, but nothing in the game told me that I needed to go and look for them. There are also Nite Owl suit batteries and Rorschach cards that you can collect to expand the power-up meter. They're not necessary, and I completed the game without collecting very many of them. If you're a completionist however, good luck, because the level design at times is frustratingly confusing. There were so many parts in the game where I thought that I would find a power-up at the end of this long hallway and theres isn't anything at all. Quite annoying. The second part just gives you all of the moves you missed straight away so you don't have to worry about moving on without your full moveset. They just give it to you eventually.

One thing I thought was odd was the tiny, subtle playstyle differences between Rorschach and Nite Owl. Rorschach is the ONLY one who is capable of picking up weapons and using them against enemies. Nite Owl, for whatever reason, doesn't like to pick up or keep weapons. I think that this makes it more fun, in some ways, to play as Rorschach because theres nothing like smashing a mace across a thugs face. I don't want to give the impression that Nite Owl is useless, however. He has equally awesome moves and I felt satisfied playing as him for the first part. If you're a Nite Owl fan, like I am, you will enjoy this game. If you're a Rorschach fan, you will also enjoy this game.


I personally enjoyed the story of the first part of Watchmen. If you know anything about the Watchmen universe, and how it differs from our own, you will also enjoy the story. I also enjoyed how Rorscach and Nite Owl converse with each other at numerous points along the journey. They bounce hard-to-grasp ideas off of each other, and each of them have their own opinions that they vigorously believe in. I thought that the conversations between the two main heroes definitely help to make the player think about the pretty complicated concepts that Watchmen like to tackle. The second parts story is lacking, and is very much so the weaker of the two.


This game is visually impressive for what it is. The environments are done well, and while there is a lot of reusing of materials in this game its not really botheresome. There are some really neat environments and it is fun to see how those environments change the player. An example of this is if its raining in the level, your character will have tiny little raindrops all over them. The visuals are done well and you can tell that effort was put into them. At no point did I feel disappointed by the visuals or art in this game.

Mentioning art, the art direction in this game is excellent. It stays true to the Watchmen movie and really makes it feel almost like deleted scenes from the film. This made me enjoy it all the more.


Overall this is not the greatest game to ever grace the steam store. However, if you're a Watchmen fan, like I am, you will really enjoy this game. Part 1 is a really solid arcade style beat 'em up and will keep the player entertained throughout. Part 2, however, feels kind of like an afterthought and because of this it really isn't very good compared to part 1. I found myself pushing to get through part 2 just to get it over with. Some people may even be satisfied with JUST buying part 1. You're not missing anything in part 2.

I really enjoy this game and I think that if you can get a deal on it you should try it out too. On sale, this is a great value for your money. At the time of this review, the first part is 5 dollars, and I think that is a fair price for this game. Bundled together with part 2 it jumps the price up to 10 dollars. I wouldn't pay that for the second part. Get it on sale, and binge on some ass-kicking Watchmen action.

Final Score:

Part 1: 7/10

Part 2: 5/10
Posted June 28, 2016. Last edited June 28, 2016.
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17.8 hrs on record
Early Access Review
Even in Alpha, I find Rust to be an extremely fun, unique game. It takes the survival concept, which has been done before, and makes it a entirely differente experience. I think with a little bit of finesse this game could stand alone as a leader in the survival genre. I bought it out of love for Garry's Mod, and I have enjoyed this game profusely. A+
Posted March 11, 2014.
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795.8 hrs on record (576.9 hrs at review time)
Really, really enjoy this game. I would recommend this game in a heartbeat. I love the personal ship aspect of the game. Makes me take pride in being an officer of the United Federation of Planets. I feel attached to my crew, and the adventures we've had. 15/10. Also, being a Trekkie I may be a little biased, but still the best MMORPG I've played.
Posted December 31, 2013.
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