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43 people found this review helpful
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12.3 hrs on record (11.3 hrs at review time)
In short for the non-hungarian players: buy this game if you like meaningful and dramatic horror, because it has great atmosphere and many Silent Hill vibes. So if you liked Silent Hill or Resident Evil games and the games like Layers of Fear and Amnesia, this is for you! A little bit flawed here and there, but I really enjoyed it from the mindf*ck beginning to the very sad and cathartic ending.

Szóval akkor magyarul is: ez a játék remekül sikerült, főleg ahhoz képest, hogy ketten fejlesztették. A környezet, a sztori, az atmoszféra pompás, kiváló választás volt a magyar közeg, örültem neki, hogy sok mindenre ráismertem a tipikus hazai kertvárosi miliőből. Lehet, sokan felróják neki azt, hogy nagyon emlékeztet a Silent Hillre, kiváltképp a sorozat második részére, de ezt a Remorse "múzeumi" részlegében nem is tagadják a fejlesztők. :D Ám szerintem a magyar vonatkozás és az elgondolkodtató, remek érzékkel szőtt történet kellőképp egyedivé teszik. A lövöldözős és tárgyhasználós része nyilvánvalóan fapados, avagy kicsit én átgondolatlannak éreztem azt, hogy egyrészt irtó gyorsak a szörnyek, közel sem olyan lomhák, mint a Silent Hill vagy a Resident Evil rusnyaságai, másrészt viszont relatíve kevés a töltény és nagyon, de NAGYON kevés az egészségügyi csomag. Pontosabban aránytalanul lettek elosztva főleg utóbbiak: a játék elején, amikor még könnyű dolgunk van, alig tudjuk berakni a szűkös tárgylistába a HP pakkokat, a játék vége felé viszont, amikor komolyabban lesérülhetünk, akkor meg én konkrétan már nem is találtam sehol eü. csomagokat. Elismerem, én csesztem el az Ágnessel folytatott bossharcot, amit meg lehetett volna csinálni 0 HP elvesztése nélkül, de akkor is csiszolatlannak érzem a Remorse ezen részét. A bossfightok amúgy igen kreatívak lettek, főleg a végső küzdelem, és príma az összes logikai feladvány is. A koronás kifejezetten megizzasztott, rég volt játék, aminél papírt és tollat vettem elő, rajzolgattam, matekoztam. :D Viszont még egy dolog, ami problémás szerintem: a mentés. Mármint jó érzékkel szórták el a fejlesztők a manuális mentési pontokat és szerintem egy túlélőhorrorhoz illik is ez a fajta metódus, a Resident Evilöket is ez a fajta korlátozottság tette az átlagnál nagyobb kihívássá. Csakhogy a RE-kben sűrűn voltak automatikus mentési pontok is, míg a Remorse-ban ha elfejetettem menteni vagy vétettem egy hibát vagy egy logikai feladványhoz már túl fáradt voltam és ki kellett lépnem, akkor a program cseszett menteni, kezdhettem akár 30 perccel korábbról. A végén szerencsére beiktatták az autosave-et, kellett is, mert különben a hajam téptem volna a finálénál, de korábban nem értem, miért nem lehetett ezt bevetni, megkímélt volna engem és a környezetem is pár ízes káromkodástól.

