Illinois, United States
if ur gay and there is no on there to see it, are you really gay? #WeDontThrowKittensOffBridges
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Knee Apr 24 @ 6:47pm 
I can't say for certain who the alt farmer is. But what I can say with certainty is those who have such a cynical view of the world, the ones that we see always accusing everyone conspiring against them, all have very similar behavior. I haven't spent very much time on forums (well, not many things other than Steam) but in the time that I have spent, projection is very much one of these characteristics. The ones you mentioned both have similar grammatical syntax, but one seems far more spiteful than the other. The person you mentioned part takes in sarcastic remarks and indirect comments far more than the alt farmer. But I wouldn't trust my judgement 100% on the matter, it could be one person playing two different personalities for all I know.
Mad Scientist Apr 24 @ 9:57am 
It's very interesting how all mm seems to do is go around defending known troublemakers that have literally stated of intending to troll the forums and using multiple accounts to do so. Definitely seems like a team effort to troll the forums, especially since all he does is accuse other people of things merely for bringing up context/publicly stated things by the multi-account troll. I've never seen mm ever engage on the forums in good faith, always defending known troublemakers, rule breaking and generally poor behavior. Lot of projection coming from that one huh? I only know one other person they defended this much, so I think we all know who the multi account troll is now.
Knee Mar 27 @ 8:05pm 
you are too kind, sir
boykisser400 Mar 27 @ 7:53pm 
I beg the Lord to send this youngster some gainful employnment
Knee Mar 26 @ 10:53am 
Dare you step foot into my domain?
Ba᠌ ⁧⁧lmachim Mar 26 @ 9:47am 
-rep Please stop talking on the forums :readguide: Absolute monkey with a keybord :turnerfacepalm: this guy's brain lobes are angled into different directions