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58.4 hrs on record (12.6 hrs at review time)
After some time playing this game, I feel I should air my initial thoughts. These opinions may be subject to change as this game is in Beta and it only came out two days ago. I will re-edit if any severe changes happen to the game.

1. The progression system in this game is terrible (not a surprise considering every multiplayer game has terrible progression now). There are no longer in game levels as there were in the older Halo's. You don't earn XP to level up; you don't earn anything. The way you progress in this game are Battle Pass Challenges. You must do challenges that mandate your playstyle and force you to do boring, "grindy" things such as using a Shade turret to get a kill (which is only on one Big Team Battle Map which I personally have yet to play). I hate how this is the norm in online gaming. it's intrusive and makes the game boring to play. Old helmets and armor sets are now $10 (Recon, ODST, even Master Chief's helmet is $10). If the devs read this. Please get rid of this system. Make up new skins or incentives to buy your Battle Pass, not predatory nostalgia tactics.

2. I know this is in Beta, but there is still such a limited way to play the game. You can't pick and choose what game modes you would like to play, there is no SWAT, no fun party game modes like Zombies, even the Forge mode is delayed, so we're essentially stuck playing Slayer on the same 4 maps for an undetermined duration. I remember video games would release with so much more content and ways to play the game, but it's just not there yet. Again, I know it's in "Beta", but it makes me concerned with the future of this F2P online game that is already demanding money from its player-base just so they can wear Recon again.

3. Weapon balancing is kind of off in this game. I am not a Halo MP connoisseur, but I have casually played each Halo game throughout my 15 years of playing. Shotguns will do a crazy amount of damage from 20 ft while it takes an entire clip just for the standard AR to break armor. It feels... weird? I don't know. This part of the review is based on my experiences and opinions only (no duh), so please humble me and share your wisdom on this behalf. The pistol does feel nice to use, and while some guns are weird in terms of technicality (the DPS stuff you don't pay attention too), they all have their own unique feel, look, sound, etc. Good job in that department.

4. This game is terribly unoptimized. For me, it runs alright on high with a 3900x and 2080 super (I get around 75 fps in a game), but my friend, who has the same GPU, struggles to reach 60 in some matches. Inconsistent performance is a persisting issue for a lot of players that was even occurring since the Tech Tests back in September. They need to have this fixed relatively soon.

5. In terms of sound, graphics, general options. It's fine. I don't like how on controller; you can't turn off aim assist on PC. The option should be there, and it feels restrictive. Aim assist is so strong as well. When I played with my Dualsense, I was literally getting double kills while barely using my right analog stick to track another person. This should be considered regarding the Ranked system this game has, which is crossplay.

6. All in all, the multiplayer portion of Halo Infinite is okay. I fear deeply for the future of its progression system and predatory microtransaction based way of earning items, but I also have the bare minimum of expectations. The game can be fun to play, and frustrating at times when you know you killed someone who took way too many bullets. The spawn system can be poor with players literally spawning behind you after you've killed someone (maybe it's just me on this). I think 343 should reconsider how they want players to approach this game and should constantly ask for player feedback on their respective social media platforms. I would love to play this more, and I plan too, but long-term, I can see myself becoming tired of just "grinding" to play.

Is this a play? Sure. It's free. Just temper your expectations for the future of this game and keep up to date with any news concerning wrongdoing on the devs part. We need to start holding developers accountable for the state of games, doesn't matter who or what, just please stay on top of this if you plan to be an active player.

EDIT 1 (Already editing lol)

I know there are more game modes than Slayer. Capture The Flag, Oddball, that one game mode in Big Team Battle. I was just stating how classic game modes such as SWAT aren't even in the game. I was actually expecting to see it.

EDIT 2 (Greetings once again)

So I played some of the Ranked mode in this game, and it is genuinely a much better experience than quick play, at least for me (these are clearly just my thoughts and don't tie into whether the game is good or bad), but I have a gripe I should air out before I forget.

They need to add a way to cancel games if a teammate(s) leaves before it starts. I have had multiple instances where I would start the game with three or even two players and we'd be sitting there on our phones or doing chores whilst waiting for the game to finish. I know a lot of games nowadays have a meta, mmr, and general ranking system, so it feels imperative for them to add this ASAP, especially to avoid trolling.


They somewhat fixed the progression system. Removing annoying challenges, introducing simple, daily challenges that guarantees xp (50 xp, so I'll let you be the judge of that one).


I've come to the conclusion that the current state of this game is unacceptable. We're living in a time where our past Halo experiences are up for grabs to the one with the most money. I know that it is free to play, but it doesn't make it a good thing. I would much rather take a guaranteed $60 game with a Campaign, Multiplayer, and some COOP gimmick. It was a simple, yet guaranteed way of ensuring a complete package that would define your purchase beyond a week or two. We just aren't in those times. Instead we pay $60 and $70 (if you're on next gen consoles) and get games that are not up to par, or we get games that are free to play and forgettable after two weeks. It sucks. Maybe it's me, maybe it isn't. But I can't allow myself the luxury to enjoy games like this without complaint. Fix the game, 343. Add more content, 343. Don't say you're releasing the full package when more was done with less resources than you were given. Absolutely crazy.
Posted November 17, 2021. Last edited November 27, 2021.
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2 people found this review helpful
14.6 hrs on record (14.6 hrs at review time)
Unfortunately, this game is a martyr with an uncompleted story due to greed and carelessness. It's an obvious buy, but you'd be punishing yourself if you indulge in this delusion of repreive that maybe someday this story will have a proper conclusion, buy at your own risk.
Posted June 24, 2018.
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0.2 hrs on record
I was asked 2 pay 2 join a server
Posted May 31, 2015.
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0.3 hrs on record
I did not find Half Life 3

Maybe next tech demo.
Posted May 31, 2015.
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0.9 hrs on record
i thought i had 2 pay2quit
Posted May 31, 2015.
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35.1 hrs on record (32.5 hrs at review time)
Why wouldn't you buy it? That is the question.
Posted May 24, 2015.
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1 person found this review helpful
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40.6 hrs on record (40.0 hrs at review time)
Baby alien maker simulator

Game is worth every penny
Posted May 23, 2015.
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1.7 hrs on record (1.7 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
Started it up
Chose hardest difficulty
Spawned in a blizzard
Found a dam
Went inside
Used my flare to see
Found a wolf
Thought flare would scare it off
Walked up too it to scare it off
It attacked me
I didn't know how to fight back
I died
I lasted 31 minutes.
10/10 would last 31 minutes again
Posted May 19, 2015.
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1 person found this review helpful
0.2 hrs on record
I was too impatient to learn how to play, so I went into an arcade game and the bot absolutely destroyed me. I didn't even know how to punch, I think it was = or something but you need a lot of patience for this game, something I don't have. So in all regards if you love this genre go ahead but if you can't even play fight night right, then don't bother lol. I got DESTROYEDDDDDDD

10/10 = again
Posted May 15, 2015.
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43.1 hrs on record (23.7 hrs at review time)
Shot a weird mutant in the stomach, and all of his body parts just flew off him like it was nothing. Well

Posted April 30, 2015.
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