De na, a lényeg, hogy ezt nagyon ajánlom minden horrorrajongónak, és a fejlesztőknek sok sikert kívánok, szerintem összejön nekik, hogy profi fejlesztőkké váljanak, mert a Remorse tükrözi, hogy hatalmas tehetség és lelkesedés lakozik bennük. Ja, és jó szakemberek, kb. tökéletesre csiszolták technikailag a játékot, kihozták, amit ki lehetett hozni az Unreal Engine 4-ből. Nem ez az év legszebb játéka, de stílusos a látványvilága.
Posted April 25, 2022.
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30 people found this review helpful
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15.0 hrs on record
This is obviously a sh*tty game that doesn't even match Postal 2's standards which was buggy and campy as well but was fun. Though Running with Scissors' developers are great trolls because they are trying to show that they intended to troll the world and the 'lame critics' with this piece of sh*t. Ok we can read this 'message' as the satire and parody of modern game industry in which the games regularly come out as half-developed products with serious technical issues (for example Cyberunk 2077 and Battlefied 2042) with a full price and they patch it later (or never). Ok-ok I get it. But there is one 'tiny' problem with this: of course not on a regular AAA game's price but Running with Scissors offers this mess for money. I see the mostly positive reviews and I'm sure that those who bought Postal 4 are trying to smile and laugh and think that they are rebels who now show the world and the critics (especially the 'sh*tty IGN guy') that they support the true and brave developers. Everybody has a right to choose how to spend free time: someone seeks good and fun games others are trying to rebel with playing sh*tty games that labelled as satires and parodies of our pathetic game industry. But I have bad news for you my friends: this is still a very-very-very bad game and Running with Scissors is not so rebellious but a bunch of capitalists because they want money for their disastrous product. They would be true rebels if they offered Postal 4 for free and supported it's 'non-development' (because I think they did not work too much on this game) other way. So I advise the regular gamers not to buy Postal 4 because it is garbage whether intentionally or not. But those who think critics are a**holes and Running with Scissors is a great studio: BUY THIS GAME! Buy this 10 or 100 or 1000 times! Spend all your earning on it! And play only with this! You are welcome! Have fun! You deserve it.
Posted April 20, 2022.
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3 people found this review helpful
42.1 hrs on record (39.0 hrs at review time)
The Surge 2 is a great improvement on the first episode. The free-form gear and upgrade system works fine. You can put anything on your character, there are no restrictions except core power, but that could be upgraded through leveling. The world is much more interesting than The Surge's CREO Complex, though Jericho city is still not as colorful and amazing as the castles and islands of the Dark Souls series. But in case of the combat system Deck 13's game beats FromSoftware's action RPGs because of the spectacular combos and slashing of body parts. I played the game for nearly 40 hours but the hacking and slashing haven't become boring or monotonous. Great work!

Unfortunatelly, Deck 13 has a lot to learn from FromSoft. The technical probelms exist, the game crashed many times. But these are not the main issues. I think the difficulty is not well balanced. Until lvl 25-30, you are so weak you can't even hit the huge robots at Gideon's Rock. And in NG+ you die a lot in the tutorial... But after a certain level and of course with improved weapons and armor, the game gets a little bit too easy even in NG+. I mean Dark Souls, Bloodborne and even Sekiro were well balanced: you were beaten several times, but if you learned your lesson, you could master every levels and after that you met new challenges in case of common enemies and bosses as well. In The Surge 2 bosses are becoming less and less challenging. I died a lot fighting Little Johnny and the Delvers, but I killed the last boss nearly without a scratch. Am I too good or the game gets flatter and flatter until the not too well written endings? I think I am not that good, because I can't beat Sekiro's last bosses after more than 100 deaths... But The Surge 2 last bosses are just simply too weak. Seriously, I found the last common enemies more challenging than the main boss which is amazingly boring.

Furthermore, the blocking system and slow weapons do not work. I dodged every boss and enemy because I could not learn blocking. Ok maybe I am lame.... But I must compare The Surge 2 to Sekiro which's blocking or parrying system is great. Directional blocking is a very good idea, but in a game where most of the enemies are very fast even with the implant that supports blocking this system simply useless and frustrating. That's the case with slow weapons and stamina consuming armors. I am the tank type in these kind of games but in The Surge 2 I created a light armored, fast-paced build to beat the very quick enemies.

In spite of this problems, I recommend this game especially for fans of the first episode. I don't think hardcore Souls-fans could like The Surge 2 because of its unbalanced difficulty, but it is a fine Souls-like game with great visuals and soundtrack, and a fair story which puts you in the right direction so you don't feel you are lost. I think Deck 13 has a great opportunity to reach the quality of FromSoftware's games. I hope The Surge 3 will be as amazing as the DS trilogy.
Posted September 27, 2019.
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9.5 hrs on record
Come on, guys! Don't review bomb the older Metro games, nor the Exodus because of the publisher's unfair decision. I think these are excellent games, and 4A Games is a fine team as well. They don't deserve the hate you gave to them. It would be more reasonable to boycot Epic Games Store. So don't buy the game on PC until 14th February 2020. I won't. But I think it is unwise to give negative scores to this game or Metro 2033.
Posted February 1, 2019.
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1 person found this review helpful
30.5 hrs on record
Great stealth game from a greater decade of gaming. Compared to Hitman 2 the hyped Assassin's Creed series casual mobile games which should be laughed if they called assassin simulator games. :D No, Hitman 2 remained true to its roots and it is very clever and challenging. I made 2 full walkthroughs with very different approaches but I only used guns to shoot cameras. I don't think any of the recent triple A titles would dare to prefer accidents and non-lethal, slow-paced action. And the levels are amazing. Ok Assassin's Creed games were not bad in this area, but the cities in Ubisoft's games are empty compared to the living and interactive places of Hitman 2. My favorite levels are Miami and Mumbai - such crowded and complex cities and I can't fully explore them, though I played for 5-6 hours on each.

The only weakness of Hitman 2 is its story and stroytelling. The main plot itself is very similar to Hollywood's action-thrillers' therefore it is very easy to find out the plot twists. And the comic-like cinematics are the examples of laziness of the developers in this are. Or at least it seems laziness because of their low quality. Morover I felt that the cinematics and the levels / missions are not in touch. I killedd a druglord, a race driver, a scientist, a cultist etc. but every time I asked: why really? The last island was the closest one to the story. Lastly, the campaing is too short, though replayability is Hitman 2's strongest part.

But Hitman 2 has so many features (Elusive Target missions, Contracts, Sniper Assassin and Ghost Mode) I don't really care about the weak main plot. I could be 47 again and I am very motivated by the challenges and could replay the great levels forever.
Posted November 20, 2018.
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4 people found this review helpful
6.8 hrs on record (6.0 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
This game would not be bad at all. It has some interesting, however not so fresh and innovative ideas. It feels like a reskinned PUBG, but no problem, I love wuxia films, far eastern culture and meele combat, much better than generic machine guns and cars in PUBG or the cartoonish overhyped Fortnite. But when I played The Swordsmen X as a European I felt that this game is not aimed at me. It is rather aimed at the Chinese audinece only, which loved and loves PUBG as well. I mean ok, there are English subtitles and American servers, but usually I cannot connect to it Lag and connection errors are usual experiences for me. Ok, this is what could change in the future because it is only Early Access.

But it is far more problematic that the swordplay chaotic and mostly based on luck rather than skills of the player. Moreover the optimization is very poor, and if you are a beginner there aren't any opportunities to practice the not-so-balanced swordfighting. So every fight is frustrating this way, especially in the late part of the game when only professionals are alive in the safe zone. The camera view is bad too, that makes the battles even more frustrating.

So I wanted to like this game, beacuse the battle royale and the wuxia are interesting genres, but at its current stat, I cannot recommend this game anyone outside of China.
Posted September 7, 2018.
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3.5 hrs on record (1.7 hrs at review time)
Good, melancholic and heartwarming short tale about a broken family of a depressed loser father and a young superhero wannabe boy. It seems simple, but it is mystical and exciting because of the allusions to the Life is Strange saga. Although the twist at the end is predictable because we all know that a LiS game is as much fantasy as drama.
Posted June 26, 2018.
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8 people found this review helpful
13.1 hrs on record
This game has great potential, because we don't have much giant monster-slaying game on PC. However, The Monster Hunter series and the Shadow of the Colossus exist and they represent a high standard for the future products of the genre. In Extinction, the monster-slaying is the best part of the game, though it cannot compete with Monster Hunter World. But it is fun and epic to destroy the armor of the Ravenii then cut off their legs, run up to their heads and behead them. And the harder armor types and pieces (especially the nightmarish bone armor) make the game more challenging and a little bit more colorful.

The main problem is that the monster slaying is not just the best part of Extinction but the only good part of the game. If you play chapter 1, you will see every mission in the game. And there are 6 more chapters... Ok, the 4 or 5 types of levels get harder and harder when you advance forward. But the only thing the developers achieve this way that Extinction becomes frustrating not entertaining. It is true that the late game levels are very challenging but not in a positive sense. Literally you should fight in different places at the same time. If you don't save citizens, the game will be over, because the Jackalls and giant bats wipe them out. If you don't kill Ravenii, they will destroy the city or the two last towers and the game will be over. Therefore Extinction ceases to be a game. It transforms into a nightmare and rage quits become very common.

The story is ok, but very predictable. Though the animations are fine and there are cathartic moments during the plot. The characters are so-so, however Xandra is annoying. Xandra will get on your nerves because she just gives orders and panics during the mission, and even bully you if you mess things up. Therefore it is not enough that the game is frustrating, Xandra's neurotic and sarcastic sentences raise the stakes and make you kick your monitor and keyboard like the angry german kid.

I think the control mapping not so good as well. I have an Xbox controller and I tried the game with it but I failed. With keyboard and mouse it is much easier, however I missed several jumps this way too, but I think it were not my faults, but the developers because the movement of the character and the jumping and wall-running system are frustrating.

Besides the campaign you can play skirmish, daily challanges and a last man standing mode, Extinction. I think they are very poor options to continue the game - a good and real multiplayer function is missing so bad. So if you play and replay the campaign missions (because you have to farm to develop your skills - which by the way are mostly useless), you can beat Extinction in 8-10 hours. And then what? The mentined other game modes become boring after 1-2 hours.

Therefore I don't recommend this game. Moreover I don't even recommend you to buy it during a Steam sale. If it is free, it will worth the try but if you want a good giant-slaying game for PC, wait for Monster Hunter World and buy that for 60 euro, not this game.
Posted April 19, 2018.
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7.5 hrs on record
I rather recommend this game, however its storyline has several flaws. In general, I personally prefer games with a strong interactivity and several features and freedom supported by an interesting story instead of softwares with a linear gameplay supported by fair adventures elements.

In this case I am convinced because The Detail has a great atmosphere and strong visuals with a very interesting protagonist, Reggie a burnt-out cop. Though the quality of the episodes is unstable. Episode 1 is a great start and it makes you want episode 2 instantly. But the beginning of episode 2 is not staisfying and it is the same issue with episode 3. Nevertheless, I think episode 3 is much stronger than the second part (as I saw everybody blamed ep 3 as the weakest part of The Detail) because of its amazing and dark showdown and ending (cliffhanger).

Moreover the 'gameplay' in this game does not really exist. Ok, this kind of genre is not about complex level design, freedom or instant action. But I think if it had called an adventure game it would have been better to expose much more interaction and challange. Instead, The Detail gives few chances to modify the main story and its 'investigation' parts are fur casual players. But even casual gamers will laugh at the primitive 'puzzles' proposed by The Detail.

Though the visuals, the characters, the atmosphere and in total the story are good in this game. Therefore I would recommend this title if you do not really want to play, but read and click for a well-written crime drama.
Posted May 14, 2016. Last edited May 14, 2016.
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11.3 hrs on record
Remake - but why? As I know the original game was not a huge hit as well, but this Origins pulls out the few elements that made Adam's Venture a little bit above the avarage mass of games.

First, the story is full of clichés, it steals from Indiana Jones to Tomb Raider. But in reality, this title is just a counterpart of a B movie of the weaker kind.

The gameplay is boring as well. It makes you repeat lot of similar puzzles which are interesting in the first two hours but lose its sense in the remaining parts of the game.

Furthermore, Adam's Venture: Origins has several gameplay elements which are rather mistakes than new features. Take the most annoying part, the hook and the climbing. It'll make you very angry when you can't reach a height after 2-3 minutes long swinging. And it is funny that if you lower the quality, you can do the swinging immediately. This is so 90s. But the first Tomb Raider in 1996 performed much better in this feature too. And I swear Lara Croft's motion and acrobatic skills were much more professional back then than Adam's in 2016.

Therefore I think you should not buy this game. It is a waste of time and especially a waste of money. If you want to play an adventure / platformer / puzzle game, the Tomb Raider series are still your best choice.
Posted April 20, 2016.
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